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08-29-2006, 06:50 PM
hiya. im getting a new atv and my friend just switched to a crf250r and has been tring to get me to ride a dirtbike. i was wondering f i should get the 450r or a dirtbike?.......also i read in a mag that honda is thought to be testing a efi crf450r and was wondering if u thought that they would make the 08 450r an efi as well?.........the mag was transworld motocross

08-29-2006, 07:01 PM
Fi isnt rumored to be coming around until late 08 models, but who knows what mfg's might pull out of their butts.

and try riding the dirtbike to see how you like it!

i was a die hard atv guy, until i sat down on my friends cr250 for a day, after that, i was convinced i needed to move onto something different and more exciting (imo)

08-29-2006, 07:03 PM
so u changed to a dirtbike?

what do u do durring the winter?

and what do u like the most about it?

hehe just wanted to know :)

08-29-2006, 07:05 PM
Depends on what you want at the time LOL. Doesn't really matter which one you get, you will end up wanting to get out and ride the other at some point in time. I have been back and forth over them so many times. Can't help it. :p

08-29-2006, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by 450robot
Fi isnt rumored to be coming around until late 08 models, but who knows what mfg's might pull out of their butts.

and try riding the dirtbike to see how you like it!

i was a die hard atv guy, until i sat down on my friends cr250 for a day, after that, i was convinced i needed to move onto something different and more exciting (imo)

wait until you get a little better. It only gets funner.

08-29-2006, 07:14 PM
Yeah, im sorta having seconds thoughts about a dirtbike, my plan was to sell my RM125 for a 250f. Well, that went well :blah:

Then I saw a 450r and 400ex riding down my street, fell in love.

EDIT: Actually, I saw a 450r and 400ex riding down my street, and then I found ATVRiders.com, THEN I fell in love.

08-29-2006, 07:16 PM
I mostly ride my quad in the dunes only. Everywhere else I ride I'd rather be on a two wheeler. And even in the dunes I'm starting to spend more and more time on my dune bike instead of the quad. I just find bikes to be more gratifiying--still love quads though.

I guess what I'm saying is YOU NEED BOTH!

08-29-2006, 07:19 PM
i say a quad because you can ride them all year around, go through some mud, and ride in the trails/woods without killing yourself.

08-29-2006, 07:23 PM
hehe i wish i could afford both lol. but i cant and its time to get better then the 400ex .....figured it was better to go bigger and better supension rather than just going with shocks on the 400.

and friend said dirt bike was awsome compared to the atvs hes ridden.

08-29-2006, 09:17 PM
I'd get a dirtbike. I rode fourwheelers my whole life. I had a 400ex. One day i decided to take my friends yzf250 for a ride and i fell in love immediatly. I dont know if you jump... but it is much easier to find jumps for a dirtbike then a fourwheeler(atleast at some of the places i ride) because you dont need to have a even lip. You can jump off anywhere. Riding a dirtbike is much harder then riding an atv. IMO.

08-29-2006, 09:21 PM
I think ATV's are harder to ride.

08-29-2006, 09:24 PM
The good thing about a bike is when you wreck it ussualy stuff dosen't break.. Also it dosen't hurt as bad when it land on you. If you like to ride during the winter then I would get a 450r

08-30-2006, 12:24 AM
try ur friends dirtbike? see what you like more, u cant have other people decide for you, u rode quads maybe u wanna try dirtbikes and switch back and forth every year or something

08-30-2006, 08:15 AM
I ride and race both. I think they are equally fun. The dirtbike is much safer and doesn't hurt as bad after a race. Quads are alot of fun but they are rough on the body.

08-30-2006, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by LTZ400rider
try ur friends dirtbike? see what you like more, u cant have other people decide for you, u rode quads maybe u wanna try dirtbikes and switch back and forth every year or something

That won't work, I hated my friedns bike the first time. Its something that grows onto you.

08-30-2006, 01:07 PM
its funny that i found this post today, i just came back from my first dirtbike ride. I work at a honda/suzuki dealership so i brought home a 2006 yz250f to try out. I have two quads, one is a pro national quad so this was a big change for me. So i hit some familiar trails and boy did i hate it! haha. Im not bike bashing but it sure isnt for me. Normal trails turned into torture for me, making sure i didnt get cross rutted, watching out for the slippery roots, big rocks etc. Might be something i would get used to but needless to say the bike is going back to the dealership tomorrow!

