View Full Version : Differences longtravel vs. standard

frank mb
08-27-2006, 10:59 AM
What are the differences between longtravel and strandard travel a-arms. When I know that I can make up my mind, what to do next racing season.

And another question:

Now I race a VLS KTM 560 2 stroke but I want a new one for next season.
I have a few options,
Production bike: I like the honda and yamaha or,
VLS with a engine of choice. And I was thinking about a new build trx 330 engine because of the easy maintenance on the bike and i like racing a two stroke.
Only thing a VLS complete is 180 Kilogram but it handles good. In comparance a VLS you have to turn a corner but the suspension is so plush and a yfz I rode you could do everything with because it is so light, but the suspension is a bit less forgiving.

Note: The bike will race Dutch championsship and endurances like le touquet Le touquet endurance (http://www.enduropaledutouquet.fr/www/fr/accueil/presentation/galerie_photos.aspx)

It is maybe a bit confused written but if you have questions ask me please.