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08-14-2006, 05:07 PM
i think im gettin it down?
......and my first title wasn't good enough so we'll try again :D


08-14-2006, 05:11 PM
Oh hell yeah! First post and wearing a helmeT!!!! NEW RECORD!

hell yeah man, practice makes perfect.

08-14-2006, 05:14 PM
oh i did a little reading b4 my first post and found out no-helmet pics were a big no no. plus not wearing a helmet is just dumb! u can fix broken arms/legs even backs but when u mess w/ur head ur looking at a whole new world!! i'm tryin to get more guys to ride w/me n my boys so hopefully we'll have more pics to show soon.

08-14-2006, 06:35 PM
awesome picture man. looks great, not only a good looking wheelie, but its a crisp clear picture! keep up the good work, have fun, be safe.........AND KEEP THE PICS COMING!

08-14-2006, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by jd450
awesome picture man. looks great, not only a good looking wheelie, but its a crisp clear picture! keep up the good work, have fun, be safe.........AND KEEP THE PICS COMING!

yea my brother got a $500 sony digital camera.... something like 7 megapixels and does vids too. i've got some vids but im still too newb to let u see those :ermm: suppost to head down to the southern tier (NYS) this weekend and goto this guys 3 mile track so hopefully we'll get some great stuff

08-15-2006, 05:38 AM
You're doing better than me. I can jump a 90ft table, But STILL can't do a wheelie !!! I have a nolink and it just won't come up. Looks good, keep it up.

Ruby Soho
08-15-2006, 10:47 AM
try standing on the grab bar till your comfortable, then put one foot on the grab bar and on on a peg, keep doing that, and then try sitting down

08-15-2006, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by koh0001
You're doing better than me. I can jump a 90ft table, But STILL can't do a wheelie !!! I have a nolink and it just won't come up. Looks good, keep it up.

well i live in rochester so i dont have a spot for 90 ft table tops i've got a little open space to practice rollin wheelies and on two wheels.

Originally posted by Ruby Soho
try standing on the grab bar till your comfortable, then put one foot on the grab bar and on on a peg, keep doing that, and then try sitting down

i actually did the exact opposite? i started sitting down to get a feel for what it was like when the bike came up. then i started doing them standing on the pegs b/c u can see where ur going and u get more of a sense of how high up the nose of the bike is coming and then i started with my foot on the grab bar. i still havent tried to do it with both feet on the grab bar, gotta keep that right foot near the brake for when u go too far back or u wind up like i did earlier.... fallin back behind the bike while it goes back down (if ur lucky) and keeps on rollin. but i also do mine on the grass so i didnt **** myself up too bad!

08-15-2006, 01:37 PM
heres a couple more from about 20 minutes ago.....




08-15-2006, 01:44 PM
yeah dude, you DEFINATELY dont want to start out learning b/p w/ BOTH feet on the grab bar. do like you are. keep one in the bar, and one over the rear brake. try to start straightening your leg instead of putting your knee into the seat. it really makes a difference in how much you can control the quad. w/ your leg straight, not only do you have your thumb controlling the throttle, your right foot controlling the rear brake, but you can also use your left foot in the bar (while straight) to push on the bar to get the front higher rather than relying only on the throttle.

and one other thing that i found to be much easier.........pavement. it may sound like it will hurt worse, but you dont have to worry as much about learning brake control. you can concentrate on learning the quads b/p. w/ grass, its uneven, bumpy.....yes, its much safer...but idk, i just found pavement to be much easier to learn on. but to each his own.

keep up the good work, and keep the pics coming!

08-15-2006, 01:49 PM
yea i noticed that in the pics that my knee is taking a lot of the pressure. i'll try to keep my knee straight but right now its time go play bartender :D the other thing is i live right down the street from a cop who came over ****in with me the other day about just going into the street to turn around so if i was riding wheelies up and down my **** would b in inpound faster than i can pull that wheelie up. thanks for the tips though they're appreciated. this weekend hopefully we'll have TONS more pics to show off!

08-15-2006, 01:55 PM
hahaa, that sucks about the cop! well, cant wait to see more pics

here's one of me doing a foot in bar. i used to ALWAYS keep my lg bent too, till someone mentioned it and it makes a world of difference I.M.O. if you keep it straight....


08-15-2006, 02:55 PM
now when u start do u keep ur knee on the seat and the straighten it out after u get the bike up?

