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View Full Version : played on stage for the first time..

08-12-2006, 01:30 AM
well i just got back from watchin my uncles band play, and as i guessed i got called on stage and ended up playing a slightly more rock version of sweet home alabama, i dont think i had ever been so nervous in my whole life and even after it was over my heart was racing and my legs were shaking....all went well except for a few minor mistakes because i was concentrating more on not dropping/throwing my sticks than the actual song so i missed a few crashes. i got told i did a good job for the most part but could've been a little louder which i knew would happen because their drummer is a straight up ANIMAL and he hits really hard but all in all i got my feet wet and now i got the itch :D

also...ill get a picture of me playing as soon as i get it from my moms boss

08-12-2006, 01:37 AM
I want pics now:D
I love the drums...:cool:

08-12-2006, 02:56 AM
thats cool as hell. i mess with my tama kit every once and while. it actually calms me down when i play i dunno why. i would think it wold be the exact opposite. ne ways cant wait to see some pics.

Which 450?
08-12-2006, 05:05 AM
Thats cool man, im in a band, i play bass and guitar, depending on the song, we're in the process of getting a new singer, which is impossible. I went to a nonpoint show the other night and watching them guys rip it up is making me want to play a show so freekin bad.

08-12-2006, 11:31 AM
yea im still excited about it...couldnt sleep last nite cuz i was so pumped :p im definately hooked, now i just gotta find some people that wanna play as much as i do lol

08-12-2006, 12:19 PM
Yeah, that is pretty fan. I also play the drums, but more with buddies now than an actual "Organized" band.