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View Full Version : What is the loudest exhaust, and best exhaust for the 400ex?

07-18-2006, 12:38 PM
I whant to git the loudest and best exhaust for my 05 trx400ex.
I don't race i just free ride, i am thinking of gitting the lrd full system or sparks x6. I have herd bad thing's about lrd with there header paint chipping off and the paint on the exhaust coming off avter afuw power watches. Do you no of a better exhaust then these two and louder. I like loud pipe's!!:devil:

07-18-2006, 12:45 PM
HMF, in my opinion

This topic has been beat to @#@#$, use the search and you will find a lot of info.

07-18-2006, 12:59 PM
I am against people who run loud pipes just because they are loud. Now that my seem like an oxy-moron because I run the HMF which is one of the loudest systems out there; however, I never go off of my land without the quiet core in.

Loud people + inconsiderate people = less trails

PS: I am in no way saying that YOU are inconsiderate, but you know that there are people that truely are.

07-18-2006, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by 400exstud
I am against people who run loud pipes just because they are loud. Now that my seem like an oxy-moron because I run the HMF which is one of the loudest systems out there; however, I never go off of my land without the quiet core in.

Loud people + inconsiderate people = less trails

PS: I am in no way saying that YOU are inconsiderate, but you know that there are people that truely are.

Agreed. The vast majority of people should NOT get a loud pipe just because it's loud. Loud pipes are just bad for the sport. Period.

That's not to say that loud pipes don't have their place--anything that produces HP has it's place. But the penalty for running a quite pipe often isn't significant enough to outweigh the downside of LOUD. Loud is ok as long as you're super-responsible about when loud should be avoided.

I don't own a Sparks X-6 but have a freind who does. It's a very nice pipe. Sounds nice but is very loud. Not sure if his has a spark arrestor or not.

07-18-2006, 11:31 PM
I totally agree with GPracer2500's comments above. There is a reason that some pipes are louder and sometimes loud does equal more power. I think the Sparks pipes sound great but are quite loud. HMF and LRD are loud as well but provide substantial power gains. I think the loudest is a TC Shorty. Personally I like Yoshimura exhausts a lot.

Loud pipes on a MX track are a little more acceptable because you are in a controlled environment and you aren't as likely to piss people off nearby, whereas trail riding or riding near other's property is very inconsiderate and contributes to why people think dirt bike and quad riders are bunch of rude a**holes.

07-19-2006, 01:20 AM
Not exactly, its people like you who get our riding places closed, because you WHINE about loud pipes. If you could just get over the fact that people are going to ride with loud pipes wether you like it or not, then we wouldnt have a problem.

Im not speaking above the people above me, im speaking in general.

07-19-2006, 02:33 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by FreeRider4LIFE
[B]I whant to git the loudest and best exhaust for my 05 trx400

The loudest pipe is not the best pipe

07-19-2006, 02:41 AM
The loudest pipe is not the best pipe

You mean "The loudest pipe, is not ALWAYS the best pipe."

In most cases it is!!! How many pipes do they have, that are quiet and give good power, besides yoshi?

Then compare that to all the loud pipes that are great.

07-19-2006, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by 400eXr1d3rZ
You mean "The loudest pipe, is not ALWAYS the best pipe."

In most cases it is!!! How many pipes do they have, that are quiet and give good power, besides yoshi?

Then compare that to all the loud pipes that are great.

Yoshi is nowhere near quiet id say as loud as hmf or sparks but i have to find sumone that has one. i have a hmf utility on my big bear and my yosh is louder than that by far and that hmf was louder than my old honda 250x with a hmf. so im guessing its pretty loud. i dont know why alot of people think they are quiet. my theory is that yosh comes from yoshimura with the quiet core installed maybe alot of people dont relize its there? or jsut dont know how to take it out. not sure. but id say any name brand pipe your gonna get is gonna be loud and give u good power gains. the pipes id look at are lrd, hmf, sparks, and yosh. pick the one u like best and go with it. you will get so many different answers on exhausts when really they are all mostly the same. pick a brand name u like excluding hte older DG pipes and cobra and ull be fine

07-19-2006, 08:51 AM
if u want loud get a shorty...i cut my hmf into a shorty and it made it prtty loud and a nice gain of bottom end power..i also got a fmf powerbomb header for more performance and it made it deeper and sounds nice..where i live no one minds bout loud pipes and i go easy on the gas around houses ...

