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View Full Version : aahhhhh WHAT SOULD I DO

08-29-2002, 07:33 AM
Well it all started back a month ago or so. I was driving my 250X in a gravel pit and my chain fell off and put a whole in the case right by the sprocket. SO i put some stuff called Magnum Steal on the whole. Well now im about 2 days from going riding in some trail which ive only did once. SO i really want to go. Yesterday i was changing my oil and getting it ready to go when i saw that whole was leaking again. What should i do. Im leaving tomarow and 6pm. I got new tires and everything just so i could go on this trip and i changed my bearings. Its now leaking alot so should i not worry about it. Or should i try to JB weld it and hope its hard in time. IF i were to go in water would water leak into the crankcase. Please help i will be checking this all day.

08-29-2002, 07:39 AM
If you are leaving tomarrow night, I can tell you JB weld will be hard in time if that is the route you want to take.

08-29-2002, 07:41 AM
should i JB weld it then

08-29-2002, 07:46 AM
I would hate to tell you to do it, because that stuff is not recommended. However it will hold I am pretty sure and you need a quick fix for your ride. I used it to make my e-series last long enough for me to get a new pipe and it is holding up just fine.

2K1 300EX
08-29-2002, 08:56 AM
Take it to a local machine shope and let them weld it, it dont' take but about 30 mninutes. I had my tansmission bell housing welding up when my throw out bearing froze up and tore anything inside the trans. to pieces, it broke fingers off my pressure plate and some when through my housing. It was about 3" long and about 1/4" wide and only cost $30.