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View Full Version : Get well soon Jesse

09-22-2006, 07:45 PM
I just found out about a member here, Ridin Jesse, that was hit with an illness and was in a coma for the past five days. We all wish him a fast and safe recovery and hope to see him back at BPG soon.

Gods Speed
Cody, Pappy and the rest of the gang!

09-22-2006, 07:49 PM
Whoa?!? A coma from an illness? That's serious, the only thing I know of that will do something like that is a blood infection.

Any details?

And of course, best wishes on a speedy and full recovery.

09-22-2006, 07:50 PM
Ya I found out about this the other day from my bro. He said that they just found out that he was diabetic, and his blood sugar was super high.

Get well, get well soon we want you to get well. (name that show)

09-22-2006, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Nick110
Ya I found out about this the other day from my bro. He said that they just found out that he was diabetic, and his blood sugar was super high.

Get well, get well soon we want you to get well. (name that show)

im diabetic. you go into an coma if your BS is to LOW not high

mine has been around 600 and it makes you throw up alot and you feel really bad and you pee ALOT and drink alot because your dehydrated

LOW ive been 18 and its the worst thing in the world i woke up got dressed put my shirt on backwards and ate everything i could find and you really dont know what your doing

09-22-2006, 08:04 PM
Woah, I just saw him at Challenger, and just talked to him about going to High Point this past weekend, and he said no but he was gonna go to Roaring Knob...that had to have happened like the day he said that...weird...

get well soon bro

09-22-2006, 08:14 PM
I wish ya a Speedy and safe recovery Jesse

cool 300ex
09-22-2006, 08:57 PM
I am preatty sure he's home now. I didn't know he was in a coma i thought they just found out he was a Diabete.

09-22-2006, 09:21 PM
I think its when your BS is to low!!!

I also wish him a speedy recovery.

09-22-2006, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by trx400exxracer
I wish ya a Speedy and safe recovery Jesse

09-22-2006, 09:58 PM
i wish ridin jesse a speedy recovery. it sure it scary with all the teenagers getting hurt/sick/ill lately.

take it easy man and feel better

09-22-2006, 10:20 PM
get well soon jesse

09-22-2006, 11:34 PM
im pretty sure he said he was in a coma, seeing as how i was the one he told. he said his blood sugar was up around 980 i beleive. im sure he will see this post and chime in on all the details.

get well buddy, u still owe me a ride on that ltr!!;)

Tommy 17
09-22-2006, 11:46 PM
yeah hes a diabetic now... hes alright i talked to him the other night....

hes a tuff kid he'll be ok!

Ridin' Jesse
09-23-2006, 08:41 AM
Whoa wait...I wasn't in a coma...I went into the hospital friday with a blood sugar of 933...It was high enough to put me in a coma/send me into convulsions they said, but I was lucky enough to not get to that point because I got to the hospital in time...I was diagnosed wtih diabetes, but it wasn't that serious, and im out of the hospital now.

09-23-2006, 09:02 AM
Glad to see your on the road to getting better. Also glad to see there was no coma involved, that info was sent to me so i apologise for it being incorrect.

Now, suck downa candy bar and lets go riding:D

09-23-2006, 09:04 AM
hey jesse, i have been diabetic for 18 years and if you have any questions or anything feel free to ask away.

Ridin' Jesse
09-23-2006, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by honda400ex68b
hey jesse, i have been diabetic for 18 years and if you have any questions or anything feel free to ask away.

Thanks alot man.:D

09-23-2006, 01:21 PM
great to hear your at least ok man, this is still bad news though, get yourself together and get back on that quad man:devil:

09-23-2006, 01:29 PM
Good to hear you're okay. A diabetic coma is serious business, but if you've never had a problem before now, then it sounds like your overall condition isn't too serious.

Some people require constant monitoring and daily insulin injections. Sounds like you won't need to go through that, just make sure you eat at proper intervals and you'll be fine.

