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08-10-2006, 12:15 PM
British police question 21 in aircraft bomb plot
10/08/2006 1:43:57 PM


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British police are questioning 21 suspects after authorities said they foiled a terror plot to simultaneously blow up several aircraft between Britain and the United States.

CTV.ca News

Police officers stand outside a semi-detached house in High Wycombe, England, Thursday, Aug. 10, 2006, after a anti-terror raid.(AP Photo/Barry Batchelor/PA)
The plan was to smuggle liquid explosives in hand luggage on up to nine planes, officials said Thursday.

Police say they are convinced the "major players" involved in the plot are in custody, but a wider investigation is only just beginning.

British Home Secretary John Reid said had the bomb plot been carried out, "the loss of life to civilians would have been on an unprecedented scale."

The 21 suspects were arrested in London, High Wycombe and Birmingham and police searches were continuing in a number of homes.

Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Paul Stephenson said the alleged plotters had intended "mass murder on an unimaginable scale".

"We are confident that we have disrupted a plan by terrorists to cause untold death and destruction and to commit, quite frankly, mass murder," he told reporters.

It's believed three U.S. airlines -- United, American and Continental -- were to be targeted on flights to major airports in New York, Washington and California.

Suggestive of an al Qaeda plot

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the sophistication and scope of the threat was "suggestive of an al Qaeda plot."

The plot involved hiding liquid explosives disguised as beverages or other common objects in carry-on luggage, Chertoff told reporters.

London's Heathrow Airport was closed on Thursday to many incoming flights not already in the air, while security was increased at all British airports.

Security was raised to its highest level in Britain and carry-on luggage on all trans-Atlantic flights was banned.

Passengers were only permitted to take aboard essential items, such as passports and wallets, and only then in a transparent plastic bag.

Meanwhile, massive crowds formed at security barriers at London's Heathrow Airport as officials searching for explosives barred just about every type of liquid except baby formula.

CTV's Bill Kearney said it was "pretty crazy" at Heathrow Airport.

"It's very congested but they are moving passengers through," he told Newsnet Thursday.

"Heavily armed police are walking around and people are panicking because they don't know what to do with their hand luggage."

Counter-terrorism investigation

The counter-terrorism investigation has been ongoing for several months, Metropolitan Police anti-terrorist branch chief Peter Clarke said.

Clarke said the investigation had had "global dimensions" and had seen an "unprecedented level" of surveillance.

"We've been looking at meetings, movements, travel, spending and the aspirations of a large group of people," Clarke told reporters.

The decision to take action had been taken on Wednesday night, when the plot reached "a critical level," he added.

Police haven't released any information yet as to whether the suspects have ties to any particular group, although it's believed the suspects were "homegrown" and mostly British citizens.

Britain's MI5 has raised the country's security threat level to "critical," meaning a terrorist attack "is expected imminently and indicates an extremely high level of threat," MI5's website says.

The threat level had been described as "severe" prior to Thursday's announcement.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security increased the threat level applied to U.S.-bound commercial flights originating in Britain to "red," its highest level.

A Downing Street spokesman said British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who is vacationing in the Caribbean, had briefed U.S. President George Bush on the situation overnight.

Blair later paid tribute to the the police and the security services, saying they had tracked the situation for a "long period of time" and had "been involved in an extraordinary amount" of hard work.

"I thank them for the great job they are doing in protecting our country," he said.

The alleged terror plot comes almost five years after Briton Richard Reid attempted to detonate explosives hidden in his shoes on an American Airlines flight from Paris to Miami in December 2001, just three months after the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington.

Reid pleaded guilty to terrorism charges in October 2002 and is serving a life sentence at the nation's super-maximum security prison in Florence, Colorado.

Canada flights

Air Canada said there were no scheduled disruptions of its flights leaving Britain for Canada on Thursday.

However, a Greater Toronto Airports Authority recording advised passengers not to carry liquids of any kind on board, including shampoo and toothpaste, and not to bring drinks through security checks or on board aircraft.

Staff Sgt. Greg Ellis, of Peel Regional Police airport division, told Newsnet that "people should expect delays and allow sufficient time for check-in."

