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10-05-2006, 08:04 AM
I watched this movie last night and I really have no clue what the hell went on in it. Dont get me wrong, I was probably the only person who liked it but I just didnt understand it.

Can anyone tell me what was the deal with the husband and the wife and kid? Were they ghosts or what happened?

And what exactly was the deal with Silent Hill and that Allesa girl?

10-05-2006, 09:34 AM
from what i remember,

that alessa girl had so much bad stuff happen to her, she turned evil, and the good part of her was reborn into the little girl, who was adopted by the blonde lady and her husband,

she had dreams about silent hill and was drawn to it, and at silent hill,

the evil girl was causing all of the demons that were haunting the town.

i need to watch it again it was confuseing.

10-05-2006, 10:11 AM
If you have played the games then the movie is much easier to understand. The plot is a combination of the video game plots from the first two games. The town of Silent Hill is a kind of pergatory between heaven and hell. There's an ongoing arguement online about whether or not the mother and daughter are dead or trapped in the pergatory of Silent Hill. The sequal should clear things up or confuse us even more.

Japanese horror is much different than the silly "man with a machete and hockey mask" junk we have in the U.S.. Silent Hill is a prime example of Japanese horror that doesn't translate very easily into something Americans can understand. The games go very deep into personal inner psychological trauma. Think of it as being in the mind of an insane person with Silent Hill and the monsters being created by that person's subconscious thoughts. Crazy huh?!!! :eek2:

10-05-2006, 10:31 AM
thats some DEEP stuff right there!! i'v never had the urge to go see that movie

i wanna see texas chainsaw massacre: the beggining though!!:eek:

10-05-2006, 12:58 PM
That helps a little bit. Now, Im going to watch the movie again with that information to see if it helps. I was up till 3 in the morning last night trying to figure it out haha. It was one of those things that just rattled me.

10-05-2006, 02:01 PM
As you watch the movie, keep in mind it's a combined plot from the games and that confuses the story line. Basically, look at it as if the characters are running around in Allyssa's (the burned girl) nightmare. Her mind conjured up the monsters based on things that happened in her life like the nurses, janitor, etc. The movie purposely leaves things vague and open to interpretation just like the games.

In one of the games, you play a man who thinks his dead wife is trying to contact him. His wife was supposed to have died a few years earlier. He gets a letter from her and goes to Silent Hill to look for her in the hotel where they spent their honeymoon. At the end of the game you find out that he had actually killed is wife out of pity over a serious medical condition she had. He had killed her about two weeks earlier and basically gone insane and the character you play in the game is the man as he sees himself in his own mind. Basically, the mind of a person who has suffered sever mental trauma. Everything in the game including the monsters are derived from his delirium. Really freaky and really creepy to play! I'm betting the sequal will use that plot line and we'll find out the father in the movie had something to do with the disappearance of his wife and daughter!

10-05-2006, 02:44 PM
I really liked the games, but also found the movie very confusing, but swampfox really hit the game/movie on the head. good job:)
I'm looking forward to a sequal, and hope it has to do with the husband.

10-05-2006, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by swampfoxsc
As you watch the movie, keep in mind it's a combined plot from the games and that confuses the story line. Basically, look at it as if the characters are running around in Allyssa's (the burned girl) nightmare. Her mind conjured up the monsters based on things that happened in her life like the nurses, janitor, etc. The movie purposely leaves things vague and open to interpretation just like the games.

In one of the games, you play a man who thinks his dead wife is trying to contact him. His wife was supposed to have died a few years earlier. He gets a letter from her and goes to Silent Hill to look for her in the hotel where they spent their honeymoon. At the end of the game you find out that he had actually killed is wife out of pity over a serious medical condition she had. He had killed her about two weeks earlier and basically gone insane and the character you play in the game is the man as he sees himself in his own mind. Basically, the mind of a person who has suffered sever mental trauma. Everything in the game including the monsters are derived from his delirium. Really freaky and really creepy to play! I'm betting the sequal will use that plot line and we'll find out the father in the movie had something to do with the disappearance of his wife and daughter!

