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View Full Version : 42 hrs and a smokin 400!!!

09-02-2002, 08:33 PM
My 400 smokes at cold startup and then quits 30 secs to a min after and then runs strong like it used to. Its prolly the rings being cold and npt sealing and when they warm up they seal and all is good. what are your thought on this? Should i run cry dealer for new rings? its still under warantee.

09-02-2002, 08:55 PM
That could be simply that the rings are not sealing until the engine is warmed up, or it could be worn valve seals. Since it is under warranty, bring it in. You gotta keep those mechanics busy you know. :D On a more serious note, mine has done that since the day I owned it, and even after I rebuilt the top end and bored it. It would smoke a tiny bit if I revved it high when it was cold and I first started it. If I let it idle for a bit and let the rings seal everything up, it wouldn't do it. Since I have switched to Amsoil, the smoking has stopped completely. Something to think about.

09-02-2002, 10:23 PM
are you using syntich oil (sp) if so thats your problem you need to use regual oil for the first few oil changes so your rings can brake in proper

09-03-2002, 09:32 AM
I have juet used honda GN4 oil so far. They changed the oil at the 1st service and i've changed it once since then. It it running a little rich cause the spark plug is black. I have a jet kit and installed it the way the directions say to. I guess i need to play around with the pilot screw??? It went in for service today.