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View Full Version : Jet ski license?

07-25-2006, 10:23 PM
i have been thinkin about getting a jet-ski. im 16 and i heard i have to get a license to run one, i have a drivers license but what else do i need? is there just a test i have to take or do i have to sit through hours of boring classes to get one? do you have to insure your jet-ski like a car or do you just get a license and ride? thanks

07-25-2006, 10:30 PM
depends on where u live...i kno some places all u do is watch a video on jet skis for like 1 hour and then ur good...but other places u dont need one...
u dont have to have insure it if u dont want to....i would tho

07-25-2006, 10:33 PM
im in ohio, i wont do insurance just because im not going to buy something new its just going to be a mid 90s jet

07-25-2006, 11:02 PM
jet skis are fun, but become boring faily quick in my opinion. In VA you must be 16 to run a PWC. Try one of these as an alternative.

07-25-2006, 11:15 PM
lol funny how somebody posts this up right now. i jus baught 2 96 yamaha WaveBlaster 700's like 20 mins ago haha. i was wondering about the laws too. ill be 17 on friday, and due to health ordeals i cant get a liscense, BUT i think in Ga its jus you have to be 16 or older. i looked it up, and they have nation wide laws for them.
1. you have to wear a coast guard approved live jacket at all times, and this gues for additional riders and people that might be wakeboarding behind you.
2. you have to have a fire extinguisher aboard.
3. you have to have either a quick shutoff clip for the motor, or a circler device on the ski.
hope this helps! im gonna go pick mine up tomorrow and im stoked!:)

07-26-2006, 09:17 AM
here in NY anyone that rides a waverunner must have a boaters licence..its a one day course. I had to get mine. Yet if you get a boat you dont need one....go figure...a few thousand pound boat to a few hundred pound waverunner...i think there are a lot of boaters that need to take a course.

07-26-2006, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Slinky
here in NY anyone that rides a waverunner must have a boaters licence..its a one day course. I had to get mine. Yet if you get a boat you dont need one....go figure...a few thousand pound boat to a few hundred pound waverunner...i think there are a lot of boaters that need to take a course. Yes, I had to do the samething. It was a 6-8 hr course and had to watch a bunch of vids and take a test at the end (very easy) All in all its worth it and they can't bother you no more, but this is NY state and its probably different in other states.

07-27-2006, 09:06 PM
I live in Indiana and own a jet ski. I haven't heard about getting a license to run one, but I am 19. Jet ski for sale, as well.

07-27-2006, 09:58 PM
im from ohio, im 17, i cannot remember the rules, but i know for me to drive the jet ski myslef, of with a passenger legally i had to take a test over the internet.... i cannot remember the website, but it costs around 20 dollars, take the practice test until you can make a high enough score to pass, the real test is the exact same thing as the practice tests. they will mail you your license