I was just watching that movie the other night, and even after I saw it in theathers I never got what was goin on at the ending. That cleared things up pretty good. When are they comming out with the sequal, I will deffinatly go see that.

10-15-2006, 11:32 PM
Definately resurrecting a dead thread here, no pun.

I was reading through this thread last week and decide to rent the movie expecting to be confused as hell, again no pun intended.

So, being a complete stranger to the silent hill video games, I kept an analytical point of view. It wasn't until the very end of the movie that it all made sense.

My understanding is, the mother, daughter, and cop all died in the crash. Explaining why when the father and the male cop were in Silent Hill, they couldn't find his wife. Even when it was over, battling the "darkness", I kept wondering why it was still all foggy/ashy. That is when it dawned on me. "They're dead!"

Allessa was out for revenge against the people of silent hill. Using the mother and the daughter as a way to get into the church.

Nonetheless, a very good movie. Can't wait for the sequal.

10-16-2006, 03:32 PM
The first Silent Hill on ps1 is an all time great. The atmosphere was pretty wicked....

10-19-2006, 10:58 AM
Well MAaudioX10 im gonna have to ressurect this thread again. I just rented the movie on direct ticket, and wow. It is kinda hard to understand but before I rented it I came on this thread and read what swampfoxsc had to say, it made it alot easier to understand. Im not gonna lie this was a freaky movie and reminded me alot of the game with all the clues and stuff and the way the world changes when the darkness comes. The soundtrack fits the atmosphere of this movie perfectly. Its a good one to watch with a hot little dish cause she will definetely be grabbin your arm (hopefully grabbin other stuff to) I wont spoil it for the peeps that havnt seen it yet, even though its kinda old if you have played the game you have to see the movie. The guy with the metal shard and the beetles... Wow!

10-19-2006, 11:15 AM
tht movie is confusing as hell... the barb wire is mest up thats all i have to say

10-19-2006, 11:32 AM
Yea the janitor was messed up! BUT the metal shard guy almost made me shard my pants....

10-19-2006, 02:03 PM
hell yeah awesome movie. guys you need to play the silent hill video game, this movie is made after them you know.

10-19-2006, 02:27 PM
You mean the Silent Hill game? Ive beat the 1st one but it was a long long time ago like when it first came out. After watching the movie it made me wish I still had my ps1 so I could play it lol.

10-19-2006, 02:48 PM
I NEVER watch horror movies, but something about that movie made me rent it a few weeks ago...I LOVED IT!! Very good movie - excellent effects, excellent story.......now i"m going to rent the video games and play them.....lol!!! :)

I hope they make another one!!!

As far as the endinge......I figured that the mom and girl were trapped still in the nightmare.....that they were still in the "between" world of Silent Hill in the end.....and I think it had something to with the evil girl coming up the ladder during the end and stooping down like she was going to embrace the little girl....same way she did the mother in order to get into the church. I think the evil girl got into the good girl, and now - because she's in that girl....they can't get out of her world.......

That's my theory - makes for a good story for a sequel, too.....

10-19-2006, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by 700bRad
You mean the Silent Hill game? Ive beat the 1st one but it was a long long time ago like when it first came out. After watching the movie it made me wish I still had my ps1 so I could play it lol.

yeah , i fixed it. i forgot to type game lol . i was thinking the same thing i wish i still had my ps2. i have silent hill 4 the room for pc though, great game. but as far as the movie its nothing like it.

10-23-2006, 01:28 PM
The Silent Hill 4 game was originally developed as another game and during production was converted to be a Silent Hill game. If you've played the other 3 then you'll see 4 is definately different and doesn't exactly follow the Silent Hill world quite as well.

10-23-2006, 04:55 PM
i have no clue wat u do on the game. i just beet monster things w/ a 2*4