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07-13-2006, 11:23 PM
Israel attacks Beirut airport after rockets hit Haifa

JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israeli forces struck Beirut's international airport for the second time Thursday, hitting fuel tanks that exploded into fireballs.

The attack came soon after two rockets struck the northern Israeli port of Haifa on a day of spiraling violence and deepening crisis.

Israel Defense Forces said the Haifa rockets came from Lebanon and blamed the strike on Hezbollah, whose guerrillas triggered the violence when they attacked inside Israel on Wednesday, killing eight Israeli soldiers and capturing two more. (Watch as fighting along the border intensifies -- 1:45)

Daniel Ayalon, the Israeli ambassador to the United States, said the Haifa attack was "a major, major escalation."

Hezbollah earlier had threatened to hit Haifa, but Lebanese TV reported that the militant group denied launching the attack on the city of 280,000.

Ambulance services said no one was hurt in the attack, which -- if confirmed -- would be the first time Hezbollah rockets have hit so deeply into Israeli territory.

Earlier Thursday Israel's warplanes bombed Beirut's international airport for the first time and its navy began a blockade of Lebanon's ports.

Hundreds of targets from the border north to the capital were attacked, the IDF said.

Hezbollah guerrillas fired scores of rockets from Lebanon into northern Israel in the most intense bombardment in years.

Some 45 people and two soldiers have been killed inside Lebanon since Wednesday, the country's health ministry said, while the rocket attacks killed at least one woman in Israel in the wake of the initial violence that saw the Israeli soldiers killed and captured.

Lebanon also said 103 people were hurt by the Israeli attacks, The Associated Press reported, while the IDF said 90 people had been injured by the rockets hitting Israel.

One rocket attack Thursday on the northern Israeli town of Nahariya hit a group of journalists, the AP said.

Both Israel and Lebanon have said the violence amounts to acts of war.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called the attacks and abductions an "act of war" and blamed the Lebanese government, which he said would be held responsible for the two soldiers' safe release.

Lebanese Interior Minister Ahmed Fatfat called Israel's retaliatory attack on Beirut airport a "general act of war," saying the strikes had nothing to do with Hezbollah but were instead an attack against the country's "economic interests," especially its tourism industry.

Beirut's Rafik Hariri International Airport was forced to close after Israeli fighter jets hit all three of its runways, leaving huge craters that made them unusable. All flights have been diverted. (Airport map)

Two other Lebanese airports were attacked Thursday morning, the IDF said.

The Israeli military gave no details, but Lebanese army sources said that the Rayak Air Base in the Bekaa Valley near the Syrian border had been hit as well as a small military airport in Qulayaat in northern Lebanon.

Israel said it targeted the international airport because it was a transfer point for weapons and supplies to Hezbollah.

Israeli warships were stationed off all of Lebanon's ports to enforce the naval blockade, Reuters news agency reported.

Lebanese Information Minister Ghazi Aridi called for a comprehensive cease-fire, saying the Lebanese government had nothing to do with the Hezbollah attacks.

After Israel's airport strike, planes began dropping leaflets warning residents of an impending attack on an area of southern Beirut where Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is believed to live. (Watch initial reports on the runway bombings -- 6:00)

Israel: 'We mean business'
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday he fears a "regional war is mounting" with Israel's military campaigns in Lebanon and Gaza, where forces were deployed after last month's capture of an Israeli soldier.

"This is not our interest and will not bring peace and stability to the region," Abbas said, referring to "this aggression."

President Bush said all countries had a right to defend themselves butwarned Israel to take care not to "weaken" Lebanon's government. (Full story)

Bush also stressed during a visit to Germany that Syria "needs to be held to account."

Hezbollah enjoys substantial backing from Syria and Iran and is considered a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel. The group holds posts in Lebanon's government.

Israeli Security Cabinet Minister Isaac Herzog said: "We are taking strong measures so that it will be clear to the Lebanese people and government ... that we mean business."

