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View Full Version : Who does frame gusseting?

08-19-2002, 11:53 AM
I need to find someone who can weld/gusset a 400EX frame and preferably clean and podercoat it as well. Is there anyone out there who can do this work in a reasonable amount of time?



08-19-2002, 01:22 PM
Knowin which part of the world you live in might help..;)

08-19-2002, 02:06 PM
Rocky Ridge Racing does in KY.

08-19-2002, 02:42 PM
I'm in Tennessee and I have heard about Rocky Ridge, but I've heard horror stories (perhaps unfounded) about their turn-around time. I'm really looking for someone who can do a good job for a fair price in a reasonable amount of time (a few weeks). Any other suggestions?


08-19-2002, 02:45 PM
Don't know how soon your wanting this done but I'm dropping off my frame for a gussett and powdercoat at Rocky Ridge here in about 6 weeks or so,,I can tell the time frame then on turn around,,and yes your probably correct on the turn around time Kens basically a one man show and does seem to take awhile doing things,,but he normally does them right the first time and does a very good job..

08-19-2002, 03:36 PM
down here in san diego, i have heard that timmy boy designs (http://www.timmyboydesigns.com) does frame gusseting. i'm gonna have mine done there soon, as well as building a no-link swing arm...don't know where you are at, but you can always ship the frame...

08-19-2002, 06:26 PM
Hey Bro, I am in Welding class,and am gonna be a pro welder,so give me about 2motnhs,and I'll be making top notch gussets and welds,haha

08-19-2002, 11:26 PM
The Quadshop also gussets and powdercoats, takes about two weeks from the time it is recieved, the powdercoaters is what takes the longest, depending on how there backed up.

08-20-2002, 06:11 AM
I tried calling Timmy Boy but haven't gotten a response from them yet.

Rowlrag, check your PM.

Anyone else have any recommendations? I think I smell a business opportunity here for some enterprising individual! There doesn't seem to be many people who are doing this and those that are have outrageous turn-around times. If someone could start a business doing it and do it right (i.e. good customer service, pricing, quality of workmanship), I think they could make a bit of money.

Anyway, if anyone else has any ideas let me know.


08-20-2002, 09:44 AM
timmy boy designs is a one man operation from what tim told me a few weeks ago. he said he was going to bring in a partner soon though. just keep trying to call or email him, he knows a helluva lot about this stuff.

08-20-2002, 11:41 AM
That's cool, but when I call someone wanting to give them business I don't keep calling back. If they are too busy to call me back that's fine, but I'm not going to bust my *** to get in touch with someone when I'm trying to give them money for their product or service. Someone who doesn't call me back doesn't deserve my business.

I refuse to get into another situation with a "great" builder, fabricator, etc, who takes ten times as long as they promise to get something done, and won't return my phone calls. There are too many idiots out there in this industry (and many others) who may be fine at what they do but don't have a clue how to run a business. I for one refuse to support that particular breed of entrepreneur.

08-20-2002, 12:24 PM
u know nothing about this operation, or the backbone behind it. that's fine if you have beef with someone who screwed you before, but you have a lot of nerve to assume or suggest that this company is a shady or unreliable operation. i have been reading posts for weeks about people not getting calls back from the quad shop, but does that make them an unworthy company?

that's fine with me if you don't do buisness with that company, i am not trying to draw buisness to him. i was only trying to help YOU out. everyone that i have talked to that has done buisness with him has been extremely happy, and that is why i suggested it. so maybe you should grab a box of tissues and calm down before you get so fired up because you didn't get a call back from someone right away.

08-20-2002, 12:57 PM

After re-reading my post, I see that I didn't do a terribly good job of clarifying myself. That little rant was not directed at a particular company (Timmy Boy) but at a class of businesses that I think we have all dealt with in this industry and others. I am completely sick of companies who consistently treat their customers poorly.

As I said in my earlier post, I have put in a call to Timmy Boy that has not yet been returned. Does this automatically mean that the business owner is worthless? No, life happens and there may be any number of very good reasons that my call hasn't been returned. It has only been a few days and I am certainly willing to wait a few more before writing them off.

If however, my call goes unreturned entirely then yes, Timmy Boy will likely be written off of my list of places to do business with, and I don't think saying so makes me some kind of abusive freak! I think I have a right to expect a minimal level of customer service from the businesses I deal with - that's all.

And yes, I would hold the QuadShop to those same standards. I have yet to have a single problem with their customer service though and they will continue to get my business.

Anyway, I do appreciate your recommendation and I really do hope that I hear back from Timmy Boy.


Everyone, I apologize if I got this topic off course. I'm still looking for someone to gusset my frame!


08-20-2002, 07:16 PM
Call Rocky Ridge.

08-20-2002, 09:17 PM
Tom Miller Motorsports also does this type of work TN. Not sure how quick they are on turn around time. I had them do a 350x frame. It took a little while but he knew I was't in a hurry. Getting the frame prepped is was took the time.

(731) 986-0893

08-21-2002, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by monkeynuts
i have been reading posts for weeks about people not getting calls back from the quad shop, but does that make them an unworthy company?
Were are these posts? I must have missed them.