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07-14-2006, 10:29 AM
finally i was able to get the pics of what i had put in my arm after my accident.

i been posting in some threads aobut my crash, well i was jumping a tabletop of about 60 ft and the atv went up in the air, i was to fast on the throttle, and i landed back tires first then the fronts, and instead of going over, i snapped my wrist, didnt break but it dislocated, so my hand was not attached to my arm, just by the ligaments. then i went to the floor and break my arm in a 90º angle.

well here are the pics.

feel free to coment

07-14-2006, 10:30 AM
this is the arm

MX MaNiAc 06
07-14-2006, 10:32 AM
Damn man, ur like a robot lol

07-14-2006, 10:32 AM
that suckss. hope you have a fast recovery and can hit the track soon!

07-14-2006, 10:33 AM
dam dude r those prongs going into ur arm?

07-14-2006, 10:36 AM
Ouch ... I hope you recover quickly .

How come they put you in that contraption and not in a cast ???

07-14-2006, 10:38 AM
this happend in may of 2005.

i had the one in the wrist for a month, but i still have a metal plate to support the little bones in the wrist.

the ones in the arm i had them for 3.5 months and then they took it of, but it wasnt that well attached, because the break was in a 90º not 45º lik its most comun.

so after a mont i grew an elbow in the middle of the arm, because the arm bented. i was doing rehab ans the arm bent in a 30º angle, so went back to sirgury(?) ans the doc put a rod inside the marrow of the arm from the elbow to the sholder.

i still have the rod and the plate.

07-14-2006, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by quads14589
dam dude r those prongs going into ur arm?

yes they were screwed to the bone,

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Quad18star

How come they put you in that contraption and not in a cast ???

what happend was that the main problem was the wrist, so they put the metal plate in it and coudnt put a cast because of the fresh cut, and the one in the arm, a cast just woudnt doit, so the option was to put a metal rod wit atachment at the ends or what i had. the best option was the rod, but my arm was very soar, so the doc didnt want to hurt it more.

07-14-2006, 11:01 AM

I bet the ladies love that.:p

How do you sleep with that stuff on though? Like if you rolled over ontop of that thing wouldn't it brake or something?

07-14-2006, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Mx_523

How do you sleep with that stuff on though? Like if you rolled over ontop of that thing wouldn't it brake or something?

it was a pain, i had to put pillows on the sides to not roll. but then i got used to.

07-14-2006, 11:11 AM
One more thing, wheres the motor, wheels, exhaust and shocks?

07-14-2006, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by juanki
yes they were screwed to the bone,

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Quad18star

How come they put you in that contraption and not in a cast ???

what happend was that the main problem was the wrist, so they put the metal plate in it and coudnt put a cast because of the fresh cut, and the one in the arm, a cast just woudnt doit, so the option was to put a metal rod wit atachment at the ends or what i had. the best option was the rod, but my arm was very soar, so the doc didnt want to hurt it more.

Ahhh . That's tough luck man . Hopefully everything heals up good for you and that you're not left with too much pain .

I know the feeling though . My leg was bent out 90 degrees and turned backwards . They were able to put a rod in my leg , but it's a pain ... litterally . Ever since they put the rod , my ankle has been so screwed ... it hurts everyday , to the point where I'm popping a few pain killers everyday .

I was in a cast for 8 months , and getting used to sleeping in a certain position was tough . It's especially hard when you're not used to sleeping on your back . That was probably one of the hardest things to get used to .

07-14-2006, 12:43 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Quad18star

I know the feeling though . My leg was bent out 90 degrees and turned backwards . They were able to put a rod in my leg , but it's a pain ... litterally . Ever since they put the rod , my ankle has been so screwed ... it hurts everyday , to the point where I'm popping a few pain killers everyday .

I saw your thread with the x-rays, that was bad.

but now that has been over a year of this, i feel that i can ride my bike again, i rode it in easter vacation, and felt much pain in my shoulder, i been working out, but its painful with the rod that i have, it hurts when i try to totate the arm.

just wainting on the flexx bars to arrive and i'll be riding the track again, not jumping, but riding hard.

07-14-2006, 01:27 PM
holy hell sounds like you took a hard whippin... can you move the same as before, is there any discomfort when you move?

07-14-2006, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by DieselBoy
holy hell sounds like you took a hard whippin... can you move the same as before, is there any discomfort when you move?

i cant move my had upwards and inwards, to the outside and down its ok, most of the times when i do an efort on the hand i hear and feel the little bones rubbing aganist each other, some times my arm goes numb.

also when i take a shower or in the swiming pool, my rigth hand ( the bad one) wrinkles faster than the left. i assume its because it is the hand that had the injury, but why, i dont know.

07-14-2006, 05:34 PM
u go in the pool with that beast, hope u get better

07-14-2006, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by coolex
u go in the pool with that beast, hope u get better

no no no no. the picks are from ayear ago. all that its allrady out, but i still have a rod trough the arm and a metal plate in the wrist.

but i did go to the pool with all that, but i coudnt get the arm to the watter, because where the screws entered the skin, that was raw flesh, and the clorine of the watter would be bad. lol. i had a little floating table for the arm.

07-14-2006, 08:23 PM
are you able to ride now? if not will you be able to

07-15-2006, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Phills450r
are you able to ride now? if not will you be able to

i can ride now, but cant habdle the big jumps i used to, now i just ride for fun, but the racing worm in my belly tells me that i must continue racing, so i will look for some type of tt racing.

we have a complex that has a sx and a mx tracks, and have more land to built some other type of track. i dont wanit to make just a tt track, maybe some combination of a tt track and mx, small jumps. the thing its that the quad scene its getting bigger here in my home town and the mx track its set up for bikes, and not may try to jump them. we where like 3 or 4 only using the mx track.

07-15-2006, 12:00 PM
how did you put a new shirt on :eek2:

07-15-2006, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Kickstarts_Suck
how did you put a new shirt on :eek2:


i had to cut the shirt on the side, where the seem is, and then attach them with pins. i only did two.

then for the tees i cut one sleeve and a little fron the bottom so all the hardware could fit. lol.

07-16-2006, 12:44 PM
same things were in my left femur when i broke it in a car wreck...i know exactly how you feel man, bu then again....i couldnt even walk....so you have it a little better than i did......anyhow, i hope you get better and can still ride.....is your quad ok?

07-16-2006, 12:47 PM
wow... that looks like it really sucks man