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Milky Way
09-07-2006, 10:20 PM
I'm in the 9th grade and I go to a school were you only go a couple hours a day and when you graduate 12th grade you only get a GED.

Well with that being said...
What is the differences between a G.E.D. and a high school diploma?

Can I get a decent job that pays good while not doing a lot of hard work with a GED?

I always wanted to be a video game designer or a graphic designer or something in those line of things.

Could I get one of those jobs with a GED?
Or could I get in a decent college with a GED?


09-07-2006, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Milky Way
I'm in the 9th grade and I go to a school were you only go a couple hours a day and when you graduate 12th grade you only get a GED.

Well with that being said...
What is the differences between a G.E.D. and a high school diploma?

Can I get a decent job that pays good while not doing a lot of hard work with a GED?

I always wanted to be a video game designer or a graphic designer or something in those line of things.

Could I get one of those jobs with a GED?
Or could I get in a decent college with a GED?


It's going to be a little harder to get a good job with a GED, but it's better than no diploma at all. More than half the time, the employer will pick the person with the high school diploma. I'm sure you can find a easy enough job with a GED. You'll have to search for awhile, but it's do-able. You could get into a junior college, then you'd have to work your way up from there.

09-07-2006, 10:44 PM
lucky, noone flames you:rolleyes:

09-07-2006, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Kickstarts_Suck
lucky, noone flames you:rolleyes:

He's STILL in school. :rolleyes:

09-07-2006, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by Milky Way
I'm in the 9th grade and I go to a school were you only go a couple hours a day and when you graduate 12th grade you only get a GED.

Well with that being said...
What is the differences between a G.E.D. and a high school diploma?

Can I get a decent job that pays good while not doing a lot of hard work with a GED?

I always wanted to be a video game designer or a graphic designer or something in those line of things.

Could I get one of those jobs with a GED?
Or could I get in a decent college with a GED?


Ok, let me see if I understand you correctly. You currently attend a school where you do as little work possible. Instead of challenging yourself and, becoming a productive member of society, you just want to inch through life doing the bare minimum.

Kid, you better get use to minimum wage.

09-07-2006, 11:33 PM
why dont you try going to a regular high school that gives you a diploma? sounds like the school isnt a good one if they can not even offer regular hours and a diploma

09-08-2006, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Milky Way
I'm in the 9th grade and I go to a school were you only go a couple hours a day and when you graduate 12th grade you only get a GED.

Well with that being said...
What is the differences between a G.E.D. and a high school diploma?

Can I get a decent job that pays good while not doing a lot of hard work with a GED?

I always wanted to be a video game designer or a graphic designer or something in those line of things.

Could I get one of those jobs with a GED?
Or could I get in a decent college with a GED?


A good job with GED? LOL! Your lucky if you get a good job with a high school diploma. Man your going to need a college education to make in the world today.
Like MAaudioX10 said -
Kid, you better get use to minimum wage.
What you get in life working for minimum wage -- You find yourself looking for every hand out you can get.If your lucky you may end up on housing in the projects. Trying to tell you you will never make it on minimum wage.

09-08-2006, 12:34 AM
Like others have posted, it will be a little harder getting certain positions and jobs with a GED. But DO NOT let anyone tell you that colledge is the only way to a good job. Many large companies and corporations are looking for young and eager people to fill a variety of positions all with diff. skill/schooling levels. Prooving yourself as a good worker and having a good rep. goes a LONG way. Many comapnies provide schooling/training along with offering seminars and other enrollments in programs. I use myself as an example. At the time i had graduated, i hadnt even thought about college. Didnt really have the extra money for it, and even though my family would have no problem funding me through it, i wouldnt accept that, i feel everyone should work for what they have as an adult. I had worked for a John Deere dealership for a couple years already from a helper, shop tech, certified master tech in many areas, parts dept, sales, and finally manager of what is now the largerst Deere corp. on the east coast. At the young age of 24 making VERY good money. All with having a company that saw something in me, for all of my schooling and training i have now, i paid nothing at all. I am no longer with the company, as i have started my own business. I am not saying that every company is willing to do the same for all employee's, but many will for a good motivated employee. Moral of the story, if a GED is all you are able to achieve, find a job that you show an interest too, and be a positive motivated worker with a good attitude, if goes a long way:D

Thank you

09-08-2006, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by Milky Way

I always wanted to be a video game designer or a graphic designer or something in those line of things.

