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View Full Version : MHSC at Tebbets

Martin Blair
09-06-2006, 09:03 AM
I would post this in the MHSC forum, but it obviously does not get enough viewers.

I was just wondering who all is going? Im heading out friday night and camping, this is my first time back in the missouri series in nearly 2 years.

09-06-2006, 02:57 PM
Ill be there. Cant wait. been racing alot since the last race.:D

09-06-2006, 05:18 PM
ill be there...in the back!!!

09-06-2006, 06:05 PM
I will be there coming into town after my football game in Holden friday night dont know if im staying at the track or at the hotel GF will decide that one:D

09-06-2006, 07:58 PM
Ill be there.. Hows the track suppost to be?

09-06-2006, 08:21 PM
There are more Missouri Racers on here than you think. There is post with 6 pages about the Tebbet races going on right now. I think the turn out will be low. Seems like a lot of people have things going on. I know my group for the most part will not be there and we ussually have about 5-10 racers and I have heard of several others who can not make it. The track it AWESOME!!! By far my fav track it has a bit of everything...creeks, feilds, rocks, tight sections, fast sections ect.... Good Luck Guys, Josh W.

09-06-2006, 08:39 PM
zach better be there:macho I'll be there with the rest of shrum racing:blah: and yeah I bet half of the missouri guys dont even know theres an open forum:p I'm surprised half of them have computers:devil:

09-06-2006, 08:48 PM
Zacks racing and so is Mitch I belive......Mitch just got a really really good job that will most likely pay for the rest of his college and pay him a heafty salary so he should be racing all of next year.....He was up there pretty good in A before he decided to sit out this year. You should have B wraped up though...what class are you doing next year? I sure wish I would have started earlier....I wanted a few real fast years...but right now I have to much responsibility and cant risk the injuries.....maybe if I get an office job I can ride hard and dumb again:D ...See you at the Hillbillies....I am only racing one or two but I will most likely race A class....Have not decided yet though.

Do I sound like I was rambleing a little lol? I am just trying to hurry so I can get to bed....Good luck this weekend. Later, Josh

By the way Zack has not rode his quad since the last race so he is screwed:p