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View Full Version : 250r 330 Or 350 Non Pv Cylinder

09-09-2006, 04:42 PM
Hey I have a 310 powervalve cylinder by esr and I wanna trade or buy a 330 or 350 non powervalve cylinder. It runs real great, 55-60hp, only has 5-6 trips on it and on its first bore. runs great, just thinkin about buildin more of a hillshooter 250r. power comes on so smooth on this thing too. just as most of you guys know, there's just a little more potential with the non powervalve motors as far as hillshooting wise. like I said it runs great and NOTHING wrong with it. blows away the 450's and alot of shee's.

09-10-2006, 09:46 AM
pm box cleaned out... sorry didnt relize it was full if you tried to pm me.