Ruby Soho
08-10-2006, 12:18 PM
i was just going to post this.


08-10-2006, 12:23 PM
Why don't they like us?

08-10-2006, 12:32 PM
they are fuc*ed in the head!

08-10-2006, 12:46 PM
awesome..glad their plan failed..now give em the gift of a bullet between the ears.:)

08-10-2006, 06:20 PM
Yep. Because of this, my 8-yr-old has been sitting in an airport in Vegas for seven hours, waiting to catch her flight home... :mad:

08-10-2006, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Yep. Because of this, my 8-yr-old has been sitting in an airport in Vegas for seven hours, waiting to catch her flight home... :mad:

From what I've been reading and hearing on the news , flights all around the world are pretty much delayed . No carry on luguage allowed either ... on medication and baby formula .

Good thing they stopped this before it happened .

08-10-2006, 06:41 PM
i heard something on the news about planes being delayed, i didnt catch the whole story...they really need to start poppin these terrorists as soon as they r caught, no questions asked...they do no good for the world....they r just a scums of the earth

08-10-2006, 06:45 PM
I wonder what their deal is with air plane's? :confused:

08-10-2006, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
I wonder what their deal is with air plane's? :confused:

I'm guessing many deaths ( usually 150 + people on a plane) , it's a certain death to all those onboard . It brings fear to millions of people that fly everyday and can put a real screwball into the global economy .

This does go to show that the authorities are really making an impact . Just a few months ago , up here in Canada , the police foiled another large terrorist attack which included I think 15 or more people . They had purchased tons of fertalizer to make bombs to hit major Canadian areas ( Parliment Hill , CN Tower, Canadian Stock Exchange and more)

bayou boy
08-10-2006, 07:24 PM
all i know is it is going to suck to fly...cant bring toothpaste...uggg i got a 10 1/2 hr flight coming up and cant brush my teeth before i get off the plane.:mad: at some point all this security is getting rediculus. like taking off your shoes that is dumb also. they are probably getting off more on watching us run like scared lil rabbits knowing they are screwing us in other ways like delaying all the flights and making people miss flights. i know it is for our safety but at some point enough is enough...sorry as a frequent flyer i had to vent:D

08-10-2006, 07:30 PM
Well, dont mean to sound harsh, but i think they just need to put a bullet in each and evey one of these waste of a human being's involved in the terroristict threats heads. No questions asked, they do not deserve to be on this earth. No more of this put them on trial or imprison them, just bang, done, aint gotta worry bout that one no more!

Thank you

08-10-2006, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by bayou boy
all i know is it is going to suck to fly...cant bring toothpaste...uggg i got a 10 1/2 hr flight coming up and cant brush my teeth before i get off the plane.:mad: at some point all this security is getting rediculus. like taking off your shoes that is dumb also. they are probably getting off more on watching us run like scared lil rabbits knowing they are screwing us in other ways like delaying all the flights and making people miss flights. i know it is for our safety but at some point enough is enough...sorry as a frequent flyer i had to vent:D so you rather worry bout brushing your teeth then living.. i guess everyone has there prioritys..

08-10-2006, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by jrspawn
Well, dont mean to sound harsh, but i think they just need to put a bullet in each and evey one of these waste of a human being's involved in the terroristict threats heads. No questions asked, they do not deserve to be on this earth. No more of this put them on trial or imprison them, just bang, done, aint gotta worry bout that one no more!

Thank you

I agree . Tax payers money should not be wasted to have these people sit in a jail cell for months until their trial comes up .

I'll gladly donate 25 cents of my tax payers money for a bullet , rather than spend $50 a day to have them sit behind bars , Hell I'll donate $1 for every one of these terrorist so that someone could put 4 bullets in them just to make sure they aren't getting up . :mad:

bayou boy
08-10-2006, 07:36 PM
at least i would die with fresh breath..:D

08-10-2006, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I agree . Tax payers money should not be wasted to have these people sit in a jail cell for months until their trial comes up .

