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View Full Version : 450R Carb Check list...

10-02-2006, 02:37 PM
I know all the info is in in the sticky above, but i was just wanting to see if all that info could be sumed up here. I Purchased an 05 carb for $101 on ebay... so.. that's where i am now. This is what i think i need to do!????

1. Get a 450r throttle cable.
2. Remove enough material from the intake and air filter hose for the carb to fit snuggly.
3. Cut or mod the choke lever to fit as it should.
4. Tape up all the electricals from the tps. (they're not needed)
5. Install Carb.
6. Begin the jetting process.
Is this the jist of it? Or is there something else that i'm missing. will my 416ex run at all w/ the stock jetting? I have an open air box and a white bros pipe.

10-02-2006, 03:07 PM
You have to plug the hot start hole too.