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View Full Version : trx90 kick starter ?

09-10-2006, 12:16 PM
I was wondering if anyone knows if you can put a kick starter on a pre 06 trx 90. I would like my son to move up to a trx90 with a 125 kit for it but he is only 60lbs and I am not sure if he could pull start the quad with all the compression. We are going to look at a national honda 90 with a 125 in a few days but I was just wondeing if that is possible. I thought that there was on at Ballance moto x park for the nationals.

Any help would be appreciated and if anyone knows who to contact let me know.

09-10-2006, 04:35 PM
Contact Scott Cain at SCAIN_1@CHARTER.NET he can help you with this.