08-30-2006, 02:18 PM
lol.... at least u could take one home :) the dealer i used to work for would never allow that lmao. i had a dirtbike when i was little for out a week and my dad returned it totaled lol... havent been back on one in 15 years and when talking about riding atvs being hard or easy i belive that to just simply ride trails its pretty easy but to ride it well is much harder..iv ridden with a ton of ppl who say that they can outride everyone (just not true)lol.....i belive that to ride good u have to know ur limits and in the long run u will be faster for it

ill have to take a day and ride his dirtbike ......just hopeing that if i let him ride mine he dosent blow it up or crash hes kinda prone to it lol

08-30-2006, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by outacontrol
its funny that i found this post today, i just came back from my first dirtbike ride. I work at a honda/suzuki dealership so i brought home a 2006 yz250f to try out. I have two quads, one is a pro national quad so this was a big change for me. So i hit some familiar trails and boy did i hate it! haha. Im not bike bashing but it sure isnt for me. Normal trails turned into torture for me, making sure i didnt get cross rutted, watching out for the slippery roots, big rocks etc. Might be something i would get used to but needless to say the bike is going back to the dealership tomorrow!

you see... you have a different perspective than i do. i find, having to look out more for those unatural disturbances in trails, and focusing more on your line more exciting than just cruising over stuff with a bigger 4wheeled machine... overall, imo, dirtbike riding takes alot more concentration and will power to make it through a race than an atv.

im not bashing quads at all here, i still love them, im just saying i find having to concentrate on my riding more when on a dirtbike is more of a rush

08-30-2006, 02:29 PM
For all the guys that have both dirtbikes and quads do you ride one on one day and the other on a different day or just keep swtiching every couple of laps. Because I have a raptor 700 and this christmas I really wana get a ktm 125 also. Is it hard switching back and forth ?

08-30-2006, 02:34 PM
i like dirtbikes in open fields and straight aways, especially 2 strokes, in the woods i hate them, goin down hills hittin the front brakes is the one thing i always do, and when the bike is too powerful u foul plugs when the trails are too tight

08-30-2006, 03:10 PM
im thinking about getting one

08-30-2006, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by nmotion700
For all the guys that have both dirtbikes and quads do you ride one on one day and the other on a different day or just keep swtiching every couple of laps. Because I have a raptor 700 and this christmas I really wana get a ktm 125 also. Is it hard switching back and forth ?

once you get used to the hassle of controlling the weight of the dirtbike with your body, you can easily switch back and forth

i ride my buds z400 every so often, and i feel fine on it (same goes for when jumping back on my ktm)

08-30-2006, 06:29 PM
Well, I'm waiting to get my 450R until after they get FI. When they add the FI, I would imagine they are going to do a significant amount of reworking on the engine to go along with it, and probably some other tweaks as well. Nothing cooks me more than to buy something really expensive, then watch as a bigger, better, and even cheaper version emerges weeks later.

08-30-2006, 10:30 PM

08-30-2006, 10:31 PM
o, incase you didnt notice.
i chose bikes.

08-30-2006, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by thumpinex
so u changed to a dirtbike?

what do u do durring the winter?

and what do u like the most about it?

hehe just wanted to know :)

i put studs in my tires, alot of them

08-30-2006, 10:36 PM
A dirt bike dosen't tired you out as bad during a race.

08-31-2006, 11:13 AM
and they arae faster, so yeah

08-31-2006, 01:16 PM
quads and bikes are about the same speed, when you talk pros vs pros (any other level it could vary either way on how skilled the rider is) i remmeber one a certain track the only person faster then gust was charmicheal so they are right there with each other

08-31-2006, 02:09 PM
hehe sounds cool but i race rarely and trail ride/running for ppl too much lo. was just looking for the most exciting thing to get. im having a kid soon and i have to think bout it too..and atm ive never ridden a dirtbike really and i dont want to be like my father and say no to it. has to be its decision on riding a dirtbike or atv.just want whats best u know. as for myself i need a bigger badder bike and was either getting the 450r or the crf250r or crf450r. but with the efi comming out it will make life much easyer to just get that u know lol

08-31-2006, 02:29 PM
this is gonna be kinda long, but this is my experince as far as quad vs bikes.

