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08-15-2006, 11:40 AM
What could I use to paint this hood? Or what could I do to make it black some how?? Thanks...

08-15-2006, 11:52 AM
know anyone that played lacrosse? we used RIT clothing dye you can get in the grocery store or wal-mart to dye our plastic heads of our sticks different colors. it worked pretty good.

do some research on that and you can prolly find out how to do it.

i never did it myself, but i think you boil water, pour in the dye. drop in the plastic and let it sit for a while.

i am sure you can find something online about doing it.

painting would work decent. alot less time initially. but your going to have to touch it up alot.

08-15-2006, 12:00 PM
What else could I do to it? I just dont want it being blue like that? Thanks...

08-15-2006, 12:30 PM
if you dye it it will be black...

you can use masking tape to make designs on it if you want...



It's best if you remove the head from the stick. This allows you to submerse the head completely in the flat pan. If you don't want to remove it, you can use a deeper pan, like a large stock pot. Just be sure the entire head fits in vertically. The easiest way to proceed is to dye a new head before it's strung or mounted on the stick!


If you want to place a design on the head before dying it you'll need a glue gun. If you've never used a glue gun before, practice on another surface first. Follow the instructions that come with the gun. When you feel comfortable with your abilities apply the glue directly to the head. Remember that the more glue you put on, the less dye there will be on the head. I have never put glue on the strings nor would I recommend doing so. Let the glue dry completely. (This doesn't take longer than a few minutes. The glue will start out tacky, then harden. When you can't make a dent in the glue with your finger, it's ready.)

I have been told that electrical tape can be used to make designs on the head, also. I have not tried this and cannot verify that it works. This would be an easy way to put numbers and letters on the head.

Make up the dye according to the package directions. You have to use very hot, almost boiling, water to make the powdered form dissolve. Be sure to let the dye solution cool slightly before immersing the head. (If you can leave your finger in the solution for 10 seconds, it's ready!)
If you're using the powdered form of the dye be sure to mix it well once it's all in the pan. Stir it gently in the pan until all of the powder is dissolved.
You can mix dyes together to make different colors. You can also, if you're using the glue gun technique, produce different colors on the head by dying it twice; once while the glue is on and then again, with a different color, after you take the glue off.


Immerse the head in the dye solution. Leave the head undisturbed for two to ten hours, depending on how dark you want the resulting color.


Remove the head from the dye solution and place it in ice cold water for a few minutes. (I put ice cubes and water in the kitchen sink.) Remove the head from the ice water and place on a clean rag towel. If you have used a glue gun you can now remove the glue from the head. It should peel off easily.

08-15-2006, 12:54 PM
I guess I will keep that in mind, any other suggestions? Thanks.

08-15-2006, 01:45 PM
PM figair. He has airbrushed a couple hoods, but I don't know if he could do that one (it being blue).

08-15-2006, 03:02 PM
I have a quad tech CF hood on my 450 and all I did was sand it down and prime paint and clearcoat with automotive paint.Had the paint on there for almost a year and I wax it every now and then and it still looks shiney as ****!

08-15-2006, 03:31 PM
Krylon Fusion plastic paint.



08-15-2006, 07:25 PM
This is what you do,go to an automotive paint supply store.Get a product called "Bulldog Adhesion promotor"10-11 bucks a can..It comes in clear or black.
Spray on a coat.....
let sit 15min spray another.let dry...
Wet sand w/600,clean it w/soap and water..
Spray on the color you desire..Black probably:D
Clear coat it w/ clear ......... 3 nice even coats

I guess you could get away using spray paint,and clear...But I use my HVLP(cup gun)....

That bulldog product is awesome,it makes paint stick to everything even chrome,plastic,aluminum.....
I hope this helps and good luck........