08-15-2006, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by toke1at420
now when u start do u keep ur knee on the seat and the straighten it out after u get the bike up?

thats exactly what i do. i start w/ my knee bent, in the seat. then i clutch it up and as the quad comes up, i straighten my leg

08-15-2006, 03:41 PM
i agree, wheelies are much easyer on pavement.

08-15-2006, 09:46 PM
killllllllin those tires though huh???? :D

08-15-2006, 10:19 PM
they're actually wearing pretty good for all the road driveing i do.:p

08-16-2006, 05:13 PM
here is me yesterday first time trying them I started with ny foot in the grab bar im gonna try sitting down tommow
this pic is from like 10 min of practice

08-16-2006, 05:21 PM
here is me yesterday first time trying them I started with ny foot in the grab bar im gonna try sitting down tommow
this pic is from like 10 min of practice

08-17-2006, 04:11 AM
I can ride these so slow I've stalled my darn quad :p

08-17-2006, 05:23 PM
well straightening out my back leg def made a big difference in the balance point..... got some jump movies from but oh **** did i **** myself up...... didnt hit it quite fast enough and nose dove almost went over the bar i think i got some whip lash. idk we mad the jump ourselves so maybe we messed up somewhere in the design of the jump? we're newbs so who can really tell..... :confused:


but theres that back leg straight, need to get to some more open place so i can ride out further

08-17-2006, 05:48 PM
awesome pic! glad to hear you are improving!

08-19-2006, 10:54 PM
first id like ti welcome you to the sight and second not bad wheelies man.

08-20-2006, 09:38 AM
I didn't quite understand what you ment but, here is what i did understand, you hit a jump, nosedived, almost went over the bars. OK, when you hit a jump, just at the lip of it, smack the throttle once, that'll keep the front end from nosediving. Well it should.

08-21-2006, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by 400eXr1d3rZ
OK, when you hit a jump, just at the lip of it, smack the throttle once, that'll keep the front end from nosediving. Well it should.

oh i def smacked the throttle right at the lip but it just didnt pull up.... maybe i wasnt going fast enough or the lip wasnt right?? o well.....

08-22-2006, 12:52 AM
get going a little higher in the rpms and at the base of the jump let off then on the upper half of the jump mash the throttle never fails me and once you get a few good jumps behind you you will start to get confident and get better as well:D

08-22-2006, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by toke1at420
oh i def smacked the throttle right at the lip but it just didnt pull up.... maybe i wasnt going fast enough or the lip wasnt right?? o well.....

when you jumped, was the bike straight? i dont mean like front end too high or low, i mean like side to side straight, it thats the case, the lip on the jump is probably messed up.

08-23-2006, 10:53 PM
Make sure your staying on the gas until your not touching the lip, if you let off before becoming airborne, the front end will drop.

09-03-2006, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by CannondaleRider
Make sure your staying on the gas until your not touching the lip, if you let off before becoming airborne, the front end will drop.

dont wanna keep it pinned tho lol i found that out today...went pretty far back on a jump

09-10-2006, 08:49 AM
naw.... thats when it gets fun kid

Originally posted by Danzanzio
dont wanna keep it pinned tho lol i found that out today...went pretty far back on a jump

09-11-2006, 07:49 PM
Well i had em down packed till i came home Saturday after riding the street bike and doing wheelies on that all day!!!I almost looped the quad and tapped the rear brake so i would go over and ouch!!!!!!!!

09-11-2006, 07:51 PM
And it was only 2nd gear!!!!Be careful i never though id get that fu..ed up either.My back is pretty nasty too and i cant reach there with the camera!!!LOL!!!Too teach his own i guess...Everyone has there day:devil:

09-14-2006, 07:54 PM
how do you guys stand up and do a wheelie? i do them sitting down and they are really uncomfertable standing up...feels like i dont really have control of the shifter and gas

09-14-2006, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Jakeyracer
get going a little higher in the rpms and at the base of the jump let off then on the upper half of the jump mash the throttle never fails me and once you get a few good jumps behind you you will start to get confident and get better as well:D

last time i watched my buddy do that, he was climbing a gravel pit with a jump on the top, it wasnt a real steep pit but he hit it on his raptor and gunned it at the lip, he nosedived horribly from about 15-20 feet in the air, the bike landed on him and he broke his foot, ribs and dislocated his shoulder.. wasnt a good day.

then i stripped my sprocket... woe is me.

