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View Full Version : 400 11:1 to 426 11:1 info

07-24-2006, 09:45 PM
used to have wiseco 400 11:1 and today i got me a wiseco 426 11:1 and made a thinner base (1/64) gasket and took the stock head gasket and split it in 3 , and use one of the 2 smaller layer , painted it and put this on my bike , so i would i a little higher comp.my problem is that the bike gets way to hot , do i really have to rejet or is this normal ?, i mean really hot !!!!

07-24-2006, 10:28 PM
Jetting could be part of the problem. High compression can also contribute to excessive heat. Make sure you're not detonating--that can really heat things up fast. What kind of fuel are you running?

ETA: if you didn't rejet when going to a larger bore than that is almost certainly a contributing factor.

07-25-2006, 09:35 AM
89 octane fuel !, exactly what i used to fuel my 400 11:1 (what was left in the tank) and i never had overheating issues or performance problems!!

today i`m gonna try 102 octane fuel from the airport.

anybody ever used no base gasket and thinner head gasket on 11:1 ?!?!? if so , did you have heating issues ?!?!
Could a small squish be causing all this heat ?!

07-25-2006, 10:30 AM
Did you rejet for the larger bore?

07-25-2006, 10:41 AM
not yet i already have a 172 wich was drilled bigger and it ran perfectly , i don`t even know what to put in! since the plugs color looks fine to me.

07-25-2006, 11:59 AM
not yet i already have a 172 wich was drilled bigger and it ran perfectly , i don`t even know what to put in! since the plugs color looks fine to me.

07-25-2006, 05:07 PM
Hey GPracer2500 , i rode it again today with 100LL wich is 102 octane , doesnt heat as much as yesterday , but i noticed something weird , on the base where the clutch lever is coming out of the base , it`s moving up and down like hell ,like 1mm freeplay ,it follow the engine rpm , so i ask my self is this normal , then i uncrewed the dip stick just to see and it spitting lots of oil like mad with lots of pressure. normal ? then i start my brothers 426 10:1 and go for a 10 minutes ride like i did on mine , then i look a the clutch lever on the base and his to is moving up and down just like mine but not as close as much like mine can barely see it move but feel it with my finger , unscrewed the dip stick to , can feel little pressure too, like it breathing , but does not spit oil !!! what`s wrong with my bike ?!?!?
please help !!!!

07-25-2006, 05:14 PM
oil level ? what do you think ? i started the to bike for 2 minutes and shut them both and waited 2 minutes before checking oil level to have exactly the same reading factors and mine is way past the "max" mark , his is perfect , can overfilling an engine be causing damage or poor performance ?

07-25-2006, 05:57 PM
YES.. drain it to where it needs to be or you will be having problems, robbed performance and such.. I dont know exactly what it effects but I did that once and it performed like crap!