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09-12-2006, 08:13 PM
Is there such thing as a pill or some sort of medicine that will help me remember stuff. I seriously must have the worst memory ever for a 17 year old. Its moastly short term that I cant remember.

Like lets say a phone #, if you tell me it and I keep saying it over and over trying not to forget it. Then I start I conversation with you about fast motor parts or somthing, and talke for a cupple minutes. THeres no way in heck that I could remember that phone # you told me to remember 3 minutes ago.

Or seriously when my parents tell me to take out the trash, NO joke. whne Im done doing somthing, mabie event 3 minutes later. I forget all about taking the trash out.

It can event be somthing fun, other day I went all the way to the hardware store. I was getting chains to chain the bumpers on my race car. I stoped at the store on the way, went back to the shop. Cupple hours later I sudenly remembered I still needed chain for my damn bumpers. The store had closed already....

Sorry for the long post, but this whole memory thing is starting to get to me. I thot I had heard of a pill that you could take, on an tv comertial or somthing, I cant remember the name of it tho, ( go figure).

09-12-2006, 08:19 PM
I have the same problem...
Just say I'm at school
My teachers will be teaching us something and I know how to do it that day... I go back the next day and I have NO clue what were doing:scary:

09-12-2006, 08:22 PM
thats because you where sleeping throu class.:blah:

09-12-2006, 08:33 PM
try it


09-12-2006, 08:36 PM
I think there may be an OTC called Focus Factor, not sure if it works or not.

Do have other things on your mind, that may be distracting your attention?

09-12-2006, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by sly400ex
I think there may be an OTC called Focus Factor, not sure if it works or not.

Do have other things on your mind, that may be distracting your attention?

well ya, at work Im thinking about quads, cars and anything inbetween. when im working on cars or quads Im thinking about work..

yep, it was def focus factor.

09-12-2006, 09:58 PM
Yea its in your bed room the bed get some rest that works for me. Ha

09-13-2006, 12:42 AM

09-13-2006, 07:31 AM
I have A.D.D. (I'm not the hyperactive version).

One thing that affects concentration and short term memory is Nurtasweet. Stay away from diet sodas or anyhting with nutrasweet in it.

Eat healthy, stay away from nutrasweet, and get more sleep. It will do wonders for your concentration.

I've been tempted to try focus factor.. but I'd forget to take the pills.. lol.

09-13-2006, 07:55 AM
Stop smoking pot all day and you will be fine. :p

09-13-2006, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by MR.BIG
Start smoking pot all day and you will be fine. :p

09-13-2006, 09:56 AM
I would never take a pill of the tv with the line "it's free, it must be good." You could lose more than your memory....

Ginko Biloba, no caffeine and eat lots of fish. Mainly, you are going to have to start writing stuff down, not taking notes everywhere, just write it down. The process from head to hands burns it in your memory, it is a great study trick.

09-13-2006, 10:02 AM
There is a pill but I cant remeber the name :huh

09-13-2006, 07:59 PM
I like the notebook idear. just write stuff doun. I would have to train my self to look at the notebook tho.

no pot for me regardles.

I dont think I have a.d.d. I have been tested for it many times. I have no issues concentrating on somthing for however long I need to. just cant remember stuf.

09-13-2006, 08:13 PM
Very simple soultion. Take 2 caffine pills.

Make sure you swollow them, because i crushed one up before because i wanted to make it look like cocain in front of everyone, and what a rush.

there gerenrally 200 mg each pill, so 2 pills will equal 4 cups of coffee. And dont start moving up to three until you know how it would be.

You will be more awar of everything, and 10x's more concentraded.

09-13-2006, 08:40 PM
Hey why were on the subject can you get a PILL for better riding skills with out practice and know arm pump???? if so im in