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View Full Version : boycott quad banning tracks

10-04-2006, 02:37 PM

That's right. The owners of the mill creek track, the first stop of the 2007 ATVA GNC MX circuit have made the decision to boycott quads from their track! BUT...they have still decided to host the national. Come on people, I know it sounds foolish, but we have to put our foot down here. I don't know about you but I'm sick and tired of taking the backseat to the bikes, and being treated so unfairly. Dig deep and realize why we all ride, don't give these Idiots any of your money, it's not worth it.:mad:

10-04-2006, 02:40 PM
That sucks!!!

But who can blame them?

10-04-2006, 02:51 PM
Screw 'em.

Ban my quad, don't expect to get ANY of my money.

10-04-2006, 02:54 PM
To bad you cant make it so nobody shows up to race....lol thatd sure teach them *******s ! :scary:

10-04-2006, 02:55 PM
Thats BS. My local track started to shove quads away. We used to all ride on the big track, but now the quads ride on the mini track on steroids. But I kinda like riding without bikes on the track and only quads....Nobody to ***** about berms and stuff.

But back on topic, thats not a smart move when your holding an ATV national.

10-04-2006, 03:11 PM
I dropped a little note into that thread.

And for the record, its the dirt bikers that rut up OUR tracks, and screw up OUR berms. They screw up OUR jump faces and then they act like they own the world.


10-04-2006, 03:15 PM
It's going to be hard to boycott a track that you can't ride on in the first place... :rolleyes:

It will only spawn quad only tracks in the future. That's fine. The tracks need to be made differently to make the racing good for both bikes and quads.

Look at the bright side - you may have quad only tracks in the future to look forward to...

10-04-2006, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by sandmanblue
It's going to be hard to boycott a track that you can't ride on in the first place... :rolleyes:

It will only spawn quad only tracks in the future. That's fine. The tracks need to be made differently to make the racing good for both bikes and quads.

Look at the bright side - you may have quad only tracks in the future to look forward to...

What he is saying is boycott the ATVA National. It'll force the ATVA to pull the event from Mill Creek.

But hopefully you are right - more quad only tracks.

Quad MX is getting bigger by the day.

They'll want our $$$ eventually.

10-04-2006, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by garandman
I dropped a little note into that thread.

Myself and all the other quad riders from this area apprciate your concern. Keep checking back on that thread, it looks like it's gonna get ugly.

Also, check this post, (http://sequads.com/forums/thread/7065.aspx) and this post, (http://www.yfzcentral.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=57977) and this post. (http://www.********.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8398) This was like a slap in the face to me. I don't think it's exactly a coincidence that this decision wasn't made until AFTER the GNC schedule was released.

10-04-2006, 05:30 PM
im gonna have to shoot somebody now. i guess im kinda glad you posted this because i was going saturday. ****in A man. its just getting worse around here in alabama. thats the third track i've heard of in the past few days that has banned us.

10-04-2006, 06:00 PM
Well, Chandler Mountain didn't "ban" us. They just pulled out of our series. We are still allowed to practice there and the owner just posted on our local forum and said "I NEVER said we would not have another quad race at Chandler. I said that the SEQUADS would have to rent the track and put the event on themselves. This keeps us from having to basically pay to have a quad race. We LOST money with only 38 entries and we just cant afford to do that again. I will even open the track on a certain Saturday a month for a QUAD ONLY practice if I get enough of you guys interested. "

10-04-2006, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by gtilley45
Myself and all the other quad riders from this area apprciate your concern. Keep checking back on that thread, it looks like it's gonna get ugly.

Also, check this post, (http://sequads.com/forums/thread/7065.aspx) and this post, (http://www.yfzcentral.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=57977) and this post. (http://www.********.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8398) This was like a slap in the face to me. I don't think it's exactly a coincidence that this decision wasn't made until AFTER the GNC schedule was released.

Glad to do whatever I can.

I understand its a business they are running, and often there aren't enuf quad riders to gate to make it cost effective to run quads.

Why can't they just come out and say that ? I could accept that. But they put on this dog and pony show, and just blow people off.

And then when people express their dislike, they claim they are being "threatened."

They need to get a life.

Five years from now, I predict quad racing will be as big as MX was a few years ago. Manufacturers are already developing full on race machines, and factories are supporting race teams.

And when that day comes, I WILL remember places like Mill Creek who decided we weren't even good enuf to use their track during practice.

Screw 'em.

10-04-2006, 08:04 PM
yeah grant i read that about chandler. guess i'll be going there saturday. oh and this is elkaZ........hah dont ask about the name just typed in some jibberish so i could post.

10-04-2006, 08:50 PM
If everyone wants to make your viewpoints known, the best way to do that is to protest to your local Honda/Yamaha/Suzuki dealer! These shops support these tracks and knowing that quads outsell bikes by more than a 4:1 margin, go to your local dealer and let them know you are not happy about these tracks shutting quads out. These dealers have alot of influence over these tracks, don't think they don't.

10-04-2006, 11:52 PM
I real dirt bike rider dosen't need a berm. I have talked to some old school bike racers and they say everyone now a days are wimps. They didn't have berms and they crappy shocks back in the day. He said a real dirt bike rider can lay it down without the berms.

Our tracks do this at practice.
15 Mins entervals

Kids bikes/kid quads
Begginer - vet bikes
Pro Bikes
Quads A B C

Now if there arnt many quads then they go Quads/begginer bikes

10-05-2006, 05:00 AM
Originally posted by garandman
What he is saying is boycott the ATVA National. It'll force the ATVA to pull the event from Mill Creek.

But hopefully you are right - more quad only tracks.

Quad MX is getting bigger by the day.

They'll want our $$$ eventually.

Don't worry...the ATVA ain't gonna survive much longer with ESPN's WPSA tour giving riders what they need and DESERVE....tv time, air time, great purses, variety, it supports it's riders....the ATVA....well, Dougs greedy, they waited until the WPSA released they're schedule then the ATVA released they'res so now they have weekend where both series are running the same weekend, the ATVA gets us tracks that NEVER meet the rquirements, atleast give us the track width has to be atleast 20 feet wide rule damm it!!!!! I've been to places where it's as little as 12 feet wide!!!

Now Yoshimura is sponsoring the WPSA tour...who's team Suzuki gonna be dedicated to???? There's another thread on another site that 100's upon 100's of riders are giving up they're ATVA cards (me included). I forsee the WPSA upping the ante even more to go ahead and sink Doug's GNC series like the Titanic. If you have been to a GNC and never been to a WPSA event....you'll know the difference between what seems like amatuer (GNC) event, and a truly professional organiztion is (WPSA). All i can say is ....to hell with Mill Creek, bring back Mt. Morris

10-05-2006, 05:39 AM
Originally posted by Kyle_TQRA
If everyone wants to make your viewpoints known, the best way to do that is to protest to your local Honda/Yamaha/Suzuki dealer! These shops support these tracks and knowing that quads outsell bikes by more than a 4:1 margin, go to your local dealer and let them know you are not happy about these tracks shutting quads out. These dealers have alot of influence over these tracks, don't think they don't.

The majority of quads sold are utility quads that will never see a track.

Dirtbikes far outsell race quads.

For NOW anyway.

I predict a time coming when that won't be the case.