View Full Version : Do Weight Gainers Work?

07-14-2006, 04:53 PM
I know there was a thread on here before about where to buy cheap wieght gainers, but do they really work? I know one person that used them but I'm not sure he was taking them the right way. I think he was just drinking them and hoping that would work. I have read that you need to drink one a given amount of time before a work out and than another after the work out. I am just wondering if they are worth the money. Thanks

07-14-2006, 05:03 PM
All u gotta do man is eat a sh@@ load of food and u will gain weight.

07-14-2006, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by quads14589
All u gotta do man is eat a sh@@ load of food and u will gain weight.

its not that easy for some people:rolleyes:

07-14-2006, 05:49 PM
they work cause they give you the calories and protien you wont get from eating. but,you got to be consistent with them and STILL have to eat right and often. How much weight are you looking to gain? I used to drink 2 or 3 a day.plus ate a ton,and they worked for me. but, everyone is differant. Ihad my alarm set for like midnight just to wake up and have one. it can get expensive too, cause they aint cheap. try a peanut butter and jelly sandwich evey night before sleep too,cause thats got plenty of calories,and the protein from the peanut butter. but ,to answer your question,are they worth it? imo,yes if taken properly...

07-14-2006, 07:09 PM
yeah, mole97's right. i have used them b4, and they did get a bit pricy. for the ones i was taking, the best results came from a plateau regiment of plenty of food, lots of water, and a steady exercise program.

07-14-2006, 07:09 PM
a good way to ghain weight is to drink slim fast with every meal (i know it sounds stupid but it works) because slim fast is made to what? replace a meal....so if you drink 1 with every meal its like having 6 meals in a day rather then 3...also...eat full meals...not just a lil snack...

07-14-2006, 07:11 PM
a friend of mine drank a bunch of that stuff then threw up and lost weight

07-14-2006, 07:20 PM
just eat alot of Protein and lift weights 2-4times a week alternating body parts. also increase your calorie intake. eat foods with lean protein like chicken.

i like Cliff Builders Bars. they only have like 20G's of protein but taste REALLY good. the Metrx bars are very good for you (some over 40G's of protein) but have a very dry and cardboardish taste:blah:

Also, push ups and situps are your friend:) good luck

07-14-2006, 07:23 PM
wtf? I'm trying to lose wieght and your trying to gain wieght!! Here!! I'll give ya some:)

07-14-2006, 07:52 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by mole97
they work cause they give you the calories and protien you wont get from eating. but,you got to be consistent with them and STILL have to eat right and often. How much weight are you looking to gain? I used to drink 2 or 3 a day.plus ate a ton,and they worked for me. but, everyone is differant. Ihad my alarm set for like midnight just to wake up and have one. it can get expensive too, cause they aint cheap. try a peanut butter and jelly sandwich evey night before sleep too,cause thats got plenty of calories,and the protein from the peanut butter. but ,to answer your question,are they worth it? imo,yes if taken properly... [/QUOTE

I am looking to gain like 20 pounds. Right now i am like 130ish at 5'7-5'8. I might even wiegh less than that now, I've been out of school for 4 years and have not been active in sports since than. So what muscle mass i had is pretty much gone. Thanks for the help.

07-15-2006, 12:50 AM
well, i imagine you will need to start exercising again in order to put on that weight/muscle...

im right at your same height, have been since my sophmore year... from the end of football my jr year, to the start of football my senior year, i put on 24lbs...

it wasnt easy though...

my daily routine...

for breakfast, i would eat 3 large bowls of cereal...
i would go to a-hour lifting and do all my main lifts...
in 2nd hour i would eat 2 ham sandwhiches...
for lunch i would eat as much as my lunch money bought me...
6th hour we would do speed training and conditioning, and then i would return to the locker room to do my auxilary lifts...
i would get home after lifting and eat a large dinner...
i would wait a couple hours after dinner, and go to a nearby elemantary school, where i did more spints, did the strength shoe workout, and did sprints dragging a big and heavy trailer tire and rim.... and then i would eat again before i went to bed...

and then for my protein supplement, a good economical way is to get a large glass of 2% milk, and get a large scoop of powdered milk, and dump the powdered milk into the liquid milk.. youre essentially doubling your protein... i would do this daily as well...

like i said- from later november until august, i put on 24lbs, and that on a 5-8 frame... i also quickened my 40 time from a 4.66 to right around a 4.6 flat (4.58-4.62 depending on the run).

try the powdered milk with liquid milk... creatine is also good for gaining weight- youre essentially just gaining water mass in your muscles, which is good for the to recover and build strength quicker, but you generally lose the weight after you stop using it...

