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View Full Version : Need assistance

09-03-2002, 08:49 PM
Hey guys, just got back from ridin my EX, and wanted to ask you a question. On the engine in the front, where the fins are at, there seems to be some residue, looks like oil to me. I checked for leaks, absolutely none. The bike runs superb. Its right on the side of the motor, right up front where the fins come together. Looks like oil, but I dont know why that would be. Also on the engine itself, looks like paint line cracks. What the heck? I dont think I had that on my 99' 400EX. Can anyone help on what I should do, if anything? Is it normal?


09-03-2002, 09:02 PM
can ya get a pic?

09-09-2002, 08:13 AM
Sounds like either your head gasket or valve pan gasket are leaking. The heat of the engine burns off most of it and that is why it doesn't look like a leak. Get us a good pic and we'll help ya out.

09-09-2002, 08:32 AM
since its a 03 it could just be residue on there from some unknown trick oil they use on it:confused:

09-09-2002, 10:00 AM
Hey guys, ill try to get a pic within the next few days. The trick is, I dont seem to be losing any oil, and the bike runs superb. Where I see the oil, its not possible for a leak, there's nothing there for it to exit from! If you look on the motor, and right on the side of the engine, the furthest you can get towards the front of the bike. Those little tiny openings on the fins, thats where its at. I dont see how oil could get there.

09-09-2002, 10:04 AM
It may be running there from somewhere else that you cannot see....who knows. post a pic and hopefully we will be able to help you.