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View Full Version : Leo is the man!

08-30-2002, 04:01 AM
I would just like to say thanks to Leo. He helped me figure out a problem that Sparks and a few local shops couldn't. It was something fairly simple to someone who knew what to look for, but I was overlooking. There is a little pin and spring in the head that activates the compression release on your cam. Well, the pin was there, but the spring was gone. I never removed them, so my shop that ported it must have lost them and then just stuck another pin in there without the spring. I never thought to check for the spring and wasn't for sure what that thing even did. But now I am up and running. Thanks.

08-30-2002, 05:21 AM
your welcome



08-30-2002, 07:55 AM
What is compression release on your cam? And how come some people like take it off?

08-30-2002, 11:41 AM
With most new cams, there is no way to make the compression release work again. It is on the cam and it releases cranking pressure to make starting easier. Ours is automatic, many 4-stroke bikes out there have a manual compression release on the bars.

08-30-2002, 11:49 AM
I think your sphincter muscle works the same way.