I'll gladly donate 25 cents of my tax payers money for a bullet , rather than spend $50 a day to have them sit behind bars , Hell I'll donate $1 for every one of these terrorist so that someone could put 4 bullets in them just to make sure they aren't getting up . :mad:

Amen to that... I'd pay $100 dollar's to get em my self :p

08-10-2006, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
Amen to that... I'd pay $100 dollar's to get em my self :p

I've got one-hundred over there..... do I see 125? Looking for 125.....

08-10-2006, 07:51 PM
jrspawn...not only do you have great quads but great ideas! i can't agree with you more....none of them deserve to live

96lapis coupe
08-10-2006, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
Amen to that... I'd pay $100 dollar's to get em my self :p Sign up then, keyboard commando.

08-10-2006, 08:03 PM
i agree but 1 big bomb would do it. The countrys doing all this terriost crap have been fighting forever.That is all they know and all they teach.Itll never come to an end until every terriost is dead.

08-10-2006, 08:09 PM
Great work by the British!

08-10-2006, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I agree . Tax payers money should not be wasted to have these people sit in a jail cell for months until their trial comes up .

I'll gladly donate 25 cents of my tax payers money for a bullet , rather than spend $50 a day to have them sit behind bars , Hell I'll donate $1 for every one of these terrorist so that someone could put 4 bullets in them just to make sure they aren't getting up . :mad:

i agree 110%

08-10-2006, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I agree . Tax payers money should not be wasted to have these people sit in a jail cell for months until their trial comes up .

I'll gladly donate 25 cents of my tax payers money for a bullet , rather than spend $50 a day to have them sit behind bars , Hell I'll donate $1 for every one of these terrorist so that someone could put 4 bullets in them just to make sure they aren't getting up . :mad:

I'm guessing they aren't putting a bullet in their head because they didn't commit a felony on US soil thats worthy of execution. Ontop of that, the countries and supporters of these criminals wouldn't like it to much and probably get revenge on America leading to more innconent civilian American deaths.

But hell, I'm all for your idea.

08-11-2006, 09:20 AM
Well, the best way i could put it is the title for one of the best albums ever put out, "Kill em all".

If they arent for our great country, and want to threaten us, we have no use for them!!!

Thank you

08-11-2006, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by bayou boy
all i know is it is going to suck to fly...cant bring toothpaste...uggg i got a 10 1/2 hr flight coming up and cant brush my teeth before i get off the plane.:mad: at some point all this security is getting rediculus. like taking off your shoes that is dumb also. they are probably getting off more on watching us run like scared lil rabbits knowing they are screwing us in other ways like delaying all the flights and making people miss flights. i know it is for our safety but at some point enough is enough...sorry as a frequent flyer i had to vent:D

you are a sped... :confused: .... remember 9/11... thats why we have airport security... if that would happen again we would probably be ran by China because our economy would blow so bad...

08-11-2006, 10:02 AM
my grandparents flew yesterday to my house (florida to manchester nh) and they had to stand in line fore ever, and throw away toothpaste drink, and perfume. they didnt get to put the tooth paste and perfume on there lugage because the airport got word of the plot as they were in line which is after you give you give your luggage away, then you only have carry ons,

the people comming over here from united king dom can only bring money and there id on there plane as a carry on and it has to be in a see threw baggie

08-11-2006, 10:12 AM
From the reports I've been reading , it looks like there's alQaeda and Pakistani ties to this plot .

Apparently the British authorities have been following this group for quite some time now and they intercepted a message from a few people in Pakistan . The message was to test and see if they were able to get these liquids and electronic devices on board the planes within the next few days , and that the attacks were to happen only days after if they would have been successful at getting these items on the planes . :mad:

08-11-2006, 10:20 AM
I believe its being reported the attacks were to coincide with teh 5th aniversary of the WTC attacks

08-11-2006, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
I believe its being reported the attacks were to coincide with teh 5th aniversary of the WTC attacks

:ermm: I haven't heard that one yet , but I wouldn't doubt it .

I wonder if there's any way we can put all these terrorist on a plane with some sort of gas that slowly soffocates them , then have it crash into some big mountain in Afghanistan ??

08-11-2006, 11:44 AM
Id rather be the pilot of that plane...

