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View Full Version : Photos of July 8 & 9 AGP race course (Awesome Event!)

07-01-2006, 06:34 AM
Photos of July 8 & 9 AGP race course (Awesome Event!)


100% of the gate fee goes to the Logan Farm, thoroughbred horse rescue facility!


This is just one of the many fields on the Logan Farm.


Just part of the course on the Logan Farm...SWEET!


More of what to expect at the Logan Farm. Notice how nice the trails are?


Very nice woods trails on the Logan Farm.


Just some of the fast trails on the Logan Farm and weÕre not even at the GRASS TRACKS Yet.


This horse needs your help...ItÕs this, or interment in a can of DOG FOOD!


MORE Fast sweepers on the Logan Farm...be patient, the grass tracks are coming.


One of the many fields that are destined to become GRASS TRACKS at round #6 of the Atlantic Grand Prix series.


Yes you can ride this...ItÕs only a 3.5 hour drive from Philadelphia, New York and Boston.


If you try and ride trails like this down in the Philly or New York area, youÕre either going to spend a night in jail or have your toy confiscated.


This is off-road heaven!


That hill in the background, Yes itÕs one of the many hills on the Logan Farm.


That barn in the background is one of the barns on the Logan farm, the property is HUGE and yes the trail is one of the many trails on the Logan Farm.


Save this horse and many, many more by riding the Atlantic Grand Prix series, because 100% of our gate fees go to charity!

Ok round #6 of the Atlantic Grand Prix Series is only days away.

If you ever wanted to try a GNCC caliber race, but didnÕt want to drive six hours, hereÕs your chance.

Our eventÕs are run just like a GNCC series...same classes, same rules, we pride ourselves on our professionalism and you wonÕt find any petty politics like your local series at an Atlantic Grand Prix event...just clean racing!

Our sign-up is fast without long lines and because Atlantic Grand Prix has our own electronic scoring system...results get posted in minutes after the race.

If your tired of the same old, same old, or if all the petty politics is getting you down, maybe itÕs time you tried an Atlantic Grand Prix event.



07-02-2006, 04:28 AM
all you D6 guys need to check out this series, its great!

Splatter Matter
07-02-2006, 01:43 PM
i think it great. the only problem i have is not enuff money to do all the races.