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View Full Version : water and dirt/mud in oil tank

09-03-2006, 11:06 AM
We went riding yesterday, and somehow during the ride, my oil cap came off. I didnt have a clue, it was very muddy and wet out yesterday. As soon as i noticed, we loaded it up. I unloaded it in the garage and am wonder how i should go about cleaning it. I was planning on draining all the oil then taking the tank off and running some sort of solvent through it. Then change the filter and put all fresh oil in it. Need you advice...thanks alot

09-03-2006, 11:17 AM
i would drain the oil, then maybe run some old oil right down through it with the drain still out, to push some of the crap out.
then put the plug back in, fill it up, run it for a few seconds, then drain it again and refill. keep draining and running it until you drain it out and the oil looks clean.

or if you could get something that would spray oil with a little bit of pressure and spray in to maybe get some mud out.

unless its really bad.. then you'll have to take the tank off.

09-03-2006, 03:57 PM
if you find dirt/grit in your oil tank then it will mostlikely have been pumped into the engine also, so you may need to check the oil lines to