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View Full Version : atv contingincy

07-25-2006, 06:18 PM
As you know I have been handing out some atv contingency at all of the races.
The 1st-3rd place in all of the classes have been given a $10 gift certificate.
2 of the classes at each race has been given a Pro Armour cerificate for 1st-3rd place.
3 classes at each race has been given a Lone Star gift certificate for 1st-3rd place.
I did have at the beginning of the year a sponsership from Aim-Perforance for 1 class at each race. I am sorry to say that I was told that this company has since gone out of business. So, it look's like we will be getting nothing from them. Sorry.

If you have gotten a gift certificate, don't try and copy it an send in more than one copy. I got a phone call today from LS (Angela) that someone is making copies and trying to send them in. Angela(at LS) will be giving me those names an address. So, if you did this you might want to call her before I make a posting here. To me this is the same as cutting a course big time.
I think that I should have done the last in cap's.

07-26-2006, 03:51 AM
Tom, thanks for all of your hard work getting in contact with all of these vendors. In one year we have gone from noone wanting to do much for the ATVs to multiple vendors helping out. Thanks again Josh Lawrence

07-26-2006, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by tprender
As you know I have been handing out some atv contingency at all of the races.
The 1st-3rd place in all of the classes have been given a $10 gift certificate.
2 of the classes at each race has been given a Pro Armour cerificate for 1st-3rd place.
3 classes at each race has been given a Lone Star gift certificate for 1st-3rd place.
I did have at the beginning of the year a sponsership from Aim-Perforance for 1 class at each race. I am sorry to say that I was told that this company has since gone out of business. So, it look's like we will be getting nothing from them. Sorry.

If you have gotten a gift certificate, don't try and copy it an send in more than one copy. I got a phone call today from LS (Angela) that someone is making copies and trying to send them in. Angela(at LS) will be giving me those names an address. So, if you did this you might want to call her before I make a posting here. To me this is the same as cutting a course big time.
I think that I should have done the last in cap's.

Tom for someone to make copys is worse then cutting the track. If you cut you only make yourself look bad. If you try and screw the help we are now getting you make us all look bad.

07-26-2006, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by geogeorge
Tom for someone to make copys is worse then cutting the track. If you cut you only make yourself look bad. If you try and screw the help we are now getting you make us all look bad. the person that is makeing copeis should be kick out .and never race again .

07-29-2006, 03:25 PM
If I find out who it is I will have their name mentioned at every race and every person I can think of I will tell . We ATV racers have alot more to lose and prove than others, we already have a bad rep lets not make it worse.
I may be old but I will still be willing to wrestle around for something like this, I may lose but you will be sure to know that I was there.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:macho :mad:

Dirt legs is what comes to mind on cheating and copying certificates.

Scott B Johnson

08-01-2006, 05:32 PM
Talked to LS (Angela) today. And I have, and will take care of the problem. At the last 2 races I will be signing the papers with blue ink on all of the forms so that they can't be copied.
Also, If anyone has any contacts for me for next year or for the banquet. Pass that info on to me so that I can start making the 15 phones calls to each asking for stuff. Right now all that I have is 60 pair of grips to give out at the banquet. Sorry, 58, gave out 2 pairs last year.

08-01-2006, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by tprender
Talked to LS (Angela) today. And I have, and will take care of the problem. At the last 2 races I will be signing the papers with blue ink on all of the forms so that they can't be copied.
Also, If anyone has any contacts for me for next year or for the banquet. Pass that info on to me so that I can start making the 15 phones calls to each asking for stuff. Right now all that I have is 60 pair of grips to give out at the banquet. Sorry, 58, gave out 2 pairs last year.

Good job tom.

I would be more then glade to give free riding lessons to people. :) :devil:

08-01-2006, 06:10 PM
Color Copiers are pretty common these days. Local Kinkos..etc.

The best way to foil the copy-cats is to serialize the coupons.

When you sign your name in blue ink. Write down a unique serial number on the coupon. Then send the Vendor (Angela) a list of the valid serial numbers.

The Vendor will honor a valid serial number only once.

08-08-2006, 01:48 PM



10-27-2006, 10:25 AM
Tom just wonted to say thank you for a great job. I hope the 07 season will bring us just as much good stuff as you did for the 06 season.

10-28-2006, 09:53 AM
Thanks Tom, you did a great job. Next year will be even better I'm sure. Thanks for all of the support for our sport to the sponsors as well. Later josh

10-28-2006, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by scramblerracer
Thanks Tom, you did a great job. Next year will be even better I'm sure. Thanks for all of the support for our sport to the sponsors as well. Later josh

Hay Josh love the way you put Stock champ on your tag line. Now why don't you put how I kick your you know what in the 6 hour. :D

Just have to mess with you. It was a great year racing with you and the rest of the guys in the stock class. What can be said about it coming down to the last race of the year also.

See you next season.

10-29-2006, 10:02 AM
Geoff, i put that there a while back to see if you would notice when we we talking about the 6hr- before the 6hr. I forgot all about it. It was a great year in the stock class I had lots of fun. You guys did kick our butts at the 6hr. You guys were very fast. Are you and Jamie going to the 12 hr? Good luck if you go. See ya next year. Later Josh

10-29-2006, 10:20 AM
NO 12 hour. I'm out of town for a little bit right now. Should make the Dec Hillbilly race and we will have to see how the MO 07 season pans out.

I think I will be talking about the 06 season for a long time. I can't remimber the last time in 15 years of racing that it came down to the last race with 3 guys still in it.

Also you know I have to give you chit.

10-29-2006, 06:35 PM
thanks tom for all your hard work! i love my leo vince exhaust pipe i got from the banquet. with your efforts the atv's will grow and prosper.

10-30-2006, 03:29 AM
Yes Tom , your efforts are top notch and I know personnaly how hard it is to do all that you are doing for the sport and for MHSC.
It is work like this that helps keep the sport fun and exciting.
Thanks Tom
Scott :D

10-31-2006, 07:08 PM
Thanks Tom...your efforts are much appreciated. You're the greatest!

11-05-2006, 09:28 PM
Just wanted to thank you too. Also do you know anything about the tire balls deal, is it still on?


11-09-2006, 05:39 PM
I talked to Tire Balls about a month ago and Brock said that we will have them as a sponser for next year. I asked about the points for this year and Brock said that he was working on it. You might want to call them if you have a question about them.
I have a few things for the banquet in Jan. Have been making a few calls about it and for next year. I have picked up one more company that will sponser 2-3 classes like Lonestar did this year. Have a few offers in with 2 major companies, but nothing yet. Waiting on there finial budget for next year.

11-10-2006, 10:33 AM
Sounds great. Do you know if MSR is going to be on board for next year? I need new grea, but might as well buy some that sponsors the series. I guess I'll have to wait and see what goes down.


11-10-2006, 06:16 PM
The MSR deal is handled by Frank. He told me that it was a 2 year deal, and this was the 2nd year. I will find out more at the meeting in Dec from him.
over and out

12-27-2006, 09:50 PM
any news