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View Full Version : TRX500 problem

07-24-2006, 08:55 PM
I have just recently bought a 2005 Honda Foreman S 500, it ran beautiful until today when i took it out for a rip. It started up fine and I even drove it down the road to my riding place. I decended a hill onto the beach when i noticed it bogging out. It runs alright in nuetral but when i put it in gear and stomp on it, she bogs right out and i have no power. I think it has something to do with the carb..... Can anyone help me out please!!!?!?!


07-25-2006, 06:57 PM
First off welcome to the site. I'd honestly check for the simple things first, make sure you didnt leave the choke on (ive done that before:o ), does it have plenty of gas in the tank if not then it might not be getting enough, is it new or used if its used check/change the airfilter. Hopefully that will get you off to a good start. Feel free to ask away on this site, you will always get fast and good responces.
