View Full Version : Back Pain...

07-16-2006, 06:16 PM
Do you guys suffer from excrutiating back pain when your working or riding? I can't seem to keep my back from literally temporarely "seizing" when I'm working and I don't lift anything heavy (cause i'll pull my back out), and I work in landscaping... But I don't know think I can do it much longer. Generally I'm okay when I'm riding unless I'm riding really hard, and even then it's tolerable. I just want to know if any of you have had this problem and have found a solution.

07-16-2006, 06:23 PM
im in the same boat. my left leg is a tad shorter then my right so it puts a lot of stress on my back. i get the same kind of seizing feeling ur talkin about. ive been to the doctor several tiems and they allways just recommend muscle relaxers which will do me no good

07-16-2006, 06:42 PM
I used to suffer like that, then I found out that I had two ruptured disks in my back. A huge surgery later and two years off therapy and I can ride again, but I have to be careful and I can't jump big anymore. Be careful not to overdo yourself or you will wind up in trouble.

07-16-2006, 07:28 PM
I have a similar problem resulting from a couple accidents( seperated shoulder and dislocated ribs in back) which really screwed up my back. It's actually is amazing if I can go a couple weeks without any sort of Back-pain. Quite honestly it was so bad a while back that it was starting to depress me. However I found out About IMS ( Inter-muscular stimulation) and have been going once-a-week for the past six weeks and it seems to be helping. Might be something for you to look into.( Word of warning though, It can hurt like a b@stard if you muscle are tight)

07-16-2006, 07:49 PM
About a year ago, I wrecked and really messed my back up. For two weeks I could hardly get out of bed without having this sharp pain in my back. I went to the doctor, which resulted in pain killers. Those helped but only temporarily.

So I decided to try a chiropractor. I have never made a better decision in my life...lol. I had to go for about a week straight but once he got me straightened out, it was smooth sailing from there. Atleast until my next wreck:scary:

07-16-2006, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by DieselBoy
Do you guys suffer from excrutiating back pain when your working or riding? I can't seem to keep my back from literally temporarely "seizing" when I'm working and I don't lift anything heavy (cause i'll pull my back out), and I work in landscaping... But I don't know think I can do it much longer. Generally I'm okay when I'm riding unless I'm riding really hard, and even then it's tolerable. I just want to know if any of you have had this problem and have found a solution.

i screwed my back up bad skating so i went to get xrays as there are like chips in my back bone:ermm: forgot what its called but my back always gets hurt so bad i dont want to move

when i messed it up that day i felt the worst pain ive ever felt

Honda TRX250ex
07-16-2006, 08:09 PM
I have back pain to man! I have 2 slipped disk nerve damange and muscle damange on my back and im only 16.

07-16-2006, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by honduh440
im in the same boat. my left leg is a tad shorter then my right so it puts a lot of stress on my back. i get the same kind of seizing feeling ur talkin about. ive been to the doctor several tiems and they allways just recommend muscle relaxers which will do me no good

My doctor has given me Toradol, and muscle relaxers, but they are only temporary relief. When I pull out my back, I'm basically immobile for about 3-4 days, and I can't lay down in any shape or form, I have to literally sleep in a chair or I can't find relief, and it's a constant pinching/rush of pain when it happens. Lifting stuff kills me, my back won't really tolerate any sort of strain or anything. It's rediculous.

I think I'm going to consider a Chiropracter, I can't go on like this. its killing me...

07-17-2006, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by honduh440
im in the same boat. my left leg is a tad shorter then my right so it puts a lot of stress on my back. i get the same kind of seizing feeling ur talkin about. ive been to the doctor several tiems and they allways just recommend muscle relaxers which will do me no good

I too have a similar problem. Chiropractor is a big help when you can afford it.

What I do the rest of the time is lay on a large soft ice pack I bought a while back. 20 minutes on the ice pack, 20 minutes off the icepack and then another 20 minutes on the ice pack.

It works by cooling the nerves in your back that are being irrated by the tense muscles in your back.

It’s a chain reaction, you cool the nerve, the nerve relaxes and then relaxes the muscle, which stops irritating the nerve, so then the nerve further relaxes.

Works rather well.

07-17-2006, 09:10 PM
Once i was ridnig my dirtbike, and i jumped and something happened, i fell off mid air and landed on my asss, i swear to god i thought i broke my asss. I was only like 10 feet of the ground though.

07-17-2006, 09:20 PM
it all started back when I had my yz250, and I had a couple nasty wipeouts. from there out, it's been terrible, and it gets progessively worse. Any attempt to lift something heavy is a disaster.

07-17-2006, 11:14 PM
Try having spina bifida occulta and having a herniated disk in your lower back. I still ride and I'm going to race in a couple weekends. My back always hurts like hell and I've been through physical therapy which seemed to help some. As long as I do my exercises it keeps my back pain in check. It also doesn't help that at work all I do is lift heavy things.

07-18-2006, 12:49 PM
Well mine all started when i broke my leg broke my growth plate so my left leg is shorter then my right, then broke ribs near the spine OUCH....then broke my sternum in a fight that is horrible what ever you dod otn break taht the worst pain out of everything and im only 17 :D

07-18-2006, 12:51 PM
ive been going to the cyropractor and let me tell you one thing it sure does help alot now my back doesnt hurt one bit even if i am lifting weights(knock on wood)