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View Full Version : all in a day of riding

08-27-2006, 01:27 AM
Well today we went riding at Hollister Hills in Northern Ca. We got there around twelve and went straight into hitting the track and trails. We had a great time on the track and the 450r was holding up great. We then went to some hill climbs and I had no trouble, until my whole rear light just came off. I didnt know until after it was all beaten up from hitting my chain. I knew we were going to have troubles from then on.....
After we got back to camp and had lunch we went back to some riding. There were 5 of us going around these trails way up on the side of the mountain. IT was real dusty. The trail leaned to one side so it was sort of hard getting passed that area. WELL, we were going along and I got this feeling that we had lost my dad so I looked back and stopped so he could catch up. Three of us waited and I rode back to see if I could see him, or see what was wrong. Well i couldnt find him so headed back to the others to tell them that I couldnt find him. On the way back I ran into one of the people we were riding with,(Tom) he was looking for my dad also. We we headed back to the other two so we could head back to camp, to regroup. Once I get to the others I look back and I had lost Tom and I couldnt see or hear him.
After about ten minutes a dirt bike rider comes and tells us that my dad had gone of the side of the cliff and was about 60 feet down the side of the cliff, and the 400ex was about 100 feet down. I wanted to crap my pants.
So we follow this dirtbiker down back to camp, because we did not know where we were. On the way back my sister flips the bike and almost gets crushed. She got a huge gash on her knee!!! SO after that we get back to camp, and we tell the others. We also tell a ranger.

After all is said and done here is what happened.... My dad is going along and hits this real wierd area, where it leans to the side of the mountain. He said he lost control and he had to throw the bike away so it wouldnt land on him. The bike goes flying and he said it does cartwheels. He the goes down 60 feet down the side of the mountain hurting his hip real bad. The bike is another good 40 feet down and not very visible. Tom the hears my dad yelling and winches my dad up the side of the mountain (with the help of 4 other riders) and then the ambulance gets my dad down the mountain. The bike is still in the ravine as we speak and we have no way to get it out till they can go get it. We live 3 hours away:eek2:

Anyways, I would like to say that I am thankful for other riders and there generosity. :D

Sorry for the long post

suck my pipe
08-27-2006, 02:31 AM
wow, is all i could think of to say.

08-27-2006, 03:42 AM
Damn, Is ur dad ok??

When are you going to be able to go back and get the quad?

08-27-2006, 07:39 AM
he could of gotten hurt much more, glad everyone is okay, now go get the quad back :D

08-27-2006, 08:18 AM
Thank God he's alright. My boyfriend always says you're responsible for the man riding behind you. It makes sense I guess. I'm really glad he's alright. It could have been a lot worse.

08-27-2006, 08:48 AM
yah it definately could of been a lot worse. I really dont know how my dad did it. Also were going to call Hollister today, and see if we can go pick it up today, i hope!!!