I work in the computer field and I can guarantee that you won't get a job designing, creating, or testing games without a college degree. Do you know how much math goes into programming a 2 dimensional game, much less the 3D games of today? A high school math will never get you to a point in which you can design/create a game.

Stay in school until you can do the job you want to. Trust me, it is worth more than any amount of money to do what you love to do for work.

09-08-2006, 06:32 AM
I dont see this a sa "life ending" decision, but it can affect the rest of your life. It sounds like you want an easy way out and there is not one. If you want to succeed you have to work hard, and digging a ditch is no easier then 16 hours at a desk.

The only thing I disagree with is that you DO NOT need a degree on the wall to make a decent living, however it is almost mandatory in the computer field. You can work regular jobs and take classes to help continue your education but it takes along time and can be hard to do without good pay.

The middle class in this country is starving for good hard working people with common sense, I'd hire a person with good horse sense over someone with a wall full of degrees that is dumb as a box of rocks anyday.

09-08-2006, 07:06 AM
just go to a community college and get your highschool diploma.. they offer that here.. whats the point in sitting in a highschool for 7 hours a day and taking 4 years to graduate when you can go to a community college and bust *** for a year and be done with your hs diploma..

09-08-2006, 07:08 AM
Don't make the same mistake that so many young people make by just trying to skate by in life,Make yourself a desired property with the help of your mom and dad if you have them there to help you,What I mean by that is go to school learn what companies need then build yourself to not just meet there requirements but surpass them so when they see you and talk to you they will recognize something better than all those before you,No it won't be easy,you Will have to work harder than 4 hours a day to do it but get as much help from family and friends as you can. It's up to you, work hard but work smart.get involved in your community,get involved in your church (as long as it's not a cult)meet people than can guide you in your and future.Just my 2 cents

09-08-2006, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by jrspawn
Like others have posted, it will be a little harder getting certain positions and jobs with a GED. But DO NOT let anyone tell you that colledge is the only way to a good job. Many large companies and corporations are looking for young and eager people to fill a variety of positions all with diff. skill/schooling levels. Prooving yourself as a good worker and having a good rep. goes a LONG way. Many comapnies provide schooling/training along with offering seminars and other enrollments in programs. I use myself as an example. At the time i had graduated, i hadnt even thought about college. Didnt really have the extra money for it, and even though my family would have no problem funding me through it, i wouldnt accept that, i feel everyone should work for what they have as an adult. I had worked for a John Deere dealership for a couple years already from a helper, shop tech, certified master tech in many areas, parts dept, sales, and finally manager of what is now the largerst Deere corp. on the east coast. At the young age of 24 making VERY good money. All with having a company that saw something in me, for all of my schooling and training i have now, i paid nothing at all. I am no longer with the company, as i have started my own business. I am not saying that every company is willing to do the same for all employee's, but many will for a good motivated employee. Moral of the story, if a GED is all you are able to achieve, find a job that you show an interest too, and be a positive motivated worker with a good attitude, if goes a long way:D

Thank you

Absolutely true......but the key is you really have to have the desire to want more, so you cannot slack off in any respect. I started at a company when I was 19, with only a diploma (I'll admit, I struggled to even get that!), I got my foot in the door, started taking advantage of their benefits, and within a few years I was making 4X what I had began at.

But you really should try to get your diploma!;)

09-08-2006, 07:56 AM
if you get a GED try to go to a two year technical school and learn programming...i know a few people that are software (not game) programmers that did that and they are doing alright (actually they know more than me and have a full time job, unlike me a senior in college still trying to get an internship). Their plans include finishing up the last 2 years of college and maybe more if they can, only problem is they will be working full time while going to school so it will take an extra 4 years insted of 2 more. they had a little bit of trouble finding a job at first but they are building experience now and are pretty dedicated so they dont have much trouble moving to a slightly better job. just keep yourself applied no matter your degree...high school diplomas and college isnt for everyone but it helps with the $$...good luck bro you can get what you want in life if you dont give up.

