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08-26-2006, 08:02 AM
I had the strangest dream ever last night..

I rode my banshee to a field party with my friends on their 450's we get there, party and have a good time.. When we go to go get our quad's they weren't there.. SO we searched forever I go home and my banshee is sitting in my driveway trashed, I look at it and it has a blue frame and I'm like wtf? I get arrested for stealing someones banshee but someone stole mine? lol It was my banshee plastics on some beat banshee with a blue frame.. When I woke up this morning I thought it really happened and I ran out to my garage at like 5am cussing like a sailor to open the garage door and see the banshee sitting there like allways.. I think I might just invest in some more security for my quad now.. lol

Anyone else have some weird dreams? lol :o :blah:

08-26-2006, 08:04 AM
that was a ***ed up dream:p but i HATE the dreams where u fall off something and u wake up cuz it scared the chit out of u.:grr:

08-26-2006, 08:26 AM
i love dreams, when i have them i know it is a dream usually....one time this guy pulled a gun out on me and hes like "give me all your money" im like "no go ahead and shot me, i dont care this is just a dream" and he shot me in the chest and it barly bleed and i woke up.....another dream i had was my brother took my banshee out and rolled it like over and over and by the time he got back to our house it was completely trashed...frame was beant to hell and plastics were broke...everything was trashed and he got off and gave me a couple hundred dollars and was like thanx man and then i woke up...

08-26-2006, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
I had the strangest dream ever last night..

I rode my banshee to a field party with my friends on their 450's we get there, party and have a good time.. When we go to go get our quad's they weren't there.. SO we searched forever I go home and my banshee is sitting in my driveway trashed, I look at it and it has a blue frame and I'm like wtf? I get arrested for stealing someones banshee but someone stole mine? lol It was my banshee plastics on some beat banshee with a blue frame.. When I woke up this morning I thought it really happened and I ran out to my garage at like 5am cussing like a sailor to open the garage door and see the banshee sitting there like allways.. I think I might just invest in some more security for my quad now.. lol

Anyone else have some weird dreams? lol :o :blah:

I had a really crazy dream last night. I was racing and then all off a sudden it started storming really bad. Then I look behind me and all the trees are snapping behind me then I was sucked up into a tornado then I woke up and it was storming in real life:huh :confused:

08-26-2006, 09:35 AM
Sound's like you have watched the hurricane katrina comericals on discovery channel :p

08-26-2006, 09:43 AM
i hardly ever remember dreams when i sleep at home. i dream about jumping doubles in class sometimes...then i gap the 45 footer and jump right outta my desk. :confused:

08-26-2006, 09:50 AM
I have dreams about being rich.......then I wake up

08-26-2006, 09:54 AM
Oh man, I don't even know where to start with my weird dreams.:chinese:

08-26-2006, 09:55 AM
you can modify your dream at your like if you can watch your hands in the dream. if you are dreaming and get a little consious of that you are dreaming (that dometimes happes when you are dreming you think that in fact you are dreaming) if you can make in your dream to see your hands, then you can do everything.
i have tried... well i setuo my mind every nigth that if i dream try to see my hands, but i never been succesfull.lol.

when i was in long island n.y. at the library of my h.s. there was a book i guess called the teaching of don juan, by carlos castaneda, of course it was in english, but i talked about a shaman from my native homeland, didnt pay much attention but then i read it again a little bit older and man... what a crazy book, very tripy, then i got hooked by the series of books and there is a book ( the 9th of the series ) just dedicated to the art of dreaming, an awsome book.

08-26-2006, 09:57 AM
Honestly last night I had a dream me and my buddies were banging hookers in Mexico

08-26-2006, 09:57 AM
You know what causes these weird dreams Josh?

:bandit: :bandit: :bandit: True Story.

08-26-2006, 10:15 AM
I played paint ball with jesscica simpson

08-26-2006, 11:17 AM
my lil bro was sleepin 1 time wen my aunt was watching us n i was in the living room wit her watching tv. next thing i no my bro gets up n runs right out the door n i though he was trying to be funny so i just sit there. next thing u no he just walks back in the house lik nuttin happens n goes to his room. he said that he knocked on the nieghbors door n then just lik woke up or sumtin n walked away. pretty wierd

08-26-2006, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
Sound's like you have watched the hurricane katrina comericals on discovery channel :p
That hurricane was the bomb...:p
I rode with it:p