07-15-2006, 06:43 AM
go to burger king every day and work out

07-15-2006, 03:29 PM
Heres a better idea...join a fitness forum where people actually know what they are talking about.

07-15-2006, 04:00 PM
if your looking to gain fat, eat cheesburgers, but if you're looking to gain muscle, i know a lot of people that are on creotine. it works well IMO.

07-15-2006, 04:07 PM
Nothing you can eat will "grow" muscles.

07-15-2006, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Nothing you can eat will "grow" muscles.

Nope, but it will give you the "strength" to grow them.

EDIT: I had no idea what word to use.

07-15-2006, 04:38 PM
No, a proper diet will give you the "best" fuel for your body. That, along with a good workout routine willl allow your muscles to grow.

07-15-2006, 04:42 PM
Well, some Protien shakes and stuff helps too.

07-15-2006, 04:45 PM

For real man, if you are serious...join a fitness forum and get some real answers, not just something someone heard worked or cousins' friend took and had great results.

07-15-2006, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Hon300ex
its not that easy for some people:rolleyes: i eat craploads and i have %3 percent of my weight is fat... i got one of those "your child is fat" letters sent home from the school... but they had to cross some stuff off and change it saying i was underweight o.0

and im 5' 11" (115 or 120 lbs) which is taller then 90% of the people in my grade

tried the weight gain drinks a few years ago... jsut a waste of money

just eat alot and dont shove it in and theres nothing wrong with skinny :)

keeps the weight on the bike less ^_^

07-15-2006, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by trick250r
if your looking to gain fat, eat cheesburgers, but if you're looking to gain muscle, i know a lot of people that are on creotine. it works well IMO.

like i said, creatine just helps you retain water... it does help you gain muscle, but a majority of the weight you gain will dissapear after you quit using it...

07-15-2006, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Nothing you can eat will "grow" muscles.

technically that isnt true... there is a growth hormone that is designed for people who are growth deficient, that if a person who is not growth deficient takes it, it turns all they eat into muscle...

i learned about this from my uncle, who is a dr, about 10 years ago... my cousin needed it and was taking it because she was so small... he was saying it was $10 grand a month to take it, and that his insurance covered it, but that he bet tons of pro athletes were taking it... sure enough, several years later, what are we hearing about?

07-15-2006, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
No, a proper diet will give you the "best" fuel for your body. That, along with a good workout routine willl allow your muscles to grow.

that is interesting that you used the word "fuel" to describe food, as there are many many similarities between fuel and food...

we can compare food consumption like jetting- if youre not getting enough it aint going to perform at is potential...

the quality of the food is like the quality of the gas...

protein shakes and what not can be compared to octane boosters...

the list goes on and on...

07-15-2006, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Crath
i eat craploads and i have %3 percent of my weight is fat... i got one of those "your child is fat" letters sent home from the school... but they had to cross some stuff off and change it saying i was underweight o.0

and im 5' 11" (115 or 120 lbs) which is taller then 90% of the people in my grade

tried the weight gain drinks a few years ago... jsut a waste of money

just eat alot and dont shove it in and theres nothing wrong with skinny :)

keeps the weight on the bike less ^_^

It's called being an ectomorph...look into it its pretty interesting and there are things you can do to fight it.

07-15-2006, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by 250r4life
technically that isnt true... there is a growth hormone that is designed for people who are growth deficient, that if a person who is not growth deficient takes it, it turns all they eat into muscle...

i learned about this from my uncle, who is a dr, about 10 years ago... my cousin needed it and was taking it because she was so small... he was saying it was $10 grand a month to take it, and that his insurance covered it, but that he bet tons of pro athletes were taking it... sure enough, several years later, what are we hearing about?


He is just wanting something cheap to allow some extra weight, not a 10,000 a month program that probably shortens your lifespan...

07-15-2006, 09:06 PM
Im a person who can never gain weight...
It was to the point that i would eat breakfast... Then eat three meals in school.... go home and have another full meal....Then eat dinner.
I have tried almost everything but i just cant gain weight. I can eat almost 2 double whoppers from BK and not gain an ounce. I was thinking about taking a weight gainer untill i saw one of my friends take one then go to football prac and puke his brains out. Gaining weight isnt that important to me anymore b/c i have realized that i JUST CANT GAIN WEIGHT

07-15-2006, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Hondaracing819
Im a person who can never gain weight...
It was to the point that i would eat breakfast... Then eat three meals in school.... go home and have another full meal....Then eat dinner.
I have tried almost everything but i just cant gain weight. I can eat almost 2 double whoppers from BK and not gain an ounce. I was thinking about taking a weight gainer untill i saw one of my friends take one then go to football prac and puke his brains out. Gaining weight isnt that important to me anymore b/c i have realized that i JUST CANT GAIN WEIGHT im with ya

07-15-2006, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda

For real man, if you are serious...join a fitness forum and get some real answers, not just something someone heard worked or cousins' friend took and had great results.