The United Nations will send a team to the Middle East to urge both sides to use restraint, a spokesman for Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Thursday. (Full story)

The Security Council will hold an "urgent meeting" Friday at the request of Lebanon to address escalating the tensions, France's U.N. ambassador Jean-Marc de La Sabliere said Thursday.

Captives named
Israeli airstrikes were aimed at targets used by Hezbollah for storing weapons, the IDF said.

Warplanes also hit al-Manar television station because Hezbollah uses it to incite and recruit activists, the IDF said. A broadcast tower was destroyed and three people injured, but the station was able to continue broadcasting, al-Manar editor Ibrahim Moussawi said.

Israel's Cabinet authorized a "severe and harsh" response to the abduction of two soldiers, named Thursday as Ehud Goldvasser, 31, from Nahariya, and Eldad Regev, 26, from the Haifa suburb of Kiryat Motzkin.

Hezbollah called for a prisoner exchange but, as in Gaza, Israel has rejected the call.

Hezbollah chief Nasrallah told reporters that seizing the soldiers was "our natural, only and logical right" to win freedom for Hezbollah prisoners held by Israel.

Nasrallah said the two soldiers had been taken to a place "far, far away" and that an Israeli military campaign would not win their release.

More than 70 Katyusha rockets have hit Israel in the past 24 hours, the IDF said.

Missiles critically injured one person and hurt at least 10 others in Safed, about 13 miles (20 kilometers) from the Lebanese border, which local officials said not been hit by Hezbollah rockets since 1972.

Also in northern Israel, a woman was killed and 15 people hurt in a rocket attack in Nahariya, and at least 38 people were injured when rockets hit the Arab village of Carmiel, Israeli ambulance services said.

CNN's Barbara Starr and John Vause and journalist Anthony Mills in Beirut contributed to this report.

[i]Copyright 2006 CNN. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Associated Press contributed to this report.

07-14-2006, 07:12 AM
Isreal wont back off I dont believe. I have a feeling that this may be intended to draw Iran into some form of action and then that would open the door for Isreal to take out thier nuclear sites.

If that happened, we could possibly see the USA drawn into a ground conflict, but I havent heard of troop build ups in the region.

07-14-2006, 08:19 AM
Here goes the rise of the gas prices . With all the fighting going on in the middle east , oil prices are on the rise again .... over $78 a barrel now . :grr:

07-14-2006, 10:37 AM
And because those retarded arabs never learn, history repeats itself.

I think Israel is about to open up a extra large case of whoop-*** all over Lebanon, and possibly Iran, Syria, and Jordan.......again.

Bring it on.

07-14-2006, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Isreal wont back off I dont believe. I have a feeling that this may be intended to draw Iran into some form of action and then that would open the door for Isreal to take out thier nuclear sites.

If that happened, we could possibly see the USA drawn into a ground conflict, but I havent heard of troop build ups in the region.

You're right on your first point. Iran has been supplying Hizbullah with the katusha rockets and some Iranian national gaurd have been firing them into Isreal along with Hizbullah. Iran's President
AHMADI-NEJAD called for the annihilation of Isreal last week. Bashar al-ASAD of Syria has always been Hizbullahs master finacially so don't forget about him.

07-14-2006, 02:51 PM
LOL...what did the Iranian president say....."Isreal couldnt even give us a dirty look":p

Me thinks there will be some escalation:chinese:

07-14-2006, 03:25 PM
the middle east sucks

07-14-2006, 04:03 PM
Hezbullah has now declared war in Isreal.

I think I can deal with higher gas prices for a few more months if it means all out war in the middle east to put an end to all this crap.

07-14-2006, 04:15 PM
There is going to be another world war.

07-14-2006, 04:37 PM
israel count destroy everyone of those countries if they went to war with them, I say we allow Israel to do just that...