07-19-2006, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by 400eXr1d3rZ
Not exactly, its people like you who get our riding places closed, because you WHINE about loud pipes. If you could just get over the fact that people are going to ride with loud pipes wether you like it or not, then we wouldnt have a problem.

Im not speaking above the people above me, im speaking in general.

This makes no sense. I seriously doubt that anybody here would ever have anything to do with getting riding areas closed down by "whining", as you say.

Non-riders complain about loud pipes and get riding areas shut down. Riders informing other riders about this danger is part of the solution--NOT part of the problem. Attitudes like "...get over the fact that people are going to ride with loud pipes wether you like it or not..." gets us no where fast.

07-19-2006, 10:49 AM
i think we should stop arguing and tell the guy wat the loudest pipe is because thats wat he asked for, he didnt ask for ppl to get mad about him wanting one and other ppl telling him not to get one...its his 4wheeler let him do wat he wants with it and where i live i have never herd of place getting shut down becuz of loud pipes...places get shut down here when ppl vandalize and tresspass and tear up yards and fly down the roads...if ppl can hear ur pipe and say its to loud then r u riding in there back yard?? and wat bout the harleys with the loud pipes that r always making noise....i just take it easy on my quad when im around houses so no one can complain

07-19-2006, 09:22 PM
It is, indeed, his four wheeler; however, what he does to it can affect us all. If you haven't heard of places getting shut down because of sound, you need to expand you horizons. A local track half an hour a way got shut down less than 2 years ago because it was too loud. People ACROSS a highway were few up with the 10+ years of noise.

07-20-2006, 07:52 AM
one of the local tracks around here just complain bout the dust but not many ppl like loud pipes but that isnt gonna stop ppl from buying them

07-20-2006, 09:25 AM
All the pipes ive heard on any 400ex generally sound the same in loudness if they dotn have a quiet core in, so just go with what u like the looks of and what is in your price range... Now ive never heard the TC shorty on any quad but i bet its loud so i guess go for that if u want something really loud thats a decent pipe.

07-20-2006, 09:56 AM
I had a sparks! The thing started to rust after 6 month. They covered it under warr. But would never have on again. I'm running a yoshi full stainless with the carbon can. looks and works great and plenty loud with the TEC ket out.

Little Speedy
07-20-2006, 10:50 AM
Sparks X-6.... end of story :devil:

07-20-2006, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by 400eXr1d3rZ
Not exactly, its people like you who get our riding places closed, because you WHINE about loud pipes. If you could just get over the fact that people are going to ride with loud pipes wether you like it or not, then we wouldnt have a problem.

Im not speaking above the people above me, im speaking in general.

what if i were to say that i like the super loud pipes. guess what i do, but i won't buy one because i don't want to piss off the neighbors and lose riding areas. if someone doesn't like a loud pipe then of course they are going to talk about it. u just made absolutely no sense

07-20-2006, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by GPracer2500
This makes no sense. I seriously doubt that anybody here would ever have anything to do with getting riding areas closed down by "whining", as you say.

Non-riders complain about loud pipes and get riding areas shut down. Riders informing other riders about this danger is part of the solution--NOT part of the problem. Attitudes like "...get over the fact that people are going to ride with loud pipes wether you like it or not..." gets us no where fast.

ur exactly right

07-20-2006, 03:38 PM
the sparks is VERY LOUD. they run 102 dec. at 2200 RPM. if u want loud, this is ur pipe.they also give u massive poweer gains

07-20-2006, 04:01 PM
i would say LRD 4 series