09-15-2006, 07:46 AM
sorry no helmet, just foolin around i dont usually throw one on

09-16-2006, 06:07 PM
^ lol, your going to get a ''warning'' lol. sick pic though man.

09-16-2006, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Danzanzio
how do you guys stand up and do a wheelie? i do them sitting down and they are really uncomfertable standing up...feels like i dont really have control of the shifter and gas

actually i find it to be MORE comfortable when standing, less fear i guess you could say. its WAY easier to bail if **** goes wrong....just jump off the back, lol. and you dont necessarily need control of your shifter. get in the gear you want and clutch it (i cant clutch past 4th). but if you ARE worried about shifting while wheeling...but you want to learn standing...........stay sitting down and practice in like second gear going from a sitdown to a foot in bar. sit down, clutch it up and leaving your right foot in the right peg (covering the rear brake) take your left foot and maneuver it to the rear bar. keep practicing til you can find the bar easily. then, stay sitting and shift to fifth gear while wheeling then go ahead and manuever your left foot to the rear bar. and walla.....your hauling *** in 5th gear standing.

i hope that helped a bit.

09-16-2006, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by jd450
actually i find it to be MORE comfortable when standing, less fear i guess you could say. its WAY easier to bail if **** goes wrong....just jump off the back, lol. and you dont necessarily need control of your shifter. get in the gear you want and clutch it (i cant clutch past 4th). but if you ARE worried about shifting while wheeling...but you want to learn standing...........stay sitting down and practice in like second gear going from a sitdown to a foot in bar. sit down, clutch it up and leaving your right foot in the right peg (covering the rear brake) take your left foot and maneuver it to the rear bar. keep practicing til you can find the bar easily. then, stay sitting and shift to fifth gear while wheeling then go ahead and manuever your left foot to the rear bar. and walla.....your hauling *** in 5th gear standing.

i hope that helped a bit.

not standing on the back bar(i can do that) but my sisters bf like stands up and like looks way over the front of the bike on the pegs and i think thats kinda uncomfortable

09-26-2006, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by toke1at420

i actually did the exact opposite? i started sitting down to get a feel for what it was like when the bike came up. then i started doing them standing on the pegs b/c u can see where ur going and u get more of a sense of how high up the nose of the bike is coming and then i started with my foot on the grab bar. i still havent tried to do it with both feet on the grab bar, gotta keep that right foot near the brake for when u go too far back or u wind up like i did earlier.... fallin back behind the bike while it goes back down (if ur lucky) and keeps on rollin. but i also do mine on the grass so i didnt **** myself up too bad!

i started doin it on the grab bar and i just jumped off the back whenit got too high. i am more comfortable riding it with my right foot in the brab bar, no brakes. i don't do that much anymore. that was a really nice wheelie, i wish i could hold em like that without going too far. i can't seem to hang on when i hit the grab bar on the ground.

09-26-2006, 04:32 PM
balance point is good....way to go

09-28-2006, 09:54 AM

09-29-2006, 09:02 AM
balanc point pt 2

09-29-2006, 12:39 PM
slow slow wheelie 2 fingers on the clutch so u dont stall out when u stop dead....

09-29-2006, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by idontknowwhoiam
slow slow wheelie 2 fingers on the clutch so u dont stall out when u stop dead....

hell yeah! those are the absolute funnest to do. i like doing them w/ my foot in the bar. i get them so slow then stop and sit in one spot balanced for a good minute, then burp it forward just a tad bit then balance it again.

great pic, those are fun as hell

10-08-2006, 08:58 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ebrown
[B]sorry no helmet, just foolin around i dont usually throw one on


10-08-2006, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by beerock


10-08-2006, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by macg1
yea im a hater cuz some idiot is ridin a wheelie posing for a camera with NO HELMET

I love when people say, OH YA i dont use my helmet when im just foolin around.....


