View Full Version : Creation...... vs. Evolution

Narly R
07-20-2006, 11:23 PM
Now, I know this is a sesitive subject. I do not want to start anything bad here, there is so much to talk about I dont know where someone would start if they were trying to prove a point. Though if you have anything interesting, or important you feel like you should say, please share. But I do not want to affend anyone by making this thread. I only ask that you please vote on the poll, I want to see the how the number come up. Thank you.

07-21-2006, 10:46 AM
Your walking threw a desert, its been days

You think you see a white fence in the distance, but put it off as a mirage. But as you star getting closer, you realize that theres also a green lawn inside of the fence, theres also a house.

when you finally get to it, you go inside. As you open the door the cold air from the AC hits your face. You go to the sink and turn on the water and fresh water comes out, you take a sip. you go into the basement and see a heater because it gets cold at night in the desert. then off to the left a man is standing there

you ask him,how did this house get here? He replies, it just appered here..

The desert is the universe and the house is earth, Some one had to build the house, because theres no way you can get all those wonderful thing from nothing. How does a grain of sand evolve into a house with heating and plumbing? it dosent...

07-21-2006, 11:07 AM
there was a treah about this, if some one want to read it http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=236290

i belive that God created everyting, how long ago, that i dont know, but over the years people and animals and others have been adapting to the earth.

in the times of abraham in egypt, some 5000 years ago, people lived up to 130-140 years old. we adapted to a diferetn kind of life now a days where the average is around 70. just a few go to live close to 100. that is also evolution, DYT?

07-21-2006, 11:28 AM
humm...intersting...god created evolution? well if that is the case why did he have a book writen that states that he just created it all. someones on some good stuff. he either created it all or nothing.

i belive in evolution. how does anyone know anything truely exists. how do you know we are inside a molecule inside a cell in the figernail of some one in an other universe much larger then ours.

07-21-2006, 11:57 AM
My world stuides teacher told us a story about evolution and God.

There was a priest. He had a atheist friend. The priest was determined to prove to his friend that God was real. So one day he went down into his basement and didn't come out for a few weeks. When he came out he went and got his atheist friend and brought him down into the basement. The atheist was amazed with what he saw. It was a small replica of their city. It had everything into exact detail right down to the rocks and such. The atheist asked the priest who built this? The priest simply said "No body."

07-21-2006, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by gbcap
humm...intersting...god created evolution? well if that is the case why did he have a book writen that states that he just created it all. someones on some good stuff. he either created it all or nothing.

i belive in evolution. how does anyone know anything truely exists. how do you know we are inside a molecule inside a cell in the figernail of some one in an other universe much larger then ours.

That the kida **** hippys sit around and talk about all hopped up on acid."cosmic"

07-21-2006, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by Mx_523
My world stuides teacher told us a story about evolution and God.

There was a priest. He had a atheist friend. The priest was determined to prove to his friend that God was real. So one day he went down into his basement and didn't come out for a few weeks. When he came out he went and got his atheist friend and brought him down into the basement. The atheist was amazed with what he saw. It was a small replica of their city. It had everything into exact detail right down to the rocks and such. The atheist asked the priest who built this? The priest simply said "No body."

Haha, thats pretty good. But I believe in God creating everything, but don't bash others who don't feel the same way.;)

07-21-2006, 11:50 PM
yarrr creation be what i believe

07-22-2006, 12:57 AM
Belive in god i do

belive in evolution i not

07-22-2006, 06:07 AM
This topic seems to follow me around the internet. LOL

I am a Christian, I have received Jesus Christ as my Saviour, and I beleive the Bible to be God's Word.

So, based upon other instances where I have seen God's Word proven true, and God shown to be reliable, I beleive what God's Word says re: origins and natural processes today.

However, the Bible is not a science text, and is not intended to be. It just has some relevant info.

From a scientific standpoint, it ultimately comes down to what can be proven. Fact is, NEITHER side can be proven.

Next, we go to the greater weight of evidences.

Here's the evidence as I see it:

Evolution does occur. Species adapt, and mutate to environment. However, the only evidence I've actually seen is in the short term. Galapagos island finch beaks, fruit flies, etc.

Does the fact a process does happen in the short term evidence it can also happen in the long term? Well, would it be possible for a container of gasoline to explode over a 30 year period, or does the chemical reactiion happen very rapidly? The evidence we have is only (to my knowledge) of short term evolution. Which is not inconsistent with the Biblical account, but really doesn't prove anything either.

Next, I see design and intelligence in organisms and natural processes. Even that gas explosion happens pretty much the same way every time. But the massive evidence of design in nature doesn't prove the Biblical account either. That intelligence is not proven to be God, based upon the evidence. Scripture makes it CLEAR faith is necessary to please God, so it is Biblically illogical to say God gave enuf evidence to prove His existence on this earth, as then, faith would be unnecessary.

Here is my thing tho -

It bugs me when either side says "The evidence proves evolution, or creation." It just doesn't. Both positions come down to a matter of faith, as neither can be subjected to the scientific method, including observation, repeatability, or falsification.

Ever try to repeat the big bang? Anyone ever witnessed a fish turning into a lizard over a 10,000,000 year period? Anyone physically see God create?


Both schools of thought are faith based.

And that's what I wanted to say about that.

Thank you. :)

07-22-2006, 09:23 AM
I evovled from canis lupus.

07-22-2006, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by the gangsta
I evovled from canis lupus.

I believe that God created everything at one point, and from then on..Evolution took it's course.

07-22-2006, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Cr85rRida
How does a grain of sand evolve into a house with heating and plumbing? it dosent... It doesn't, but it does evolve into glass, thank's to the Egyptians. Technological advancements in society created that house with plumbing, not God. I beleive in creation as a whole but I don't agree with the Christian religion about Adam and Eve and all that. I have my own relationship with my God, I don;t need people telling me how to think and feel. That's why I don't have an answer to what religion I am. I don't beleive any one particular story about how everything happened.

