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View Full Version : Extra Power,from the Pharmacy!

08-16-2002, 08:21 PM
Hey guys,i was reading a article about a guy back in the day used this ole trick to make his 4stroke,beat the 2smokes.

He took 16oz(maybe12i think) and 2oz of Acetone(to stabilize it) and some high grade Aviation fuel and he said it was runnin liek a champ.

Now I didn't get the amount of fule,but i am guessing 5gal

Anywho, soemone try it out some time.

08-16-2002, 10:27 PM
16 oz of what????

08-16-2002, 10:32 PM
oh,haha sry 16oz of Methanol (rubbin alcohol)

08-16-2002, 11:24 PM
IT is easier to add 3oz of acetone to 4gal of gas. It will boost 93 octane to 100. It was a tip from FST but they don't recomend it if you can avoid it. Rubbing alcohol is isopropol, I don't think they make a methonal based alcohol. Plus alcohol draws water really bad. AV gas is not good to run in quads. It is designed to run at a constant RPM and can not handle high revving. That was published in DW from VP racing fuels.

08-17-2002, 08:16 AM
guys if i were you i would leave the acetone alone unless you want to have some ugly scars.trust me i work with that stuff everyday it has a very low flash point.