09-23-2006, 02:00 PM
try this link and read about diabetes
http://www.diabetesnet.com/diabetes_types/diabetes_type_1.php and this link also to explain the various type's of diabetes

http://www.diabetesnet.com/diabetes_information/diabetes_types.php anybody under 40 years old has type 1 and requires insulin and a regular diet, that is why jesse's sugar was over 900, no insulin at all, pancreas quit working. i have been on the pump for almost 4 years and do just about everything i want.

09-23-2006, 02:31 PM
ahh he's Jesse he'll pull thru the pecker head allways does.. :devil:

Hope all is well buddy :)

Ridin' Jesse
09-23-2006, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Good to hear you're okay. A diabetic coma is serious business, but if you've never had a problem before now, then it sounds like your overall condition isn't too serious.

Some people require constant monitoring and daily insulin injections. Sounds like you won't need to go through that, just make sure you eat at proper intervals and you'll be fine.

I have to moniter my diet and do 2x a day mixed insulin shots

Originally posted by honda400ex68b
try this link and read about diabetes
http://www.diabetesnet.com/diabetes_types/diabetes_type_1.php and this link also to explain the various type's of diabetes

http://www.diabetesnet.com/diabetes_information/diabetes_types.php anybody under 40 years old has type 1 and requires insulin and a regular diet, that is why jesse's sugar was over 900, no insulin at all, pancreas quit working. i have been on the pump for almost 4 years and do just about everything i want.

Yeah I am type 1.

09-23-2006, 10:44 PM
man, i hope the best for you

09-24-2006, 07:07 AM
I'm glad to hear your OK.
Hopefully, I'll see you at BPG for Octoberfest!
Stay well.

cool 300ex
09-24-2006, 09:27 AM
Glad your ok man...

09-24-2006, 12:17 PM
glad you're doing better jesse! are you going to be racing anytime soon? i'd like to come see you before the year is over, or before you're pro. haha. take it easy man.

09-24-2006, 12:30 PM
add one more to the 4(i think) that are diabetic on here

including me

09-24-2006, 01:01 PM
hey jesse good to hear your levels are a lot lower now.. i know how you feel i found out in march i had diabetes..getting used to the diet everyday sucks, but you gotta do it.. i hear an insulin pump is the way to go...if you have the $$$... after insurance my part was $1200.(still saving) as for racing i load my camelback up with 30 oz of gatorade and the rest water so i dont drop during a race.

09-24-2006, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by MO-EX-RIDER
hey jesse good to hear your levels are a lot lower now.. i know how you feel i found out in march i had diabetes..getting used to the diet everyday sucks, but you gotta do it.. i hear an insulin pump is the way to go...if you have the $$$... after insurance my part was $1200.(still saving) as for racing i load my camelback up with 30 oz of gatorade and the rest water so i dont drop during a race.

yea i have a pump WAY better

mine is an Animas IR1250

ive been diabetic for 3 years

09-24-2006, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Kickstarts_Suck
yea i have a pump WAY better

mine is an Animas IR1250

ive been diabetic for 3 years

i have the IR1250 pump too. have you had any trouble with it yet? i am on my 6th pump since last march. the pump is the way to go if you can get one. been on pump for over 4 years now. i eat just about anything i want and eat when i want. what insulin are you guys on? i am on humalog. works real good.

09-24-2006, 02:34 PM
I am 42 years young and i have had duabetys for 39 years i have been in the hospital seveal times it is a bad *** thing to have.In 1992 i was on my way to Lorretta Lynns and i sneezed 3 times in a row after that i could not see out my right eye it started to work again after a hour or two so i continued my way to the nationals.It got a little better but really through off my depyh perception. I duck taped my right eye closed raced that weekend and headed home.After 10 surgerys on my left eye and three on my right i was blind in my left eye and had 30% vision on my right it got a little better now and i can still ride but no longer race.

My daughter now races and loves it i feel like i am on the quad with her every lap She says she races for herself but i know she races for me as well.
Watch for Danielle Womens A class in 2007 at all the nationals.
Take care Jesse and dont give up