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06-26-2006, 08:10 AM
yeah so today we started our summer workouts i wake up at 5 in the morning and come home around 9:30. so who here used to play football in there highschool years or does now.

06-26-2006, 08:18 AM
i havent started my season yet but we have two 3 hr practices a day for 2 and a half weeks starting on august 15. I cant wait!:ermm:

06-26-2006, 08:19 AM
i played 3 years in h.s. i was qb, we won two state champs. then went to college, played 2 years, almost made the top team, but got 2 ribs craked, didnt played anyore.
what a great sport.

killen them all
06-26-2006, 08:25 AM
play now are stated a long time ago like right after the season it seem like i havent gone lifting since schools been out thow

06-26-2006, 09:15 AM
" betcha I can thow this football over those mountains"

06-26-2006, 09:42 AM
we start practice august 1st. its a pain in the ***. i cant wait :o :ermm: :macho

06-26-2006, 09:45 AM
Played all through High School, never won alot of games but I played in the Big 30. 4 years ago, we started the alumni football game between us and our old high school rivals....You must have lettered in Football and be atleast 25 years old to play. IT IS A BLAST!!!!!!! Full contact, no holds bar......oldest guy on our team was 57! It's funny some guys had their kids dropping them off for football practice. :D

06-26-2006, 10:30 AM
I play football. we have to do summer school to do weights and running all that fun stuff since the begining of june. then our 2nd camp is july 17-21 and 2 adays start aug 7 for two weeks then reg practice starts after that. lol hopefully ill be in better conditioned then i was last year. adleast i know what to expect this year since im not a freshmen this year. its kinda a pain it takes up so much of yuo summer. hopefully ill play a little versity this year.:devil:

washington blue jays

06-26-2006, 02:24 PM
Football time is all year round for us. The minute the season ends it's lifting and speed training. When summer rolls around in lifting, passing leagues, and scouting camps. July 31st is when we start though. Can't wait. I'm dreaming of the first kick off of the season everynight.

06-26-2006, 04:17 PM
I'm not playing this year thankfully:) But last year we had practice from 7-9, one hour break then 10-12... Before that we had just lifting and running for two hours.... We had two camps, one at our field, and then a triple threat option camp that we had to take a bus to for 4 hrs or 3. There he had 3 practices a day 2 hours ea (Took it easy on us since it was so hot), but still sucked.

06-26-2006, 04:27 PM
yea our coach today told us " trust me you guys your going to be in the best shape of your lives when you get off the field with me in december" i was thinking o great.

06-26-2006, 08:19 PM
we just got a new coach this year. thank god:D . maybe we can go somewhere this year. we lift all year around except for 2 weeks after school is out then start agian and run. I go an 5:30am on mondays and thursdays(lifting and running days)then on wed. I go at 6:00 and that is our run till you die day:scary:

06-26-2006, 09:00 PM
back in '82 i could throw a pig skin quarter mile... yep.. quarter mile.. if coach woulda put me in we woulda been state champs, no doubt, no doubt in my mind... woulda went pro and would be chillin in a jacuzzi soakin it up with my soul mate...

06-26-2006, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by jcv400ex
Played all through High School, never won alot of games but I played in the Big 30. 4 years ago, we started the alumni football game between us and our old high school rivals....You must have lettered in Football and be atleast 25 years old to play. IT IS A BLAST!!!!!!! Full contact, no holds bar......oldest guy on our team was 57! It's funny some guys had their kids dropping them off for football practice. :D

sweetness... man, i play in some flag city leagues, and we used to have some pretty crazy turkey bowls... hte turkey bowls arent too aggresive- my body aint what it used to be :D and i dont want to get hurt and miss out my 4 day thanksgiving dune trip :D

06-26-2006, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by ride hard man
I'm not playing this year thankfully:)

what the hell are you talking about...
boy if you only knew...

06-26-2006, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Hondadudeehhhh
Football time is all year round for us. The minute the season ends it's lifting and speed training. When summer rolls around in lifting, passing leagues, and scouting camps. July 31st is when we start though. Can't wait. I'm dreaming of the first kick off of the season everynight.