I still say we put a shield around Israel then nuke the whole region and distribute the regions where oil wells are to countries according to their consumption of it.

07-14-2006, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by troutman561
israel count destroy everyone of those countries if they went to war with them, I say we allow Israel to do just that...

I still say we put a shield around Israel then nuke the whole region and distribute the regions where oil wells are to countries according to their consumption of it.

Why would you want to shield them. They're the the reason most of those Muslim countries hate us. The Jews feel they're entitled to that land and no one else is. I'm tired of hearing about the suffering of the Jews and the holocaust, enough already. I have nothing against any religion, whether you're a Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddist or what ever, but 9-11 was a direct result of our support for Israel. Who's to say that the Palestinians aren't entitled to that land, they feel it's their holy land, just like the Jews do.

07-14-2006, 07:41 PM
When will they learn? YOU DON'T F WITH ISEREAL!!!!! You would think thewords "GODS CHOOSEN PEOPLE" would make them think twice about doing somthing stupid:mad: And yep gas prices will shoot thru the roof now. thats all they need is 1 more reason to up gas prices

07-14-2006, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by troutman561
israel count destroy everyone of those countries if they went to war with them, I say we allow Israel to do just that...

I still say we put a shield around Israel then nuke the whole region and distribute the regions where oil wells are to countries according to their consumption of it.

You cant just nuke a whole region. It would affect all of us.

07-14-2006, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by fatkid400
When will they learn? YOU DON'T F WITH ISEREAL!!!!! You would think thewords "GODS CHOOSEN PEOPLE" would make them think twice about doing somthing stupid:mad:

I think you are refering that term to jewish folks, which did not seem to stop hitler from stuffing them in a fire:ermm:

The bible or religon will not protect you unfortunatley, but it sure has sent many to thier deaths(religon that is)

ATV Father
07-14-2006, 08:15 PM
I just wish people would recognize that this "war" is actually a religious war, which happens every couple hundred years. Our world history is proof of that. Everybody thinks that part of the world is their own, as said by God or Allah. When Israel was created, people knew this would happen and keep happening. I don’t know why people don’t see it.

07-14-2006, 08:22 PM
And where is hilter now?And the city of jurusulem (how ever) Is in isereal right? The city that will come from the heavens,the 1 GOD sends from heaven, The new city......

07-14-2006, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by fatkid400
And where is hilter now?And the city of jurusulem (how ever) Is in isereal right? The city that will come from the heavens,the 1 GOD sends from heaven, The new city......

Im sure the 6 million jews that got crisp'd can appreciate all that....in the name of what again?

And it wasnt God that gave the jewish people Isreal, it was the British...lol

07-14-2006, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by nofearrider1
You cant just nuke a whole region. It would affect all of us.

I was joking, we dont have a sheild that could do this nor could we nuke that whole region, but it would help!

07-14-2006, 09:01 PM
lol I didnt think you meant like an invisible force field, I thought like troops on the border.

Honda TRX250ex
07-15-2006, 09:09 AM
Bleh all i see is a world war 3 with america going in w/o are allies. Then rise of gas to 6 bucks a gallon by next year and a draft. And the whole middle east whiped out becuase they can never learn.

07-15-2006, 11:47 AM
Then I'd say that your a blind man.

First of all, there will be no draft, there is no reason for it, for the first time in history, the army is fighting a prolonged war, without a need of the draft. Hell this year alone, the army is recruiting 80K soldiers, the NG 70K, and the reserves, 25K. Thats more soldiers than the entire marine corps, why do we need to institute a draft?

Going to war without allies? Except, England, Australia, Israel, South Korea, Canada, and assorted other European countries that have soldiers here in Iraq.

The Jews took that little patch of dirt they have, and carved out a society, and created a culture there. They were give it, as reperation for what happened in Germany, and vowed that "Never Again" would they be persecuted like they were under the Nazi Regime. And they havent been.

