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View Full Version : good snow tires?

08-16-2002, 01:35 AM
i plan to do excesive snow/winter riding this year. i got screwed out of a good month of summer riding. but i'm going to need tires that do well in all conditions of snow, mostly powder and some packed. i saw those gimpy looking paddle type things, look like the kind of tires on those huge trike things that you ride in the lakes. hehe i don't know if anyone's seen those things, but if you have you know what i'm talking about. someone told me about those geckos or gecko like paddles, the ones for mud/snow/sand. but i would think that they'd just dig.

08-16-2002, 07:24 AM
Stay away from normal paddles. The blades are entirely too thin and flimsy for mud, yet alone snow. From what i understand, the GBC PaddleMaster is a good sand/snow/mud tire. The paddles are hella thick (so not to break off) and they weigh a little more, which will help the rear plant and get traction. This is all hearsay, so take it for what its worth, but i plan on getting a set myself for this winter.

08-16-2002, 11:32 AM
You cna either
A: get tamers and grove them so they will hold good in the snow
B: I saw in huevous a guy using paddles(it was in soft loamy snow) that had like knobs in the middle so it didnt put alot of pressure on the fins... It worked really good for him i the movie, oh and he went across some rough rock at about 4-5 mph and he didnt break a fin....

EDIT: and those tires you were talking about(paddles) I have a dirtwheels handy and saw a guy using those for quebec canada snow riding and he looks to be pretty confident in his fins not breaking... I think they would work pretty good because unlike sand paddles you always have(I think) at least 2 paddles on the ground at all times whick puts alot of pressure off the paddles, but they are a bit too goofy looking for my liking... Go with what I said at first because they use the same technology of not letting alot of pressure on the paddles and dont look goofy...

08-16-2002, 02:22 PM
yeah grooved tamers, hmm i dunno i don't know how well they would work in the snow. i think that they'd just spin and make ice, but who knows.

08-16-2002, 02:36 PM
Maxxis makes a tire called the 4-snow, i saw it on there web site i guess it is new so you should try it out.

08-16-2002, 02:41 PM
realors r OK for winter. nothing special, but u dont have to worry about breaking paddles or nething like that. also they can ride in other seasons bsides winter also which is a good thing about them, but they are too heavy for the riding that i do, (but heavy is good in snow) my .02

08-16-2002, 03:06 PM
I use maxis sur tracks in the winter, they do pretty good. I all so put some ice screws in them for riding on the river. But if i were going to get new tires i would get paddlemasters.

08-16-2002, 03:07 PM
Blackwaters! :)

08-16-2002, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by EricB
yeah grooved tamers, hmm i dunno i don't know how well they would work in the snow. i think that they'd just spin and make ice, but who knows.

I didnt mean the groved tamers, I meant the paddles with the knobs in the middle...

08-16-2002, 04:10 PM
ohhh, hehe because i was thinking that TTs would be the worst kind of snow tire, i just didn't want to say anything =P

so what are these tires you speak of? paddles on the outside and knobs in the middle? they sound like they would probably be the best tire arround for that.

08-16-2002, 04:15 PM
I talked with a guy at the Honda dealer in Roseburg and he was telling me that the Geckos would be good for snow. I can't seem to find the paddle that has knobbies on it as well.

08-16-2002, 04:19 PM
It is a straight paddle just in between each paddle there is like tamer knobs so there is less force on the paddles... I will look through a couple of dw's to give you the tire name, and manufacture...

EDIT: I found what it was...Skat-Trak makes them, they are called the hawk... They have a dirk-bike version called the predator... Just to let you know...You could probably see it @ www.skat-trak.com

08-16-2002, 04:28 PM
Thanks those would probably work good up here. I think I would most likely still take either the Gecko or Paddlemaster for the snow and cold.

08-16-2002, 06:38 PM
paddle masters or surtraks on the scoop side

08-16-2002, 08:27 PM
Pure Sport Realtors aare good all around tires for sand, mud, and SNOW. Just check out the tread pattern and you will see. They are reversible for different types of riding. Just a thought (someone else already said this; they are a little heavier but i dont think you will notice that much)

08-16-2002, 10:36 PM
anyone know where i can get some slicks ?

08-16-2002, 10:51 PM
i have a set of realtors work wicked backwords in snow there made to go back words or forwerds for mud real thick luck with alot of side lugs reight on the side wall

go wiht the new maxxis 4snow tire i herd they work some wicked but u can not tgo on any hard serface they would rar realy bad

paddle masters are wicked paddle tire there a real thick lug but one stright lug then one stirght lug with the middle missing
but no side lugs and there a stright across lug a pure sport realtors are a bend ot each lug going across liek a cup shape

no geckos no thin
or sand paddles
i liv ein new brunswick canadas we getr alot of snow i knwo what i em talkin bout i seen them all

go with realtors first!
4snow tires by maxxis but if ya ewant htem for summer too no luck there no good
paddle masters for all aorund for tied for second and third

08-16-2002, 11:02 PM
I have realtors for the snow and i love em. in a drag on packed snow i could beat a piped 400 when mine was stock and he had stock tires and i had realtors cause i hooked up so much better.