That is pretty muxh what we do to

06-27-2006, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Hondadudeehhhh
Football time is all year round for us. The minute the season ends it's lifting and speed training. When summer rolls around in lifting, passing leagues, and scouting camps. July 31st is when we start though. Can't wait. I'm dreaming of the first kick off of the season everynight.

yah. way to be a role model for "ride hard man"

enjoy it while you can cuz youre sure gunna miss it... and even if you go on and play at the next level, i promise you its not the same and not as fun...

06-27-2006, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by 250r4life
what the hell are you talking about...
boy if you only knew...
Thanks for being a dick about it:rolleyes: Ya, i'm not playing this year and I won't ever again (My coaches take it way to serious, and i'm not the best so I can't give them what there looking for)...
But when I played my freshman and the years before that, it was all fun which is the way I like it! I don't care if I win (some people cry, but I don't care as long as I like it)...

But to be honest, it took to much time, and me and my dad want to start getting to work on restoring my car, and we just want to hang out more.

06-27-2006, 06:56 PM
But to be honest, it took to much time, and me and my dad want to start getting to work on restoring my car, and we just want to hang out more. what kind of a car are you goin to restore. my uncle has a 69 gto judge.
If I get another concussion this year I am not alowed to play the rest of my Highschool years.

06-27-2006, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by ride hard man
Thanks for being a dick about it:rolleyes: Ya, i'm not playing this year and I won't ever again (My coaches take it way to serious, and i'm not the best so I can't give them what there looking for)...
But when I played my freshman and the years before that, it was all fun which is the way I like it! I don't care if I win (some people cry, but I don't care as long as I like it)...

if you don't care so much about winning it's a good thing you aren't playing. The coaches take it serious for a reason, there are kids that live and die for football. Then there are the ones who show up in august expecting to play but haven't done crap all year and their parents complain about them not getting any playing time.

hey if you arent digging football anymore and if it's not fun for you, then there isnt any reason to waste your time. I just love every part of football and couldnt imagine giving it up.

06-27-2006, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Hondadudeehhhh
if you don't care so much about winning it's a good thing you aren't playing. The coaches take it serious for a reason, there are kids that live and die for football. Then there are the ones who show up in august expecting to play but haven't done crap all year and their parents complain about them not getting any playing time.

hey if you arent digging football anymore and if it's not fun for you, then there isnt any reason to waste your time.

Exactly, it wasn't fun anymore... But ya I did go to all the camps, all the practices, everything, the weight lifting and all..

But anyways... I'm restoring a 70 Challenger SE, and also a 69 truck... Both rust buckets now, but give em some time:)

06-28-2006, 12:30 AM
i used to play football. i played for 2 years. i tore my rotator cough to chit, got a concussion, and have permenant nerve damage in my right arm. i'm kinda glad that i don't play anymore because if i did i'd be in pretty bad shape. because it seemed as time went on injuries kept gettin worse and worse because i would never let any of my injuries have time to heel because i wanted to play so bad. after all my injuries and chit i noticed that i wasn't having as much fun as i had when i first started playing so i don't play anymore. plus i never was a good team player. i would always get mad at somebody and end up getting in fights after the game with some of my team mates. and the worst part about playing is when ppl ask you if ur playing this year. cus when i say no they act all ignorant and cocky. then i open my mouth up and end up getting in another fight because i don't like it when ppl poke their nose in my business and try and tell me what i should and shouldn't do.

06-28-2006, 01:44 AM
Well where to begin we started bout amonth ago with weight training and running go monday wednesday thursday for 3 hours come august 7th im gonna be one hurting unit but when the guy in the big box above the crowd goes "everybody up for the kick off" and i see my girlfriend "cheerleader" on the side lines its all worth it then on the drive home listen to the local radio have my coach on and hearing my name as long as all my friends on there i know why i go through the pain!!!