10-09-2006, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by beerock
yea im a hater cuz some idiot is ridin a wheelie posing for a camera with NO HELMET

I love when people say, OH YA i dont use my helmet when im just foolin around.....


calm down gramps

10-09-2006, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by MC79SOUTH
calm down gramps
shut up @$$ hole

10-10-2006, 07:37 AM
chill out old man, its not like it was 45ft double....ur looking at a pic of a 1st gear rolling wheelie, if that upsets you that much than im sorry, but get over it.... i always wear a helmet i guess that i miss typed the caption on that post...by the way no kids here im 21 years old

10-10-2006, 01:47 PM
come on guys calm down a little bit. yeah he should be wearing a helmet but hes not so just ignore it like one of the other pictures in this thread no one bothered to point out...there isn't really a reason to egg on a fight over the internet anyways but anyway why dont we just get back to posting pictures of y'all wheelies

Fighting over the internet is like being in the special olympics...even if you win your still retarded

10-10-2006, 02:03 PM
ahaha im not arguing just stating the obvious.

I forgot kids know everything. until they get a rude awakening

10-11-2006, 10:58 AM
haha, beerock makes me laugh......internet fighting is retarted..

10-11-2006, 11:08 AM
ike i said im not fighting. Anyone who ride without a helmet and thinks playin around pulling wheelies is OK ,well, your all idiots.

now delete the no helmet pics or ill have a mod do it. and perhaps temp ban you for thinkin 'its cool" and arguing about it..

ebrown and idontknowwhoiam delete the no helmet pics NOW:macho

10-11-2006, 01:02 PM
Whats your deal man, really? Is your man panties really in that big of a waud?

10-11-2006, 01:16 PM
well its the safe thing to do because anything can happen really and if your not wearing a helmet it pretty dumb and plus its against the forum rules so yeah

10-11-2006, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by tmoney
Whats your deal man, really? Is your man panties really in that big of a waud?

read the rules

i smell a ban if the pics arent taken down.

10-11-2006, 01:40 PM
sorry it wont happen again...didnt know it was such a big deal

beerock you are seriously a choad, the onlything more amusing than your statements, is your myspace page:)

10-11-2006, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Ebrown
sorry it wont happen again...didnt know it was such a big deal

beerock you are seriously a choad, the onlything more amusing than your statements, is your myspace page:)

the pic is still up and i believe your not going to be able to post soon for your lashing out...The first one where you said i can go F&*K myself

the only thing im doing is upholding the rules of atvriders there short stuff mr im cool i can ride a wheelie with no helmet

10-11-2006, 02:09 PM
beerock you are offically now the (helmet nazi, upholder or the law) i bet you work as a mall security gaurd

10-11-2006, 02:39 PM

10-11-2006, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by jd450

ya, think is getting rediculously laughable...LMFAO

10-11-2006, 06:02 PM
HOW did i get dragged into this???its none of our faults beerrock got beat up alot when he was a weeee boy and now is just a freak....leave me outta it.......... crackrock...ddint know about the "helmet law" on the site either....to all the administrators wont happen again sorry..and crackrock......kill ur self

10-11-2006, 11:51 PM
Let me give a refresher course on rules... Had you read them, you would have remembered... :rolleyes:

It shouldnt be a rule, it should be common sense,which you wont have any sense at ALL if your head becomes a meat waffleon the side of the road !
Its bad for our sport..!

. If you don't like someone, make believe you do or don't respond. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.
2. Leave the flamers to the moderators, don't respond.
3. Refrain from swearing, making sexual and drug references,or creating alternate usernames.
4. Feel free to attach ATV related pictures to you posts. Pictures of riders without helmets will be deleted - riding without a helmet is very dangerous and is an activity strongly comdemned by ATVriders.
5. No commercial advertising of any sort, except for advertising for our sponsors/paid advertisers - including banners in posts, avatars, or signature lines, website addresses, phone numbers, or messages (public or private). This includes users advertising for different shops or companies. We enjoy all shops taking part in ATVriders but no contact information, including websites or phone numbers. The administrator alone will make the final decision on what is advertising but as a simple rule it covers all retail shops, chop shops, and product manufacturers big and small. Manufacturers are strongly encouraged to post information on their own products, but please no ads or prices. Violation of this rule will result in one warning and then a permanent ban.
6. ATVriders.com does not promote, certify, or endorse any of the sellers, buyers, or seller's merchandise. There is always risk involved with purchasing from unknown individuals online. You alone assume all risk and responsibility for those transactions. You alone are responsible for taking necessary precautions to protect yourself from potential internet fraud. ATVriders.com will play no role whatsoever in transactions initiated by individuals acting on their own behalf in the Classifieds section.

KEY WORD again in case you missed it ..

Pictures of riders without helmets will be deleted - riding without a helmet is very dangerous and is an activity strongly comdemned by ATVriders.