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View Full Version : Piece of ***** bearing Carrier

08-18-2002, 10:56 AM
Here is the deal. I bent my axle and I'm in the process of rebuilding the rear end(LSR axle and new bearings). I decided to use the stock carrier since it was still in good shape but I have managed to destroy one of the new bearings trying to press them into the carrier(the fat end of the carrier). For some reason the fatend isn't perfectly round anymore and I can't get the bearing to seat straight. I get the bearing started and it just binds. I took the bearing back out and I can see grooves on the inside of the carrier where the bearing was trying to seat. I think I am SOL because I just bought new bearings and some other parts and can't use them now. I think I am going to have to get an aftermarket carrier now.. F$CK!! I am mad!!

08-18-2002, 02:22 PM
I know what you mean... I am now just getting arouind to getting a new carrier(its been a month and a half and some days)...

08-18-2002, 03:35 PM

check out that post..

Have you tried heating the carrier then putting the bearings in?
That's the way we went and it works pretty well.

08-18-2002, 08:35 PM
Yeah I did just that and it worked great for the one side of the carrier. Getting the bearing to fall out of the fat side of the carrier was a different story. There is something wrong with the fat end, it looks like its oblonged or something. It must have been damaged during my axle bending accident. Hopefully I will have all the parts this by this weekend and be riding soon again. I can't emphasize enough of how much money I've had to put into this thing just for a repair. Damn near $1000 to get everthing "right" again and now I find out I have to buy a new carrier. Talk about frustrating!! My wife says I need to find a new and cheaper hobby. I make good money and this thing is still burning up my wallet. I still haven't done any motor or suspension work. I guess I will wait until I break something else again.:D I think I should have sold it and bought a Z400 or something and start all over....

08-19-2002, 04:08 PM
The same thing happen to my friend. I think he had to buy new carryer.

08-19-2002, 04:32 PM
You made me feel a little better but I still feel bad because I spent way too much money!. It's not that I am broke but when you are married, you just feel bad when you do stuff like this! I need a new cheaper hobby!!lol Any suggestions?