06-28-2006, 03:21 PM
they say only God can build character faster than football fields... i beleive that... football isnt all about fun and games... yes, it is meant to be and is supposed to be fun... but like life- its not all about fun and games...
is training fun? well, it depends... sometimes it sucks and it kicks your ***... i realize that... parts of it i hated, parts of it i loved... i loved doing squats and having the bar bending and bouncing up and down cuz of all the weight...
does conditioning suck- for sure...
but nothing worth having comes free... there is a lot of work that goes into football... its not all fun and games...
however there definately are the rewards... pancaking somebody on a block... stiff arming somebody to the ground... i always loved making tackles for a loss over on the opponents side of the field, and then getting up and looking right at the coach, and shake my finger and head at him and let him know "you better run away from me." going on a blitz and sacking the quarterback, and having a packed crowd go nuts... thats what its all about in the end...

you say you werent the best... thats a pretty lame excuse...
my take on it is there may not be anybody that you are more giften than, but there isnt anybody that you can't out work....

i dunno... football isnt for everybody.. unfortunately i beleive society has become sissified... all the kids today stay inside and play video games all day... good ol' fashioned *** whoopings rarely happen... its ridiculous...

06-28-2006, 04:37 PM
To me, it was all about fun, going out there and making my parents/coaches proud. And ya, some practices were fun this year, but my freshmen year there was not a single time that I didn't want to go to practice or lift in the weight room. I used to love tackling drills, going up against people who were better than me, and just proving that I wasn't going down without a fight! One time at practice, I dropped kicked a dummy that we were supposed to tackle, I mean it was all about fun the coach laughed and just told me to go again.

Last year changed all of that, I didn't want to go to practice, didn't want to do anything much, I pretty much just lost my motivation. It was still fun, but we had a new coach, and practices were a lot different. I think one reason was because I really liked wide reciever cause it was a fun position and I could just lay people out when they weren't payin attention (Plus I played it 4 years straight), but they moved me to halfback and I didn't really like it much... I was like 4th string, and when I was wideout I was out there every 2 plays.

IDK, maybe i'll regret it, and maybe this year woulda been different, but I guess i'll never know.

Edit: I was serious when game time came around, but when practice was here I just came to have fun, try my hardest, and learn as much as I could.

06-29-2006, 03:38 PM
as far as if you regret it or not, i guess it depends on what you do instead...

if you do it to just hang out, or even to get a job, you will regret it... you will earn chump change in highschool and looking back playing football would definately be wroth a measley couple thousand dollars...

06-29-2006, 03:58 PM
I'm playing....my class hasn't won a single game in 2 years and theres only about 5 of us left that play..I'd really rather race but the family likes to watch it so I'll play...

06-29-2006, 06:38 PM
I play for my high school we just got back from a 4 day camp we had 3 practices each day, we only have 1 week off all year and that is the week after the season then we start lifting until the last 2 weeks of the school year we start conditioning and still lift until july 10th when we start conditioning again and then we have 2 a days starting August 15th until the season starts. I love playing and have been playing football since I was 8 years old, I cant wait untill the season starts and be out te under the lights every friday night.

06-29-2006, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Holsh
what kind of a car are you goin to restore. my uncle has a 69 gto judge.
If I get another concussion this year I am not alowed to play the rest of my Highschool years.

How many concusions do you have?

I have 2 Serious and 4 Minor. It sucks be careful. I think I should always wear a helmet. If i hit my head on something I feel disy.

06-29-2006, 09:29 PM
How many concusions do you have? well I have had a few minor ones before and the bad one last year that I had. I got it teh first play of the game and played the rest of the game. I was a soph. starting at fullback and wasent goin to give up aginst the biggest game of our year.(bad Idea) my friends said they couldn't understand me on the side line. and one play I went the oppisite way of the play. head hurt for a long time after that.
as long as my head doesn't start felling bad this year I am goin to play.

06-29-2006, 09:54 PM
I lift and run three days a week for two hours in the mornings. We have some 7 on 7 passing camps coming up against some pretty worthy teams (Southern Columbia and Mt. Carmel are the two I'm looking forward to). Theres not much I love more than Coal Region Football. It's pretty much my life. I started two games last year as a freshman at center at a measley 165 lbs. A senior missed his last two games because he was failing so I had to step up in his position. Since then I put on 20 lbs and I'm hoping I can be a regular starter this year. I also had to play Inside Backer last year in a pinch in JV's and the varsity coach happened to be there and liked how I 'play and now he wants to try me there full time. I never played anywhere but the line my whole life, and I love it.