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View Full Version : Are gears expensive to replace??

09-26-2006, 08:12 PM
Looking at a used yz426 motor. 3th and 5th gears are skipping. He says the dogs are skipping??? I was told it's only taking off the case side and needing a flywheel puller. Nothing special.Is it expensive to buy these and put them in?


09-26-2006, 08:37 PM
I have done them in a yfz motor. if its the same then its not to bad. you will need shift forks, 3rd and 5th drive and driven gears. gasket kit.

if its the same as the quad motor (yfz) then you dont need to take the flywheel off, you can sneek the counter balance by it just fine.

expect to pay 250$ on parts. and who knows what eltse is bad in there for them gears to be skipping. The whole tranny is linked together. once one thing wears then the whole thing goes bad.

but then again, it could be just a bent shift fork, 3rd and 5th use the same fork.