09-08-2006, 08:07 AM
It's hard for anybody to get a good job where it pays good and you don't have to do a lot of hard work. Either in college or at the job, pay is usually a direct result of how hard you work. i realize their are always exceptions, but as a general rule, if you want to get paid then expect to put in the hard work.

09-08-2006, 09:17 AM

Good pay requires hard work, inginuity, intelligence, and contacts.
Anyone who says that a CEO of a company doesn't have a hard job is misinformed.. or jsut ignorant. You couldn't pay me enough to take that job.. lol.

With a GED, you'll want to get a Bachelor's degree.. or the very minimum an Associates depending on what field you're going into.

Game designer.. honestly requires you to "know people" and a Bachelors or Masters degree. The game designer world is a good old boy club.. you absolutley have to have contacts to get those jobs. I know plenty of these guys, but I don't have the skeels so I'm an engineer. ;)

Anything is possible with enough enginuity and elbow grease.

O know people with master degrees that are sacking groceries. I also know people with GED's that own their own business and live in a 500k house. That is not the norm though.

If you want odds in your favor.. get the bachelors.

You can definatly get into a good college with a GED. Work hard, get good grades and score semi-high on your ACT/SAT and you're set. Scolarships are easy to come by.

Home schooling and private schools are very popular now days. You'll be jsut fine with a GED, as long as you can back it up with good ratings, and high scores.

But, with anyhting else.. you need to put in the time and effort. If not someone else will.. and who do you think will get the job/scolarship?

Life is a competition.. start training for the race.

Milky Way
09-08-2006, 09:40 AM
Thanks guys you helped me out a lot...

Even if I don't make to collage my dad owns his own business and I can always work for him thought...

09-08-2006, 10:57 AM
Hi Milky Way, Just a little life story. I quit high school in my Jr. year, started pumping gas at minimum wage for 6 months god thing I still lived home! Then I decided to go into the Navy, now school wasn't my thing but boot camp was 3 months of school. While in they set me up to get my GED, after the Navy I bummed around for a while doing odd jobs then again I was living at home. Till the goverment told me about the G.I. program they had with different companys so I got my a-- in gear and went to a few intervews I got the job with a utiliy called Con. Edison in New York. And again thogh out my 35 years with the company I had many years of schooling. That again I think that was the easy years. Made a nice peice of change along the way. I'm now retired for two years. Today is a lot harder for young people the way I see it, I've seen a person with two years of college go for a job and he gets to push a broom. You're best bet is work hard and "keep your head to the grind stone" Good Luck

09-08-2006, 11:09 AM
Even having a college degree, it can still be challenging to get into a "good job"!

09-08-2006, 11:43 AM
I messed up and ended up just getting a GED.If you can stay in school do it.I got lucky and found a career that I can make 100,000 a year but i got LUCKY.

EX lvr
09-08-2006, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Milky Way

Can I get a decent job that pays good while not doing a lot of hard work with a GED?


no, even people that seem to have easy high paying jobs have to work hard to get where their at. if you ever want anyting in life, you have to work hard for it

09-08-2006, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
I dont see this a sa "life ending" decision, but it can affect the rest of your life. It sounds like you want an easy way out and there is not one. If you want to succeed you have to work hard, and digging a ditch is no easier then 16 hours at a desk.

The only thing I disagree with is that you DO NOT need a degree on the wall to make a decent living, however it is almost mandatory in the computer field. You can work regular jobs and take classes to help continue your education but it takes along time and can be hard to do without good pay.

The middle class in this country is starving for good hard working people with common sense, I'd hire a person with good horse sense over someone with a wall full of degrees that is dumb as a box of rocks anyday.

I agree, but not everyone does. Im going to college for mechanical engineering but im not so sure i will be going into the field. Ive always had a feeling id end up working my way up naturaly and being succesfull like that, but i feel alot more comfortable having a college degree to fall back on. My Goal is to incorporate ATV's, Mechanical Engineering, and German(1st Language) all into one. This could be something such as working for KTM which is based in Austria (Very Close to germany and the languages are quite similar and something i think i could handle
). Or, for instance KTM and Polaris since it is an American(English) and a Austrian company. I feel it would make my a pretty good canidate for a starting engineer.

