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08-25-2006, 12:08 AM
Well its late at night and for some reason I cant sleep..

For the past few years, I have had a mental block about what major I want to go for and what kind of career I want. At first right out of high school I went to an art college to get a Graphic Design degree...however, I figured out the lifestyle was definitely not for me. Since then I have tried to figure out a major and I am getting nowhere.. the counselors at the college are not very helpful...I have taken those aptitude tests and they dont really help out either. The tests say I should be an engineer or something like that...I am about the worst person at math you will ever meet! Algebra 1 in high school gave me nightmares! So the aptitude tests seem WAY off to me haha.I have gone as far as asking people who know me really well what they could see me doing and no one can think of one thing. Its really frustrating!!!

Im not very good at math and not mechanically enclined. Nor am I a really big people person and definitely dont want to go into a teaching or medical type career. I dont want to take the "easy way out" and get a Business degree...no offense Business majors...but they are wayy too many of yall out there! Its getting to be too many BAs in business and now you pretty much have to get a Masters to make it mean much of anything if you major in Business.

What did you all do to find a major or does anyone have any good advice or know of a major that might be a one suited for me? I know were all pretty similar since we have that "racer mentality" thats why I am asking on here..

08-25-2006, 12:21 AM
So what do you enjoy doing?

08-25-2006, 12:24 AM
basically racing....lol jk

i like helping animals (cant do 8 yrs of school to be a vet tho), i like anything sorta spontaneous, love flying (but would be gone a whole lot for that), I like movies, anything with racing of course, I dunno basically stuff like that I guess

08-25-2006, 12:29 AM

08-25-2006, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by Mx_523

LOL noooo military for me...def not military material...even if i wanted to be in there i couldnt...i have flat feet and i shattered my left foot and have hardly any joints where my toes attach to my foot

08-25-2006, 12:39 AM
Do you work well with engines/motors?

08-25-2006, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Mx_523
Do you work well with engines/motors?

no i said in my first post i wasnt very mechanically inclined :(

08-25-2006, 12:41 AM
You could go to a Vet Tech school and be like a Animal nurse my girlfriend is currently looking into right now. Its a 2 year program If I remember correctly. You can use it to get your feet wet in the vet industry.

08-25-2006, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by PismoLocal
You could go to a Vet Tech school and be like a Animal nurse my girlfriend is currently looking into right now. Its a 2 year program If I remember correctly. You can use it to get your feet wet in the vet industry.

i have thought about that...but worried the pay wont be enough to support a highly expensive mx and sprint car racing habit :o

08-25-2006, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
no i said in my first post i wasnt very mechanically inclined :(
Sorry, I thought you ment it as in writing and drawing.
Interior decorating? Do you like hands on stuff? Do you work well with computers? In your profile it says your a college student. What major are you taking then?

08-25-2006, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by Kickstarts_Suck
you could rob banks :bandit:

No silly, thats a highschool drop out's job.:blah:

08-25-2006, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
i have thought about that...but worried the pay wont be enough to support a highly expensive mx and sprint car racing habit :o
Ya not even close, maybe you should think about being self employed or maybe winning the lottery. :devil:

08-25-2006, 01:13 AM
You could always work at Mc. Donald's:macho

08-25-2006, 05:54 AM
some sort of hospital technician would be a good career.. x-ray tech or something like that..

08-25-2006, 06:32 AM
x-ray techs make some serious dough!!!!!

so you don't like graphics, you can't do math, you don't want to be in school too long, you don't want to teach or go into medical, but you want to make alot of money.

looks like your left with a business or psych or communications degree. you can do alot more then just 'business' with a business degree. it gets your foot in the door and gives you alot of lifelong knowledge.

my roommate just asked about the retirement plan my dad has set up at our company. (he works for us). and he had no clue how it works. i spouted off 20 minutes of all the ins and outs. i couldn't belive it, i didnt know i knew tha tmuch!!! it was kinda funny cause i surprised myself.

law enforcement? firefighting? if you like animals, animal cop? they all offer VERY flexiable schedules and pretty decent pay. bonus to these is you can normally have a second job and it doesn't put too much stress on you. i know two cops that own thier own business on the side as well. it pays off cause both of them have PLENTY of toys that they wouldnt be able to afford on just a cops salary. haha.