Bikes : either a blast or a drag. If everything is just right its the most fun of your life. BUT, when its wet and muddy, when your still a rookie you will feel so out of place and akward you will most likely hate it. Jumping is 100 times easier, more fun and less painful. Dirtbikes have 10 times more advanced suspesnion as quads. I had a YZ125, rode it all day then rode my banshee w/ elkas for a few minutes after I got off my bike. I tried to do all the same things, and I was getting ripped and jerked around and my neck popped I absorbed some of the hits so hard. Lots of wrecks, usually not serious tho. just laying it down here and there.

Quads : fun pretty much all the time. Anyone can ride em, but you get bored and find your wanting a challenge. Wrecks are usually more of a big deal (cause its heavier and can land on you) but not near as common.

08-31-2006, 07:15 PM
that pretty much explains it all... when the track gets muddy im defintly guna hop on the quad :D

09-01-2006, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by 400eXr1d3rZ
I think ATV's are harder to ride. I hope you're joking.

09-01-2006, 09:28 AM
Really a ATV can be harder to ride aggressive. Take a dirt bike and drive it up a steep offchamber hill. Then ride a quad up it. A dirt bike you have one little skinny tire so you can choose a better line. I quad is 4feet wide and you can not choose a very easy line.

Now if you just putting around in mud or something yea aquad would be easier

09-01-2006, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by firefighterjosh
Really a ATV can be harder to ride aggressive. Take a dirt bike and drive it up a steep offchamber hill. Then ride a quad up it. A dirt bike you have one little skinny tire so you can choose a better line. I quad is 4feet wide and you can not choose a very easy line.

Now if you just putting around in mud or something yea aquad would be easier

not necessarely true, on a db, you cant just cruise up the steep off cambr hill, you need to use a ton of body english, and weight distribution to keep the rear end from sliding out on you, and going down the hill. also you encounter problems with frontend washout if you hit a rock while climbing, it stops all momentum, and forces you to wobble you way up, that is, if you dont go down for you front wheel hopping off the trail

09-01-2006, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by 450robot
not necessarely true, on a db, you cant just cruise up the steep off cambr hill, you need to use a ton of body english, and weight distribution to keep the rear end from sliding out on you, and going down the hill. also you encounter problems with frontend washout if you hit a rock while climbing, it stops all momentum, and forces you to wobble you way up, that is, if you dont go down for you front wheel hopping off the trail
True I guess I never thought of that. My buddie has a bike and when the hills get narrow he seems to do better due to he can take a easier line. he does however have to be hailing balls when I can ride more smooth.

the good thing about a bike you can jump anything it seems. A bike you can control in the air easier then a 400lb quad.

09-01-2006, 11:29 AM
I think dirt bikes are better then quads. you get alot more for what you pay. they are much more fun to ride. they make you look for lines and make you cautious. You will however, fall a lot more. when you push your self its common to fall but its doesnt really hurt and nothing usually happends to the bike. dirt bikes are easier the handle in every situation (almost). you have a false sense of security on a quad. you think since you have 4 wheels ur safe. well ur really not.

as to riding dirt bikes in the snow, its great! its so much fun and its not as hard as you think. when your riding in 1ft. of snow it almost holds you up a little. putting studs in your tires dont do anything unless your actually on ice.

with dirt bikes, you can always make your own trails. you can always have some were to go if you have to take off because some crazy guy is coming with a shotgun. with a quad, sometimes it to tight to jus take off through the woods.

09-01-2006, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Hon300ex
I think dirt bikes are better then quads. you get alot more for what you pay. they are much more fun to ride. they make you look for lines and make you cautious. You will however, fall a lot more. when you push your self its common to fall but its doesnt really hurt and nothing usually happends to the bike. dirt bikes are easier the handle in every situation (almost). you have a false sense of security on a quad. you think since you have 4 wheels ur safe. well ur really not.

as to riding dirt bikes in the snow, its great! its so much fun and its not as hard as you think. when your riding in 1ft. of snow it almost holds you up a little. putting studs in your tires dont do anything unless your actually on ice.

with dirt bikes, you can always make your own trails. you can always have some were to go if you have to take off because some crazy guy is coming with a shotgun. with a quad, sometimes it to tight to jus take off through the woods.

It is just want you like to ride. I wouldn't say DB or Quads are better then eachother just depends what you like to ride.

Also you shouldn't have to run from a guy with a shotgun.:p