Now, i highly doubt something like this will work out like planned. You never know what could change by then but there are more options like working with companys such as Mercedes, BMW, VW, Porshe (All German Auto Manufacturers) and whatever else will come into play by the time im ready to enter the real world.

Im also hoping to get some kind of a buisness degree, maybe right after college.

But until then, WHO KNOWS!

09-08-2006, 03:29 PM
It all boils down to where you are aiming to go in life, the computer industry like pappy said, schooling is a must, there is so much to it now days that just learning it yourself doesnt really work anymore. But Vo-tech style schools for mech. or tech. training sometimes can be a total waste to certain people. Having had gone through many of them myself and realizing that in my class/group, 75% of the others had no idea what they were doing, kinda one of those things where they didnt pay for it, and liked tinkering on things, thought going to the school would make them a technition, it doesnt. To others that can get something out of it, you might pick up a thing or two. In the tech. line of work, in all areas, you can tell who have the honest hands on tech. skills. I had way too many friends go to high dollar tech. schools for everything from building hot rods, painting, and basis skills thinking they were gonna come out and make 50,000 plus right away. Well sad to say most of them are still rotating tires and chainging oil because out of all honesty, they arent meant for the line of work they are in. I can tell you though that the hands on line of work, employers are looking for young, motivated, and good hard workers, someone they can build a future out of, not somebody with a paper on the wall like pappy said. And you can make very good money at it without a degree in anything, no matter what anyone says, i can tell you that from my expierence, most of the time you can make alot more than the average joe out of college that still doesnt know what they want to do, and is behind over 4 years.



09-08-2006, 03:30 PM
Best job in the world for someone who doesn't want to do much work....UPS. You'll need someone you know working there to get on, but you'll start out as packaging. Then you'll get more money as you move up and someday you MIGHT be a driver making the big bucks.

09-08-2006, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by MrMan
Best job in the world for someone who doesn't want to do much work....UPS. You'll need someone you know working there to get on, but you'll start out as packaging. Then you'll get more money as you move up and someday you MIGHT be a driver making the big bucks.

My roomates dad works for ups and has for a long time and he hates it. They are constantly trying to make it less comfortable for him so they can hire cheap new young guys,,,

Altough on the other Hand, UPS drivers do gain seniority and after a long time all they gotta do is drive the express packages from the hub to the airport which is real easy.

And in another scenario, another friends dad worked for UPS his whole life and slowly moved up the latter and he now owns a house atleast 1.5 million in NJ and another one on the shore in LBI that has to be like 3 Million.

09-08-2006, 06:11 PM
Just remeber when i pull up, i want a number 3 with a large coke!;)

09-08-2006, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
The only thing I disagree with is that you DO NOT need a degree on the wall to make a decent living, however it is almost mandatory in the computer field. You can work regular jobs and take classes to help continue your education but it takes along time and can be hard to do without good pay.

The middle class in this country is starving for good hard working people with common sense, I'd hire a person with good horse sense over someone with a wall full of degrees that is dumb as a box of rocks anyday.

I couldn't agree more.

I've met university graduates who work at McDonalds, walmart, and driving truck. Alot has to do with determination, and the infamous "it's not what you know, it's who you know." I've met hard working people time and time again that have had a dream to become something all their life, and never achieved it. This applies to the university/college graduates, too.

Just because you got a piece of paper saying you got this, this, and this doesn't mean crap. There's some univ./college folks who are dumber than a bag of hammers!

09-08-2006, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
The middle class in this country is starving for good hard working people with common sense, I'd hire a person with good horse sense over someone with a wall full of degrees that is dumb as a box of rocks anyday.
I may be looking for a new job soon..... :scary:

Milky Way
09-08-2006, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by the_440_kid
Just remeber when i pull up, i want a number 3 with a large coke!;) What kind of remark is that? If your trying to say I'm going to be someone that makes 5 bucks an hour... well your wrong... I make 100 bucks a day (8 hours) working for my dad and I'm 15... And my pay is steadily going up...

I don't have to have any kind of degree... I can quit school right now and still have a good paying job:ermm:
I'm just trying to have a back up job incast my job working for my dad doesnt go to well...

