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mic 902
08-10-2006, 12:02 AM
What colours sould I make my a arms swingarm and frame? I got black Rear and white front plastics with the h bomb graphics.......
Its all going to be PC'd.:)

08-10-2006, 12:04 AM
I would PC the frame, a-arms and swingarm black.

08-10-2006, 12:59 AM
Well if you want to set the bike of go with like a red but if you just want a clen look then go with wite black or gray.

mic 902
08-10-2006, 01:01 AM
Awsome thanks guys. I was thinking about going with something like a candy red. Keep the ideas coming. Thanks

08-10-2006, 01:19 AM
That would be awesome because it would set your bike off just enough to where you would have to take a second look.

08-10-2006, 01:41 AM
I think...
Frame: Candy Red
A-arms: Black
Swinger: Black

mic 902
08-10-2006, 02:02 AM
Yeh that would look good. Im just throwing an idea out there but what about candy red frame, black swinger, black bottom a arms and chrome top a arms. What do you guys think???

08-10-2006, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by mic 902
Yeh that would look good. Im just throwing an idea out there but what about candy red frame, black swinger, black bottom a arms and chrome top a arms. What do you guys think???

Sounds Awesome. I am trying tp picture it in my head. Make sure you have some more chrome to blend in with your top a-arms. Maybe paint them red too. that might be too much though

mic 902
08-10-2006, 02:13 AM
Yeh if i chrome the top a arms im going to get the engine cases done aswell. That should look sweeeeeeeet. :D