08-25-2006, 07:14 AM
You sound like you want a good paying job but don't want to do anything which is how everybody feels. You have to think about your life down the road you won't be racing forever. I have a great idea find a rich guy!:p

08-25-2006, 07:30 AM
A couple questions to ask yourself...

Do you want to have to go to work in a suit , or would you rather wear steel toes and work pants ??

Do you want to work indoors or outdoors in all different temperatures ??

I've been going through the same dilema as you are . I've been out of college for nearly 3 years now and need to go back . Having only a highschool diploma and a diploma in a College program that I don't enjoy , it's time for a new path.

Have you thought about a career in the trades industry . There's a big demand for people in the electrical trades , construction , etc . A lot of women are starting to get into it now . Great money to be made !!!

08-25-2006, 07:44 AM
I have a business degree myself with a minor in marketing and you can actually do a lot with it. Have you ever thought about marketing? You love racing, so you could work in Marketing for a company that is accociated with that (such as Elka, Hiper Technologies, Suzuki, Honda, Yamaha, hundreds of companies out there). You could focus on market research, brand management, or product development. A lot of possibilities. It also pays well, plus it would keep you in the sport. A master's definitely helps, but isn't necessary. And there may be a lot of business majors out there, but there are a TON of jobs out there that need these people. I had classes in operations, accounting, economics, finance...all of which will benefit you in the real world as well. I wouldn't call it taking "the easy way out". Some of the classes can be challenging, such as accounting and finance, but I'm sure you could handle it. Just my thoughts.

08-25-2006, 11:19 AM
well im very mechanically inclined, but i HATE math, im ok at it... i just hate it... yet im a mechanical engineering major and love it... i love the possibilities, sure a lot of the classes suck and dont seem applicable, but when you can figure out houw to apply them to the real world.. it makes tons more sense....

anyways, here are my ideas for you , i have severalf friends who graduated hs either my year 2004 or after me 2005 that already have careers... X-ray tech, Dental Assistant (good $$) and with dental assistant you can keep going back and taking classes and move up without becomin a full blown dentist. Radiology, etc

08-25-2006, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Kickstarts_Suck
stfu pot head

Chill out bro, it was a joke.:ermm: :rolleyes:

08-25-2006, 12:39 PM
Everything you said reminded me sooooo much of myself. I'm 20 years old right now graduated high school in 04 and still not sure on exactly what I'd like to do. It's funny cause I'm thinking more and more about taking some graphic classes. I have an appointment Monday at the Art Institute of Seattle, just to go over some financial aspects and look into some scholarships. But I'm still not sure about taking that path. In the long run... I always thought it would be cool to start up like a graphic/decal company, but who knows if that will pay the bills:ermm: The other thing like you said, was working with animals! I love LOVE dogs and would love working with them... but I'm not interested in the medical part of it. More as a trainer/kennel operater maybe you could consider, which I considered myself. There's a really great dog training school in Texas, which I see your from. But then I think most people need to start up there own business when going that route and I don't know if I have that in me. So right now I'm just working a job at my grandpa's business(which I'm at right now:D ) And basically most of my family works here and I don't want to get sucked in and work something that I'm not happy about doing. I think that's the biggest dicision your going to have to make... what do you picture doing for the rest of your life.

08-25-2006, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by awsomeaussies
Everything you said reminded me sooooo much of myself. I'm 20 years old right now graduated high school in 04 and still not sure on exactly what I'd like to do. It's funny cause I'm thinking more and more about taking some graphic classes. I have an appointment Monday at the Art Institute of Seattle, just to go over some financial aspects and look into some scholarships.

I went to the Art Institute of Houston...big WASTE of money and the professors hardly knew enough to be qualified as professors...they pretty much read from the tutorial books on certain things with programs. When you get to your internship you get a big slap in the face bc you are hardly prepared at all for what you MUST know to make it in the Graphic Design or art world.... I wasted 2 years there and didnt learn hardly a thing that will help me at all. A lot of the people who I was supposed to graduate are barely making 7-8 an hr...I would really think deeply before going the Art Institute route...they make it seem a lot better than it really is. I didnt listen to the same advice and I went and now Im 21 years old and just about to get my Associates in December when I should be a LOT further.

I understand about not wanting to start your own business...almost all small businesses fail and i dont want to set myself up for that at all! especially if im younger and dont have that much money..probably wouldnt be a good idea.

I dont mind doing work...its just Im the type of person that has to be motivated. If Im not motivated or I dont remotely care about what Im doing then I dont give it 100%...when I find something I really can get into then Im the one who usually does everything.

I dont want to be one of those people in little itty bitty cars driving to downtown Houston in horrendous traffic to go sit in a teeny box all day and take phone calls :blah:

Id rather not wear the heels and suits and all that sorta thing..I can do that some, but not on an everyday basis.

Was thinking about being an Instrument Technician at a plant...but those degrees you get are geared JUST for that career....thats what I had to do for graphic design and I am a bit timid to get a degree just for one thing again and then it be the WRONG one again... I cant afford to choose a major again. That is why im in such a predicament

no go on the x ray tech or anything with hospitals or dentists... not my thing to do that..anything not close to medical...ive always hated anything to do with the medical field...i have no clue why..but i guess its just me

08-25-2006, 01:24 PM
Here's a list of a few different careers . Check it out ... this just scratches the surface of what's available . It tells you about the career , the rate of pay , job outlook and more . It might help you out a bit .


08-25-2006, 01:41 PM
What about marketing or PR? Both pay pretty good. In those careers, you still have a chance to stay in the racing or atv industry.

08-25-2006, 02:30 PM
how bout sales and marketing.... or you could find some big business and maybe be a secretary. they get paid good and usually have very 'spontanious' jobs.

08-25-2006, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by CDaleChick
I went to the Art Institute of Houston...big WASTE of money and the professors hardly knew enough to be qualified as professors...they pretty much read from the tutorial books on certain things with programs. When you get to your internship you get a big slap in the face bc you are hardly prepared at all for what you MUST know to make it in the Graphic Design or art world.... I wasted 2 years there and didnt learn hardly a thing that will help me at all. A lot of the people who I was supposed to graduate are barely making 7-8 an hr...I would really think deeply before going the Art Institute route...they make it seem a lot better than it really is. I didnt listen to the same advice and I went and now Im 21 years old and just about to get my Associates in December when I should be a LOT further.

Thanks for the heads up:) Yeah I've been a little optimistic about that school... cause I have heard that a community college might be just as good. But then I've heard good things too:ermm: Like my brothers girlfriends aunt went there and took like a media graphics course and now she works on movie set doing special effects for movies like Harry Potter. The prices for that school are crazy though! 50-70 g's:huh Over hear anyway:mad:

08-25-2006, 03:56 PM
become a freelance stripper.

08-25-2006, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by the gangsta
become a freelance stripper.

youre an idiot. i dont need stupid responses like this in my thread

08-25-2006, 04:44 PM
you could try being an area sales rep..

people will work for a sales firm/group, building acquaintances and contacts, then spark out on their own until retirement..

you sound as though you can verbally articulate.. you apparently have interests in graphics..
your familiar with atv's.. the gear etc.. look there..

typically youll be on the road alot.. but you get to see the country side.:D

my $0.02..
always try to find something along the lines of personal interest. your more focused, better understanding of the advancements in the field which makes it easier to tell others..
also, it makes the days go by quicker..

sadly, there are times that you may need to sacrifice income to support your interests.. :(

08-25-2006, 04:49 PM
architecht...even though you dont like math, once you learn the basic equations for the job, thats it, nothing new.

08-25-2006, 09:48 PM
maybe look into multi level marketing,find a good buisness,signup,work with it,and there r many millionares from multi level marketing.and u dont have to have a college diploma to be successful.i barely turned 15,i work with/for my dad who's a contracter,get $10 an hr.,and getting a raise soon,later in october maybe,i'll get proly from 13-$15 an hr. .and no i dont get to keep it all,and i really enjoy the work.