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View Full Version : Welp this sucks!!

08-09-2006, 10:14 PM
Monday the first day of two a days for football i Rolled my ankle Coaches wanted me to see the docter so i went...my regular docter wouldnt see me since i have broke this ankle before so i had to go to my specialist well they saw me today and i have a a horribly sprained ankle with the possibility of a break as well because there was a spot on the Xray that looked like it was broke but it could be scare tissue atleast taht is what we are thinking right now....

but im out of football for a month as of right now maybe longer:eek2: last damn thing i wanted to happen also done racing till i get better which i dont even want to think about i tryed to go riding today but i couldnt even get my foot into a shoe with this damn AIR CAST thingy they have me in oh well

08-09-2006, 10:16 PM
That sucks. Get better soon. Whats a air cast?

08-09-2006, 10:19 PM
A AIR CAST is like a soft cast i guess it serves the same purpose as a regular cast just u can take it off for a shower or what ever but it isnt coming off cause when i take it off my ankle jsut kinda dangles cause i cant move it lol its cool and alot more comfortable then a regular cast

08-09-2006, 10:29 PM
:eek: good idea.. I wish my ankle broke so I could miss football two-a-days for 12 more days... :eek2: I might die.... its gettin 100 degrees here, and we are in full pads and our coach makes us where black soccer socks.... and we run up a huge hill by our practice feild until we either puke, or get cramps... today the fattest kid got cramps on the 1st run so it was early quit and he had to wait 10 minutes and run 5 times up the hill by himself.. :p ... but football games are so awesome i live for friday nights.. and the parties afterwards.. :chinese: