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View Full Version : I will Build It

jimmie collins
06-24-2006, 09:04 PM
OK it looks like I'm going to build a race track when I get the funds to bring a Dozer back in .I have a 6 acre field I mow to keep the weeds down It is a good spot for a track with some jumps. Then we can also have some race action . Got lots of realy cool people out this weekend to ride and camp . They are all from Zanesvill. They like my place . 100acres of woods and lots of trails.
Keep riding, safe Thanks to all the replys It is encouraging .

Over-land 450r
06-25-2006, 09:28 PM
were at??

06-26-2006, 04:36 PM
where r u located

jimmie collins
06-27-2006, 08:58 PM
our place is in Coshocton County Ohio % miles north of Dresden Ohio Very Remote area Houses are about a 1/4 mile apart . but we are only about # miles from the state rourt 16.