Sometimes the members on some of them know just as little as the 16year olds do here.

07-15-2006, 11:07 PM



Trust me, dont ask bodybuilding questions on this forum. EVERYONE can gain weight. I am an extreme ectomorph (high metabolism, skinny as a rail naturally). I went from 6'1" @ 150lbs to 6'1" @ 187lbs now, 90% muscle gain. Work out 4-5 days a week and eat 7 meals a day, I don't know what its like to be hungry anymore. But now when I go somewhere, I get compliments like crazy.


check out all those links, TONS of GOOD info.

07-15-2006, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by stocktires



Trust me, dont ask bodybuilding questions on this forum. EVERYONE can gain weight. I am an extreme ectomorph (high metabolism, skinny as a rail naturally). I went from 6'1" @ 150lbs to 6'1" @ 187lbs now, 90% muscle gain. Work out 4-5 days a week and eat 7 meals a day, I don't know what its like to be hungry anymore. But now when I go somewhere, I get compliments like crazy.


check out all those links, TONS of GOOD info.

what kinds of workouts do you do? kus im like you almost, just lighter :scary:

5' 11"ish maby taller at aprox 120 and can eat a subway footlong easily for a meal then im snacking all the time. love those fatty mcdonalds burgers and fries as well. i'd like to get alittle more built but... yeah :confused:

07-15-2006, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Crath
what kinds of workouts do you do? kus im like you almost, just lighter :scary:

5' 11"ish maby taller at aprox 120 and can eat a subway footlong easily for a meal then im snacking all the time. love those fatty mcdonalds burgers and fries as well. i'd like to get alittle more built but... yeah :confused:

Check out the links bro, the bottom one you'll like. Your probably not really that ecto'ish. A subway footlong and snaking all day is very little food. I probably eat about 5 of those in a day in food to give you an idea. Here's a quick beginners routine I made up, it's what I'd reccomend to anyone wanting to add a little muscle but not get serious and complicated. Do all of those for 4 sets at 8 reps each. Remember to eat alot and try to eat cleaner, you don't need to worry much about the details being a beginner.

M- Bench Press, Military Press, Shrugs, & Tricep extensions
Tu- Rest
W- Squats, Calf Raise, Leg curls, & Crunches
Th- Rest
F- Pullups, Rows, Deadlifts, & Bar Curls


07-15-2006, 11:37 PM
oh, i mean yeah i could eat a footlong for lunch like i said, but i could also eat 2 beacon egg and cheese bagles and 2 hashbrowns for breakfast and 2 subway footlongs for dinner :P

thats prettymuch my limit

i try those things, thanks

07-16-2006, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by derekhonda

He is just wanting something cheap to allow some extra weight, not a 10,000 a month program that probably shortens your lifespan...

i wasnt suggesting he take it... i was just commenting...

07-16-2006, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by derekhonda

He is just wanting something cheap to allow some extra weight, not a 10,000 a month program that probably shortens your lifespan...

I don't think he was referring to steroids technically. I think he was referring to Human Growth Hormones (HGH). That is what Bonds and many other are accused of taking. The sad part for Bonds, when he was accussed of taking it, it wasn't on the banned substance list for MLB. Not that I am saying Bonds was right or wrong....

07-16-2006, 09:57 AM
HGH IS a hormone, and not a whole lot is known about what it does when supplemented.

07-16-2006, 05:10 PM
My roommate from college freshman year took protein and creatine powders and gained 20 pounds in about 6 weeks. I gained about 10 pounds when I took them in the beginning of this summer, maybe a month. You just got to work out hard and the results will come.

07-16-2006, 10:56 PM
If you want to gain GOOD weight you need to work out. A trainer at the gym i go to told me a couple fast weight gain tips. Take in as protein in grams as your body. For instance, if you weight 190 pounds, take in 190 grams of protein (which is a lot of protein) daily. Now dont do this right away. Start of slow, one shake a day maybe, then work your way up. i cant even take in 190 grams of protein a day. Im working my way up but my stomach cant handle it yet. I take protein and creatine, ive gained 30 pounds in less than a year. I wighed 160 at the beginning of last year, now im just shy of 190. Just talk to an expert or personal trainer, then get on a routine. If you really want to gain weight be serious about it.