Their is always Food Stamps:D

09-08-2006, 08:46 PM
i would atleast go to a vocational school, i go to a voc school, try hard (its nice because i have a week of classes then shop), i barely passes 1-8th grade, once i hit nineth i realized that school is acually extremely important if i want to be to paid well,i get all B's now in college prep classes, i dont see myself giving up either,after that i plan on going to a 2 year college possibly 4 year if its possible, if not i plan on going to the 2 year and then switching into a 4 year fopr bisnuess(sp), in between that i will also get my plumbing lisence (my dad owns a company/thats what i go for in voc school) and hopefully take over my dads company or take up something with quads, no matter what i do with my college education however, i will always have a plumbing lisence to fall back on, im by no means a nerd, i like school no more than the next kid, but you have to do it, to do well in life you have to excell in school, when i get my report card its just a huge sigh of relieve to be doing good, and i want that same sigh of happiness at the end of every week once i get out of school:cool: and ill have a bunch of quads:devil:

09-08-2006, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Milky Way
What kind of remark is that? If your trying to say I'm going to be someone that makes 5 bucks an hour... well your wrong... I make 100 bucks a day (8 hours) working for my dad and I'm 15... And my pay is steadily going up...

I don't have to have any kind of degree... I can quit school right now and still have a good paying job:ermm:
I'm just trying to have a back up job incast my job working for my dad doesnt go to well...

Their is always Food Stamps:D

if you have common sense, determination, and a desire...
chances are you will do well, REGARDLESS of whether you have a degree or what have you. Don't let them tell you your a write-off with a GED, cause that's entirely false.

09-09-2006, 06:08 AM
One question...

You consider this to be a "Life ending decisions!!! " as you state in the title of this thread... so you do know the importance of a good education. Why would you not try to do the best you can and get the best education you can get????

09-09-2006, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by Milky Way

Their is always Food Stamps:D

Yea, live off of our hard earned dollar that we give to uncle sam every pay check. :rolleyes:

10-08-2006, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Milky Way
I'm in the 9th grade and I go to a school were you only go a couple hours a day and when you graduate 12th grade you only get a GED.

Well with that being said...
What is the differences between a G.E.D. and a high school diploma?

Can I get a decent job that pays good while not doing a lot of hard work with a GED?

I always wanted to be a video game designer or a graphic designer or something in those line of things.

Could I get one of those jobs with a GED?
Or could I get in a decent college with a GED?


really poor choice of a title for this thread............in 9th grade you probably wont make any life ending, or life changing choices. At least, we hope.

10-08-2006, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by 4punksdad
really poor choice of a title for this thread............in 9th grade you probably wont make any life ending, or life changing choices. At least, we hope.

I agree, but quitting school in 9th grade can be a life changing event... no question about that!

10-08-2006, 06:57 PM
You quit school because you couldn't handle the stress? Hows life treating you? I wish I could have the stress of school back, that was a breeze compared to the real world.

10-08-2006, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Kickstarts_Suck
you dont know my life

dont wanna be a dick, but no matter how bad ur life is. The stress of trying to support yourself without school is way less than the stress of supporting urself with education.

I guess ud have to go into more detail but in just about any case the stress of keeping a roof over ur head is worse then doing your homework.

10-08-2006, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Kickstarts_Suck
i still get my deploma

Yea, must be a good sckoool. :rolleyes:

10-08-2006, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
Yea, must be a good sckoool. :rolleyes:


sorry mr.perfect

last time i had a spelling class was like 6th grade

10-11-2006, 11:17 AM
Do not jump!

10-11-2006, 11:23 AM
Im in school 13 hours a week and i get my deploma *.when im in my 20s.*

10-11-2006, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Kickstarts_Suck

i quit school too and im glad i did becasue i couldnt handle any more stress

Right on:cool: .

I should be in 11th grade and i need 23 credits still. Since i need to stay in school till im in my 20s im just droping out on my 18th B-day. My school will kick me out too if i dont get 2 credits a semester and im not going to be having 2 i know that.:macho :blah:

10-11-2006, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by slow
Right on:cool: .

I should be in 11th grade and i need 23 credits still. Since i need to stay in school till im in my 20s im just droping out on my 18th B-day. My school will kick me out too if i dont get 2 credits a semester and im not going to be having 2 i know that.:macho :blah:

Im proud of you.