They are not around because they're weak, or squimish culture, they're still here, because theyre the baddest mofo's on that block, and they're backed by two of the greatest military powers in the world. The arabs hate them because they're not muslim, and muslims and jews historicaly do not get along.

The world would be much better off if we finaly let Israel take off the gloves and go to town on the arabs. As it is, they're a backwards, assed up culture, who cant seem to get anything right. Except murder, and terrorism.

The time for deplomacy is over, the Hezbolla had thier chance, as did the rest of the Arab culture, and for 18 years, we gave peace a chance in the Gaza strip, and Israel was kicked in he face time and time again, now its time for peace, the old fashion way. Diplomats have fled the area, now is the time for the soldier.

07-15-2006, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by ak_stick

The Jews took that little patch of dirt they have, and carved out a society, and created a culture there. They were give it, as reperation for what happened in Germany, and vowed that "Never Again" would they be persecuted like they were under the Nazi Regime. And they havent been.

actually, if i remember my history right, the british used the land isreal is on to entice the jews to help fight during ww1. after which, the land was occupied by a great number of jews and more flocked there after ww2 and in 1948 i think was granted made into the isreali state.

07-15-2006, 12:07 PM
correct, but, and I may be wrong here, wasn't a big part of that country grant given to them as part of the reperations after the wars end?

It was started before the end, but modern day Israel was founded in 48

07-15-2006, 12:13 PM
Not really sure how it all came to an end, but I am almost positive the land was granted them (the Jew's) during the 1st world war. It wasn't until after the holocaust that they started flocking to that region and formed modern day Israel.

That area was under British control until some point. This is another reason the middle east doesnt look highly upon the British or the Americans.

07-15-2006, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

The bible or religon will not protect you unfortunatley, but it sure has sent many to thier deaths(religon that is)

07-15-2006, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Im sure the 6 million jews that got crisp'd can appreciate all that....in the name of what again?

I'd have to disagree about that:ermm: I'm a christian so I guess I kinda look at it in a different perspective.

07-15-2006, 05:57 PM
Just pray for piece and keep God in your heart. God bless America and Isrial and everyone else in this world :)

07-15-2006, 08:06 PM
And god bless us,everyone.Amen

07-15-2006, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by ride hard man
I'd have to disagree about that:ermm: I'm a christian so I guess I kinda look at it in a different perspective.

Your free to disagree, but I cant understand how all the Jewish people that were killed in WW2 died for anything, including Isreal seeing it was not "thiers" to die for...see my point?

They were murdered, period. They died for nothing...period. It sickens me that as a human race, after something like that, we did not look at ourselves and change. Not one person, but all people. But we are happy to keep on killing each other for what ever petty reason we deem suitable.

07-15-2006, 10:03 PM
The jews died because hilter was a nut job bent on getting rid of religon.if he would have succeeded you would worship him and the 3rd riech would you wrather that or the freedom to choose?arent you willing to die for your freedom? That is what most wars boil down to,sombody is trying to take sombody elses freedom of somtype be it religon or somthing else.Thats the unfortunate part of our race,Sombody wants to rule over sombody else.And until that stops there will always be wars.Thats just somthing we have to face.

07-15-2006, 10:09 PM
That is all fine and dandy, but the estimated 6 million Jews that died at Hitler's hands weren't fighting him:p They were murdered, they did not die on the battlefield fighting for their freedom, they were persecuted.

Hitler was not bent on getting rid of religon, he was bent on getting rid of the Jews. And wars are fought for a myriad of reasons, money, land, control etc......and the end result is that people die. And I am fully prepared to die for my freedom, but you seem to be the next in line if things get worse, let us hope you are prepared to die for my freedom. It doesnt sound so heroic put that way does it.

07-16-2006, 11:19 AM
I would guess the US is supplying isreal with arms and armor without actually being there...yet. We're their allies, and without isreal, the Middle East is one big chunk of "death to America".