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07-28-2006, 02:25 PM
I made my first trip to the sand dunes in florence oregon. It all started off with my 400ex being too loud at 105dp and 15 minutes into my ride i went off a 8 ft drop off and when i landed i compressed my spine and also broke a disc in my back so now i'm stuck in a back brace for 6 weeks. and the worst part is i still havent really road the dunes yet. Just thought i would tell everyone my cool story of the sand dunes.

07-29-2006, 12:42 PM
Ouch! Be sure to let your body heal completely before going back out:(

I went off a drop about that size several years ago at Florence. I guess I got lucky, only six stiches in the chin and some sore nuts:ermm:

07-29-2006, 06:25 PM
Wow! sorry to hear about your back. I think everyone has gone off a razor back by accident at least once. That's how we learn! How did you know you were 105db? Did you get sound checked? Hope you heal soon.

07-29-2006, 11:29 PM
true my back will heal but im tired of waiting already. Yes i did get checked for my noise of my exhaust when i was in the parking lot before i even got to ride. they didnt give me a ticket though they just said fix it.

08-10-2006, 11:21 AM
Sorry about your back dude... I went off of about a 12 ft drop this past weekend at Little Sahara(Oklahoma) Didnt break anything (luckly) but i was REEEEEEEEEAAALLLLLLLYYY sore still am a little bit. Sorry about the back again.

Happy Healing.

08-10-2006, 02:18 PM
STAND UP!!! sucks that you did that, i just got my buddy to buy a quad finally he got a brand new ltz400 and we went to florence and coming out of honeyman park whoops he went past me (i was going slow) barely hanging on for dear life with no control i stopped and told my brother he is going to crash.

Sure enough he was trying to show off and hit a hard spot in the sand sitting down and it bucked him right off and onto his right shouder seperated the damn thing and has been to afraid to go with me ever since.......Studpidity hurts!

08-11-2006, 12:57 AM
Damn man sorry to hear about that, just glad you can still walk. Ive crashed the last three time out at the dunes, twice in pismo beach and once in sand mountain, the last wreck I broke my collarbone on a night ride :ermm:

Its going to be a little weird getting back on a quad at first but Im sure you'll get confortable on it again.