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07-08-2006, 01:14 AM
just saw the movie 'Click' i wanna hear what u think of it and what u thoght the moral was. it was a movie that made u think long after it was over. with adam sandlar it was not what i would have expected but it was still good. i didnt think of the movie being anything but funny, but i was wrong. i thought it would lean towards comedy more than what ever u call movies that made u think at the end. the theme seemed to be that life is highly valued and to cherish every moment of it. also family is more important than anything.

07-08-2006, 04:45 AM
Yeah , it wasn't what i expected,and I like adam sandler,and i liked the movie but I took my five year old and I dont want to give anything away, so let just say he got kind of upset in one seen and wanted to leave. It is a movie that really makes you think about how we really do rush through life and before you know it ,it seems like,'DAMN, WHERE'D ALL THOSE YEARS GO?" I liked it but,yeah it was not what i expected. I also have to say,it's made me think twice every time I say ," cant wait till next week,or can't wait till next month " and so on. you kinda try to appreciate the now a little more? at least that's how it made me feel.

07-08-2006, 05:47 AM
the main thing i got out of it is dont rush, but put family first.