07-22-2006, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by MrMan
I believe that God created everything at one point, and from then on..Evolution took it's course.

^^^ I'm with this guy on this subject .

I believe God started everything , and from there on evolution has brought us to where we are today .

07-22-2006, 10:29 AM
Ok, here is a spin on the topic. I am a Christian... I know Jesus as my personal savior, and have for years. That said, I am also a sponge for knowledge. I love to read, and especially books on Physics and such. I work with a Math wiz. He used to teach Statistics at the University of Illinois, and is a blast to debate with. We sometimes get on the topic of space, and aliens and such. He says that when aliens come down, that will be proof that God does not exist, because it does not go along with the bible. Now, I am a geek, so I find the whole alien thing facinating, but I don't feel that is the end all to religion. It says God created the Heavens and the Earth. What are the Heavens to God as he stated? Just like he created it all in 7 days.... what is a day to God? 24 hours or 10,000 years... noone knows. Maybe we are not his only "experiment" with life and people in the universe. What are your thoughts?

07-22-2006, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Rdhanded2
Ok, here is a spin on the topic. I am a Christian... I know Jesus as my personal savior, and have for years. That said, I am also a sponge for knowledge. I love to read, and especially books on Physics and such. I work with a Math wiz. He used to teach Statistics at the University of Illinois, and is a blast to debate with. We sometimes get on the topic of space, and aliens and such. He says that when aliens come down, that will be proof that God does not exist, because it does not go along with the bible. Now, I am a geek, so I find the whole alien thing facinating, but I don't feel that is the end all to religion. It says God created the Heavens and the Earth. What are the Heavens to God as he stated? Just like he created it all in 7 days.... what is a day to God? 24 hours or 10,000 years... noone knows. Maybe we are not his only "experiment" with life and people in the universe. What are your thoughts?

Personally, I believe that God gave us instructions on how to lead a healthy religious life (the bible). Then I also think that he wants us to learn things on our own to learn from our experiences.

07-22-2006, 10:40 AM
I was raised Catholic, but going through school studying geology and other earth sciences, there is just too much proof that God did not create everything. We have dated rocks older than the bible says the earth is. One thing about the bible is, too many people take it "word for word". It was written by people, not God himself, so it was elaberated on greatly, most preist and reverends will tell you not to take it literally, but to take it for the meaning or morals. I can't believe that God created everything, its not possible, though I am still religous, I just don't believe the "everybody go to church and believe what the one guy in front tells you." I believe religion is more than old stories, but more about faith in others and morals to live by.

oh, Gniess, is a rock found in Canada and Russia, that is radioactivly dated to be 4.6 Billion years old, the oldest "known" rock on earth.

07-22-2006, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Rdhanded2
Ok, here is a spin on the topic. I am a Christian... I know Jesus as my personal savior, and have for years. That said, I am also a sponge for knowledge. I love to read, and especially books on Physics and such. I work with a Math wiz. He used to teach Statistics at the University of Illinois, and is a blast to debate with. We sometimes get on the topic of space, and aliens and such. He says that when aliens come down, that will be proof that God does not exist, because it does not go along with the bible. Now, I am a geek, so I find the whole alien thing facinating, but I don't feel that is the end all to religion. It says God created the Heavens and the Earth. What are the Heavens to God as he stated? Just like he created it all in 7 days.... what is a day to God? 24 hours or 10,000 years... noone knows. Maybe we are not his only "experiment" with life and people in the universe. What are your thoughts?

I like the way you think. Scientific, yet religous.

07-22-2006, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by ELewandowski
I like the way you think. Scientific, yet religous.

The ways they test the rocks are educated guesses. They don't know exactly how old they are. You need faith both to believe in the big bang and God. I'd just rather believe that something created everything, because ever since they said the big bang happened, couldn't another one happen in that time? But believe in what you want, I won't sit here and preach to you.

07-22-2006, 11:00 AM
I agree, it is and "educated" guess, based on the half-life of the radioactive minerals in the rock, but it has shown to be very accurate when used on rocks that have been dated using carbon dating with fossils and comparing results with the radioactive dating results of the same layer of rocks.

07-22-2006, 11:22 AM
I'm a man of science, and evidence for that matter. I've never been a religious person by any means. I genuinely believe that evolution/knowledge or who knows maybe aliens for that matter lol, have shaped over millions of years of time into all the comforts we know today.

07-22-2006, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by ELewandowski
I was raised Catholic, but going through school studying geology and other earth sciences, there is just too much proof that God did not create everything. We have dated rocks older than the bible says the earth is. One thing about the bible is, too many people take it "word for word". It was written by people, not God himself, so it was elaberated on greatly, most preist and reverends will tell you not to take it literally, but to take it for the meaning or morals. I can't believe that God created everything, its not possible, though I am still religous, I just don't believe the "everybody go to church and believe what the one guy in front tells you." I believe religion is more than old stories, but more about faith in others and morals to live by.

Points -

There is no PROOF of anything.

The Bible never says how old the earth is.

Dating methods are subject to wide interpretation.

The Bible was God-inspired. Man merely scribed it.

The Bible self interprets - it tells you where its literal, and where its metaphor.

07-22-2006, 01:53 PM
I have one question...is evolution when a creature changes its feautures over a long period of time? Like humans use to look different? If so, then I agree with MrMan and Quad18star, I think he created everything and evolution took its course.

07-22-2006, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by fasterblaster09
I have one question...is evolution when a creature changes its feautures over a long period of time?

Yes, that's what evolution is .