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09-03-2006, 10:29 PM

wonder if thats real?

09-03-2006, 10:36 PM
Aw man he was pretty cool, someone find out if its true :(

ah I guess it is true


09-03-2006, 10:49 PM
boy,that sucks.

Crazy Diamond
09-03-2006, 10:50 PM

Tragic, Sad Day! Followed him for years. At least he went quick and doing what he loved to do!!!

09-03-2006, 11:02 PM
"Irwin had received some negative publicity in recent years. In January 2004, he stunned onlookers at his Australia Zoo reptile park by carrying his 1-year-old son into a crocodile pen during a wildlife show."

it was a girl:rolleyes:

thats to bad he had a young girl :ermm:

09-03-2006, 11:38 PM
oh god! are you kidding me? this guy was my hero when i was younger! i would watch his show all day long!

its really a shame! he did some great things to save wildlife, and he also had a caring family... im sad to hear hes gone

09-03-2006, 11:45 PM
On the news they are saying thats what they are hearing. Does that mean its not confirmed?

Man I cant believe this.. That dude was awesome

RIP if this is true:(

09-03-2006, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by Kickstarts_Suck
"Irwin had received some negative publicity in recent years. In January 2004, he stunned onlookers at his Australia Zoo reptile park by carrying his 1-year-old son into a crocodile pen during a wildlife show."

it was a girl:rolleyes:

thats to bad he had a young girl :ermm:

No, it was his son. His daughter would have been about 6 at the time.

09-04-2006, 12:11 AM
Man out off all the things he's tangled with, the sting ray is the one to get him. I didn't think they could kill you, just hurt like hell.

09-04-2006, 12:24 AM
yea its true and it sux i used to watch his show all the time bout 3 years ago he was working on a wildlife movie er suthing like that whgen he got killed by a stingray

whod a thunk it:ermm:

Grant Casey
09-04-2006, 12:54 AM
yeah I'm pretty sure its is comfiemend he is dead he got a sting ray tale thing into his heart. he was filming a docamenerty

09-04-2006, 06:09 AM
Man my kids are bumming, they loved that guy and thought he was funny. Sounds like he got stung by a Stingray right in the chest into his heart.:(

09-04-2006, 06:12 AM
I just read the article on google news. :( :(

09-04-2006, 06:16 AM
I just merged the two threads about this.

09-04-2006, 06:18 AM
yeah its true i was watching the news and they said he died from a stringray, i guess he got poision injected into his heart.

09-04-2006, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by Kickstarts_Suck
"Irwin had received some negative publicity in recent years. In January 2004, he stunned onlookers at his Australia Zoo reptile park by carrying his 1-year-old son into a crocodile pen during a wildlife show."

it was a girl:rolleyes:

thats to bad he had a young girl :ermm:

He had TWO young kids.

Working with his American-born wife Terri, and later, children his Bindi and Bob, the Irwin phenomenon continued to grow.

09-04-2006, 06:38 AM
this story has been all over the news on television here.

09-04-2006, 06:52 AM
Wow man... that sucks. :( RIP.

09-04-2006, 06:55 AM
WOW!!! That really sucks!!! He did a lot of good things for animals. He will be missed.

I found this on CNN...

'Crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin dead
POSTED: 7:56 a.m. EDT, September 4, 2006
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SYDNEY, Australia (CNN) -- Steve Irwin, the TV presenter known as the "Crocodile Hunter," has died after being stung by a stingray in a marine accident off Australia's north coast.

Media reports say Irwin was diving in waters off Port Douglas, north of Cairns, when the incident happened on Monday morning.

Irwin, 44 was killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest, according to Cairns police sources. Irwin was filming an underwater documentary at the time.

Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality Monday morning off Port Douglas, according to Australian media. (Watch scenes of Irwin, known for his his enthusiasm and support for conservation -- 2:49)

Queensland Police Services also confirmed Irwin's death and said his family had been notified. Irwin was director of the Australian Zoo in Queensland.

He is survived by his American-born wife Terri and their two children, Bindi Sue, born 1998, and Robert (Bob), born December 2003.

"The world has lost a great wildlife icon, a passionate conservationist and one of the proudest dads on the planet," his friend and producer John Stainton told reporters in Cairns, according to The Associated Press. "He died doing what he loved best and left this world in a happy and peaceful state of mind. He would have said, 'Crocs Rule!' "

Australia Prime Minister John Howard said he was "shocked and distressed at Steve Irwin's sudden, untimely and freakish death," according to the AP.

Irwin became a popular figure on Australian and international television through Irwin's close handling of wildlife, most notably the capture and relocation of crocodiles.

Irwin's enthusiastic approach to nature conservation and the environment won him a global following. He was known for his exuberance and use of the catch phrase "Crikey!"

But his image suffered a setback in January 2004 when he held his then 1-month-old baby Bob while feeding a crocodile at his Australian zoo. (Full story)

In a statement released to Australian media, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer expressed his sorrow and said that he was fond of Irwin and was very appreciative of all the work he had done in promoting Australia overseas.

In 2003, Irwin spoke to the Australian Broadcasting Corp.'s "Australian Story" television program about how he was perceived in his home country.

"When I see what's happened all over the world, they're looking at me as this very popular, wildlife warrior Australian bloke," he said, the ABC reported.

"And yet back here in my own country, some people find me a little bit embarrassing. "You know, there's this... they kind of cringe, you know, 'cause I'm coming out with 'Crikey' and 'Look at this beauty.' "


09-04-2006, 07:22 AM
Man... I remmeber watching his shows as a kid... I loved him!... Too bad that happend... I GUESS for an animal expert like him though.. that woulda been the way to go for him im guessing :confused:

09-04-2006, 07:24 AM

09-04-2006, 08:22 AM
rip Steve. I wonder if his wife will stay there, or move back to Oregon......

09-04-2006, 08:30 AM


09-04-2006, 08:36 AM
yea its a pretty crazy thing for him to go like that. i cant imagine being there in person. its a tradgic for his family and it sucks to hear about it