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07-22-2006, 09:57 PM
I have a floppy disk with a program from windows 98 when i put it on to my xp i get

16bit windows subsystem
c:windows/system32/autoexec.nt. the system files is not suitable for runnning ms-dos and microsoft windows applications.

how can i get it to work

07-22-2006, 10:53 PM
Search for the program for XP. Alot of applications from 98 need modification to work on XP. If you want, give me the name of the program and ill search myself. I have about 40GB worth of applications.

07-22-2006, 10:59 PM
Its a datalogger from cygnus its a top fuel dragster data logger we just bought if you wanted to know

07-23-2006, 09:08 AM

try there...

occasionally ill have trouble running "legacy" software, but usually i can find a way out following the step MS gives..

i wouldnt attempt something that affects the entire OS though.. if it comes to that, ill just use an older 98 PC, or if youre up to it create a dual OS boot PC, one win98 and one winXP..