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View Full Version : paul turner hpp maximum overdrive cylinder

10-05-2006, 05:20 PM
Can anyone tell me anything about it? When I called Duncan Racing they told me that if I wanted to run it I needed to send it to them and let them send me a setup for it.

It came with a 89 I just bought. The previous owner stated it came off of a harescramble/enduro pro race bike. It came with a base plate and a fresh bore. the piston looks like a yamaha yz 250 .050 At Duncan Racing they acted like it should have had some kind of cool head with it, but it has a factory looking head. I also had to talk to several people there before anyone new what it was. Each voice sounded a like more mature than the next, If you know what I mean. The guy that seemed to know what it was stated that it was used on pro race bikes and that they won a lot of races with it. He stated that in it's original form it was a 265cc.

If I put it together can I use a compression tester to see what kind of compression it has? What should I look for when I put it together? What kind of carb would I need to support it?

10-05-2006, 06:06 PM
I would use a 38 a/s or 39 pwk on it. Those cylinders used to use stock yz250 pistons, 3mm spacer plate and kinda like a cast head, not always with a replaceable dome. My 310pv's don't have replaceable domes, one is anlged like a stock head to make it easy to fit it into a atc frame.