View Full Version : Super Car and Bike Exhibition.

07-12-2006, 01:51 AM
Guys I just wanted to hear you advice on this one.
Yesterday I met the board of directors of the company that organizes this annual event called Super Car and Bike in Moscow, Russia.
It is going to happend in April 2007 for the 4th time.
The main idea of the event is to bring together elite car and bike manufacturers and 3000 top managers of THE biggest Russian corporations and holdings. People who make at least 5 million$ a year.
This year in April the overall profit of the car sellers during the event (3 days) was 17 million$. However their overall sales (considering the orders they received during the exhibition) is estimated at 150 million$ overall

During my talk with the board yesterday I was asked to find quad companies that would be willling to come to the event in April 2007. They need some unique very expensive ATV's.

Do you guys have any idea which companies do that type of business in the US and whom could I try to contact!

Thanks for cooperation.

you can check
www.supercarandbike.ru (Sorry only in Russian yet)

07-13-2006, 01:26 AM
Come on I am sure some of you know companies that might be interested!