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10-01-2006, 04:48 PM
alright on my skateboard when i ollie i get the front up but i cant get the back up and when i try to slide my foot forward the board goes forward too. any sugestions?

Ruby Soho
10-01-2006, 04:53 PM
when you kick the tail down slide your foot up, and then tghe foot you kicked with pick up as high as you possibly can

10-01-2006, 04:59 PM
snap the tail, and kick forward. practice practice practice. first couple of times when you kick the boards gonna shoot out from under you. but just keep practicing.

MX MaNiAc 06
10-01-2006, 06:22 PM
Bend ur knees. U kinda have to commit to an ollie. If u dont plan on leaving the ground u wont. When the tail hits the ground jump!

10-01-2006, 06:22 PM
i learned em in grass first, just in case you fall it doesnt hurt as bad as cement, asphalt ect.

just gotta practice

10-01-2006, 07:50 PM
Actually if you practice in little pebbles it works the best. The board wont shoot out from under you, and its like practicing on concrete so when your ready you can.

10-01-2006, 11:31 PM
It helps to understand the mechanics behind an ollie, and what you are actually doing.

If you stand behind your skateboard, and you stomp on the tail, what happens? The skateboard goes flying, doesn't it? But while it's flying, it's also flipping end over end backwards.

So, if you kick the tail down hard enough, the skateboard will get itself off the ground. Your FRONT foot is there to stabilize it and keep it from flipping end over end.

The reason you can't get your back end up is because your foot is planted on it. It can't get off the ground unless YOU get off the ground.

Imagine jumping on one foot, the same foot that is on your tail. What do you do? Let's say it's your right foot. First you lift your left knee, then bend your right leg, and jump, right? When you ollie, it is going to be similar, but not exact. Instead of lifting your left knee first and then jumping on your right leg, you are going to do it all at the same time. You jump on your right leg at the same time you are lifting your left knee. But the real key is the JUMP. Your board cannot get off the ground if you don't.

10-02-2006, 07:59 AM
it's all about the practice man.... that's all i can say