"This is Pappy, your pilot, and today we will be cruising at a comfortable 42,000 feet in clear blue sky's. If you look out your window you can see the scenic hills of Afghanistan, and to your left is Pakistan. We know how much you love this god forsaken piece of land so I just wanted each of you to know that you are about to become one with it:eek: I just shut off the engines and the key is my pocket(sound of side door opening) I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR DECENT BECAUSE I'M OUTTAAAAA HEREEEEEEEEE(whoof sound is heard as the parachute opens):devil:

Pappy floats to earth munching on a snickers bar as he watches the plane turn to dust as it impacts the ground.

08-11-2006, 11:47 AM
Hahaha. What about the civilians though?

08-11-2006, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Mx_523
Hahaha. What about the civilians though?

Ummm...what about them, its the middle east:o

08-11-2006, 12:01 PM
Pappy , maybe that plane could have video cameras installed so it could be broadcast live around the world .... especially in Afghanistan .

Just remember , as you're floating away with your parachute and snickers bar in hand , make sure to take the time to flip them the bird and a big ol' thumbs up !!!

Ahhh ... one could only dream !!!!:blah:

08-11-2006, 12:32 PM
:D Pappy, tat has to be the best idea and funniest thing ive heard in a while.

Thank you

08-11-2006, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Id rather be the pilot of that plane...

"This is Pappy, your pilot, and today we will be cruising at a comfortable 42,000 feet in clear blue sky's. If you look out your window you can see the scenic hills of Afghanistan, and to your left is Pakistan. We know how much you love this god forsaken piece of land so I just wanted each of you to know that you are about to become one with it:eek: I just shut off the engines and the key is my pocket(sound of side door opening) I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR DECENT BECAUSE I'M OUTTAAAAA HEREEEEEEEEE(whoof sound is heard as the parachute opens):devil:

Pappy floats to earth munching on a snickers bar as he watches the plane turn to dust as it impacts the ground.

sounds like a good idea to me, lol. I herd that the attack was supposed to happen only a few days after they got caught.

08-11-2006, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by 400exstud
Why don't they like us?


'cause we have star on ours, and they have none on thars..

08-11-2006, 05:07 PM
They where supposed to detonate the bombs by the flash of a camera, which a scientist said probably wouldn't even works. They said its like 1 in a billion chance of working.

08-11-2006, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by nofearrider1
They where supposed to detonate the bombs by the flash of a camera, which a scientist said probably wouldn't even works. They said its like 1 in a billion chance of working.

remote flash technology is state of the art....and flash units are pretty powerful, surely powerful enough to set of something like an electronic detonator

bayou boy
08-11-2006, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by xtremefullbore
you are a sped. .... remember 9/11... thats why we have airport security... if that would happen again we would probably be ran by China because our economy would blow so bad... what is a sped? :huh not familiar with that one...lmao...my point with security is how much is enough. all you see plastered on television is airport delays. they see the same thing we do on television...you dont think they get off seeing that they are shutting down and delaying our transportation industry. in that sense we are letting them get alot of satisfaction at our expense. have you ever been delayed at an airport...have you ever been away from your family for 5 to 6 weeks wanting to get home to see them and hit a major delay like this...it wears your patience thin. one of my friends flew in yesterday from sao paulo into houston and they made them go back thru security 3 times..hmmmm whats up with that sounds like the tsa is not up to par. i just think we are a little on the scary side. that is my opinion you dont have to agree that is what makes america great..no need for name calling...grow up please and listen to other peoples point of views and respect them for what they are....you dont have to agree just gives you a different point of view to analize...yes we are at war with these idiots but i think our biggest problem is that we have to be too politicly correct...if we could do it the way it needs to be done it would probably be over quick

08-11-2006, 05:12 PM
sped= retard

sorry for pointing that out, but i had nothing more to add at this time..lol

bayou boy
08-11-2006, 06:00 PM
lol...thanks for pointing it out....sometimes i dont get the lingo of the younger gen

08-11-2006, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by bayou boy
lol...thanks for pointing it out....sometimes i dont get the lingo of the younger gen

lol, i remember "sped" (SPecial EDucated) from my childhood.. i didnt even know todays kids still use the word..
i figured it would become a new slang name by now..:blah:

hearing it now brings back memories..lol .. oh kids are so cruel..:devil: